Did you know that only 21% of B2B companies believe they have a positive ROI on their marketing ?

Source : Content Marketing Institute
A low figure that shows that most companies have difficulty promoting themselves and attracting customers.
Obviously, content marketing is only a small part of a bigger whole: Digital marketing.

With the evolution of technology, this pillar of the web forces B2B companies to constantly push the limits using increasingly innovative strategies.
Today, a digital marketing approach that works for one business may not work for another. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore the strategies that other companies are adopting to meet the various challenges of their business.
In this logic, I have gathered in this article 71 examples of digital marketing strategies, from different B2B companies, that will inspire you and maybe give you some ideas of strategy to adopt for your company.
Let’s go!
1. Goshido

Goshido is a co-working platform that allows people from all over the world to work with ease.
The company led a campaign on LinkedIn to find the capital necessary to start its activities.
To achieve this, she identified potential investors whom she then contacted. About $150,000 was raised through this channel.
2. JMF International Trade Group

JMF International Trade Group is a business consultancy and contract manufacturer.
Its director, James Filbird, took actions that any business owner could do to develop his business.
He logged in. He kept his LinkedIn profile up to date. He joined about fifty LinkedIn groups. He participated in discussions and moved conversations to Skype. And he very often revived his contacts in relation to his services
James Filbird thus attributes to LinkedIn the turnover of $5,000,000 of the company he created.
3. LogMyCalls

To improve their marketing strategies, companies use the American LogMyCalls.
This call tracking service exerted an effort of 150 blog posts in 50 days. The company saw a 400% increase in leads in 90 days.
“With a business our size, engagement has to be high to produce 3 unique and useful blog posts per day. On top of that, we also produce 2 original marketing webinars every week, monthly case studies, a variety of marketing white papers, and some humorous and awesome marketing call follow-up videos,”
says McKay Allen, Inbound Marketing Manager, to explain the origin of such a performance.
4. HubSpot

Hubspot is a B2B company that builds software for sales, marketing, and customer support teams.
The company has focused all its digital marketing efforts on social networks and on sharing quality content. She strived to solve her clients’ problems in order to win new ones.
To achieve this, whenever its target market needs information to succeed, HubSpot is the first to publish guides addressing the subject. At the slightest change in the sphere of online marketing, Hubspot publishes a guide to help its customers manage the change. The company has made sure to always share the best advice of the moment, the most reliable knowledge possible, and all this for free.
It has thus become, little by little, the educational reference of its market. This famous software start-up, which appeared on the scene in 2006, two years later reached a turnover of 2.2 million dollars. Four years later, the company declared a turnover of 52 million dollars.
5. AT&T

The American telephony giant has had some bad times. With a business relationship with a key Fortune 500 customer having suffered for five years in a row, sales had dried up and the company needed to get back on track.
The company has therefore set up a whole new team to take up the challenge. The latter decided to take an entirely new approach that places a strong emphasis on building relationships through social media.
With the training of Mark Schaeferand the technical support of their marketing team, they began to implement a content marketing strategy aimed at people of strategic interest to the former client.
The result after 18 months: $47 million in new business was awarded to AT&T, directly tied to social media outreach.
6. Allina health

Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Allina Health is a healthcare system whose main mission is to preserve the most precious asset of every human being: Health.
To this end, the system owns and manages a dozen hospitals, a hundred clinics and specialized centers, and a whole host of pharmacies.
The company ran a digital marketing campaign that generated $1,052,828 per year with a return on investment of over 152%.
To achieve this, Allina Health used CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software to analyze patient data.
It then made tactical adjustments, with the aim of:
- Reducing admissions to its hospitals;
- Reduce patient stay;
- To improve the treatment of depression, strokes, and angioplasties.
7. Unitrend

Unitrends is a subsidiary of the computer company Kaseya. She specializes in data protection, backup and service continuity.
Content with too many technical terms can quickly become boring. Unitrends understood this, and for this reason, decided to make a whitepaper more fun by creating a Halloween horror game for its users.
This approach allowed the company to attract the attention of 300 prospects, of which 185 were converted into customers generating $300,000 in new sales for the company.
8. Cisco

Cisco is a global expert in IT, networking and cybersecurity solutions. For its digital campaign, it has set up a listening center for social networks.
With more than 5,000 posts captured per day on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks, Cisco has made huge profits.
On the one hand, the company has saved itself the expenses associated with the services of external intermediary agencies, and interactions with customers. On the other hand, the campaign thus carried out made it possible to increase the productivity of the team and to identify new sales opportunities.
This campaign enabled Cisco to achieve a 281% return on investment in 5 months and generated an annual profit of $1,596,292.
9. Adobe

Adobe is a company specializing in the publishing and marketing of graphics, audio and video editing software. She has chosen to carry out impressive digital marketing campaigns directly in the tools she offers.
As a result, very beautiful creations greet users when starting any of the software in the suite.

Source : Pinterest
To promote the company, the company proceeds in a rather particular way: Advertise its customers. Adobe mainly publishes useful content on its LinkedIn for the promotion and development of its customers.

10. Alcatel-Lucent

Alcatel-Lucent, today acquired by Nokia, was a company born of the merger between two companies:
- Alcatel (Alsacienne de Constructions Atomiques, de Télécommunications et d’Électronique), a French company specializing in telecommunications;
- And Lucent, an American company specializing in the same sector.
The company to conduct its campaign had first identified the problems of its customers.
Then, in a series of videos published with more than 600,000 copies, Alcatel-Lucent addressed and provides its customers with ways to solve these problems.
This series of videos was accompanied by another series of ebooks, all to capture the attention of buyers. 25 prospects were converted thanks to this campaign!
11. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is a health insurance company based in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Due to public controversy over the Affordable Care Act (ACA) signed into law in 2010 by President Barack Obama, the company had lost the public’s attention and needed to win it back.
To do this, it has Skyword to republish an existing one: The Benefits Guide.

This newsletter, which transmits news and decisions relevant to pension beneficiaries, has resulted in an increase of:
- 103% of page views bringing the total number of page views to 798,000 from 2016 to 2017,
- 102% of searches from the second to third quarter of 2017.
12. Automatic Data Processing (ADP)

To identify potential buyers and convert readers into sales opportunities, the American supplier of IT solutions for human resources and payroll management (ADP) has developed a flagship program .
This program uses website analytics, marketing automation and various ranking techniques to:
- Identify key buyer personas;
- Personalize content;
- And send support emails to those buyers.
This initiative, called the Research Nurture Program, was intended to encourage a long-term commitment from potential buyers.
The result was, as you would expect, thousands of successful sales opportunities.
13. Axway

Axway is a software publisher, which develops tailor-made software solutions and services in the digital fields. Axway provides, for example, for companies that request it, services to manage and secure all internal interactions within a company (mail, services, processes, etc.).
The company started a LinkedIn to stand out from the ever-increasing competition.
Indeed, although Google Adwords was successful in generating leads, the battle for the most important keywords was fierce and drove up conversion costs.
By specifically targeting job titles, sectors and functions, Axway was able to generate a 25% conversion rate with the lowest cost per conversion ever.
14. Blackbaud

Blackbaud is a cloud computing provider serving social communities:
- Non-profit organizations;
- Foundations;
- Businesses;
- health organizations;
- Religious organizations;
- Etc…
Its products are mainly focused on:
- Fundraising;
- Website management;
- Customer relationship management;
- Analysis;
- Financial management;
- Ticketing ;
- And the administration of education.
Fundraising solutions, although not the same, must necessarily ensure income for arts organizations. To differentiate between the two fundraising methods offered by Blackbaud (Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT and Blackbaud Altru), the company launched its Choose Your Solution.
The campaign is made up of an interactive quiz to help arts and cultural organizations choose the fundraising solution that best suits their needs.
It also helped identify leads faster and avoid repetitive introductory questions from sales reps.
This campaign allowed the company to obtain 36 leads which raised $34,000 and obtained a conversion rate to opportunities of 42%.
15. Bottomline Technologies

Bottomline Technologies is an American company that helps businesses pay their dues and get paid too.
It based a new digital marketing campaign on infographics, white papers and checklists to back up its quarterly email outreach campaigns.
Nothing very special at first glance. However, it has made subtle adjustments to deliver content in tune with pop culture events and relevant to different industries.
Within 24 hours, the infographics were downloaded 1,000 times and 62% of internet users were new contacts.
16. Broadridge

Broadridge is an American provider of digital solutions for the finance industry.
From the acquisition of new contracts to complete customer satisfaction, the sales process can be quite long. The company, in an effort to maintain the attention of its customers, therefore created a campaign that would regularly inform buyers about the company’s offers.
This campaign, including infographics, ebooks, FAQs, was associated with an internal initiative to educate sellers on the objectives of the campaign as well as marketing techniques to better interact with buyers and take full advantage of these interactions.
This campaign resulted in 2,133 new business contacts and 6,995 content downloads.
17. CAS

The Reason to exist of the CAS, a division of theAmerican Chemical Society, is to provide research organizations that request it, with a team of scientists, technologists and business leaders.
CAS provides its clients with teams that have a long and successful track record in:
- Advancing research;
- Reorient an existing technology;
- Or make strategic investment decisions.
To draw customers’ attention to the possibilities extra time could provide, CAS has developed the Where Does Your Time Go ?

This interesting and useful content was viewed 20,400 times and generated 489 leads for the company.
18. Channel Advisor

ChannelAdvisor is a cloud-based e-commerce solutions provider.
The company started two separate ABM (Account-Based Marketing) campaigns focusing its sales and marketing resources on targeted strategic accounts.
For the first campaign, 116 prospects each received an Amazon Tap with a ChannelAdvisor Alexa Skill call-to-action button. This feature allows prospects to directly access the blog and various company services.
The second campaign was similar with the difference that 161 prospects each received an Amazon Fire 7 with a pre-installed ChannelAdvisor application.
The return on investment for these campaigns was 130% and 39% of the opportunities generated were new business opportunities. .
19. Cherwell Software

Cherwell Software is an American company based in Colorado and specialized in IT service management.
It has partnered with TopRank Marketing to set up an influencer program for the ITSM (IT Service Management) industry.
To pique public interest ahead of launch, the company edited and promoted several blog posts, an infographic, and a co-hosted webinar with influencers.
An ebook titled IT Service Management 2020 kicked off the campaign by showcasing influencers’ views on the future of the IT service management industry.

All influencers helped share the program. The effective download rate exceeded the average expected rate by more than 240% and traffic on the company’s website increased by 29% from social networks.
The prospects influenced by this campaign contributed 22% of the projected revenue for 2017.
20. Ciox Health

Ciox Health is a U.S.-based health information management company that helps customers effectively leverage healthcare information to optimize operations, achieve better outcomes and increase revenue.
She partnered with Content4Demand to uncover new sales leads to the target audience. After defining the targets using detailed personas, they developed personalized and specific content at each stage of the buyer’s journey.
The full campaign included interactive quizzes, checklists, infographics and FAQs. It reached 1,884 leads with an open rate of 42.8% and a click-through rate of over 14.5.
21. Cision

Cision is a software suite for media relations management and digital marketing.
The company noticed an interesting opportunity in the PR industry. It has therefore partnered with Altimeter, an influencer company, to lead a campaign to exploit this opportunity.
Together they created a Slideshare presentation that served as tools for public relations and technology building.
With the campaign targeting an audience of 2,000,000 people, the company was able to get over 600 leads.
22. Crowe Horwath

Crowe Horwath is a multinational accounting network comprising more than 220 companies or more than 42,000 employees in 130 countries. It is the 8th largest global accounting network of this type.
For one of its content marketing campaigns, the firm targeted 4 different industries with 48 pieces of content.
The complete campaign consisted
- of: Case studies;
- Briefing notes;
- Infographics;
- Checklists;
- Brainshark videos;
- And questions and answers.
It targeted senior executives in financial institutions with assets of at least $1 billion.
This campaign had a 70% open rate and 778 contacts engaged with Crowe, with 2 of those engagements generating nearly $250,000 in revenue.
23. Emma
Specializing in digital marketing campaigns by email, Emma wanted to promote collaboration and community learning.
At the same time, the company wanted to discover the pillars that drive agencies and marketers today.
For this purpose, the company interviewed around 200 marketers and well over 25 industry experts to assess the goals, concerns and constraints they face.
Emma then compiled all of this data into her first report on the email marketing industry.

The report garnered 41,000 unique views and downloads of this report contributed 37% of the company’s content downloads.
24. Equifax

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, the credit company has developed a campaign based on several communication media.
Between emails, social networks and webinars, the quarterly webinars were the main focus of the campaign, allowing the company to take advantage of reports on credit trends and current economic trends to reach its target.
This campaign increased webinar registrations by more than 200%, nearly tripling the number of webinar attendees.
25. Experian Marketing Services

Experian Marketing Services is an Irish company that provides data and CRM tools for small and medium-sized businesses worldwide.
Experian Marketing Services has launched a digital marketing campaign to help businesses better orient themselves and drive better digital marketing initiatives. So she edited The Digital Marketer, a report on current trends.
This content has been downloaded more than 8,000 times and generated 359 leads at the same time.
26. Fisher Tank Co.

Fisher Tank is an American company specialized in:
- engineering,
- manufacturing,
- construction,
- maintenance and repairs of storage tanks.
It is one of the leading manufacturers providing full welded steel storage tank manufacturing service.
Sales of these huge masses of steel and other Fisher Tank services were almost always made by tender or were the result of requests for quotes, recommendations, or telephone prospecting. The reason being that the company’s projects are worth millions of dollars and generally last between one and several years.
Fisher Tank needed to boost its business and a digital marketing campaign was in order. The company has therefore patiently improved its website, including a blog and quality content that is completely free.
Using this content marketing, she was able to increase her website traffic by 119%, resulting in a 500% increase in quote requests and a staggering 3,900% increase in lead conversions.
27. Get Satisfaction

Get Satisfaction is a community software platform that companies generally use to satisfy questions:
- Marketing and sales;
- Related to the implementation of traffic creation strategies;
- Online customer support;
- Collecting comments.
Thanks to a digital marketing campaign based on a CRM strategy, the company had a return on investment of 104% the first month following the deployment of the campaign, 168% the second month and 248% the month after.
28. Glassdoor

Glassdoor is a meeting point for employers looking for skills and individuals looking for a job.
The company gained its notoriety as a leader in recruitment and human resources thanks to an ebook called Employer Branding for Dummies.
This ebook made up 28% of online content in 2014. It was also highly profitable and highly successful generating 27% of leads out of the audience reached.
29. Grant Thornton

Grant Thornton is a consulting, auditing and financial advisory firm. It is ranked sixth in the world for auditing and consulting firms.
The company launched its largest research program and, at the same time, the largest leadership campaign in its history. This is to help business leaders find ways to accelerate their business growth and manage the disruptions that arise at times.
This campaign named Growth and Future of Industry included over 60 pieces of content and also targeted social media. The company also took advantage of paid media to increase the reach of the campaign as well as its visibility with its customers and prospects.
This campaign, exceeding all expectations, enabled Grant Thornton to exceed its reach objective by 4 times and its conversion rate objective by 7.5 times.
30. Harland Clarke

Harland Clarke is a leading provider of payment solutions and integrated marketing services.
To secure a good deal ahead of the launch of its new GRC Spotlight product for financial institutions, the company collaborated with Kevin Malicki to create the Keeping Up with Kevin.
Subject matter expert Kevin Malicki has participated in video lectures where he provides guidance and helps get started in the GRC space through real-life scenarios. The videos were relayed on social networks, and mainly on LinkedIn.
This resulted in 33,000 comments on LinkedIn, a 22% increase in Malicki’s LinkedIn connections, and a 110% increase in views of Malicki’s LinkedIn profile.
31. IBM

IBM, whose full name is International Business Machines Corporation, is an American multinational which operates mainly in computing (hardware, software) and other services such as cloud computing.
Web-based services (cloud computing and data security) were a problem. Standard B2B marketing strategies to sell hard and soft products didn’t work very well with web services.
IBM therefore proceeded differently. She launched an initiative to keep up to date with trending and current topics that users were interested in in these areas. Called “intelligent listening”, or “intelligent listening”, this program monitors social networks for ongoing conversation about cloud computing, and lists the questions raised.
All the sales team had to do was check an RSS feed, and post content that matched the context of the identified discussions.
This resulted in 10 orders on day one, and orders in the quarter continued to grow to more than 4 times the number of orders at the same time a year earlier.
32. inContact

This call center software company has trained half of its team in social selling. Using LinkedIn and Eloqua, sales executives were trained to engage with customers through social selling.
After a year, half of the team, the one that had been trained, had clearly increased its performance. Sales reps using LinkedIn were able to see a 122% increase in revenue, while those using LinkedIn and Eloqua were able to increase their revenue by 157%.
Today, the entire company is trained in social selling.
33. Influitive

Influitive wants to be the cornerstone of its customers to succeed in their customer marketing. The company, in order to promote its AdvocateHub legal defense platform to a wide audience, created a video and various ebooks.
The video featured on a late night talk show has been viewed over 1,500 times and has helped generate over $990,000 in sales earnings.
34. Informa

Informa is a company that helps professionals manage information, learn more and do more.
In order to capture the attention of online audiences, stimulate leads and drive engagement, the company held a contest called World’s Greatest Engineer Movie.
The competition was a great success. The contest page was viewed 63,000 times. She recorded 1,487 votes, and generated more than 3,200 leads.
35. Inspired Marketing

Inspired marketing is a company that sells ebooks and comprehensive training programs. How to use social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to create and grow your business? This is the theme addressed by the products of Inspired Marketing.
The company has invested in conducting webinars to boost its business.
Lewis Howes, President and Co-Founder of Inspired Marketing says, “In January 2011, we achieved $250,000 in revenue from just seven GoToWebinar events.”
Even better, the previous year, in 2010, the company and its partners presented more than 300 webinars, an investment that allowed them to reach a turnover of more than 2.5 million dollars in 2011.
36. Ipswitch

Ipswich is a company specializing in the development of software for small and medium-sized businesses.
She targeted IT professionals via social media by creating a podcast and the Defrag This.

This resulted in a 200% growth in subscribers, 174% in monthly visitors, and 133% in organic blog traffic.
37. Kount

Kount is an award-winning provider of anti-fraud technology.
The team produced webinars and video ads to provide content specific to its market as well as personalized insights focused on specific trends and industries.
On top of that, the team completed the Fraud World Tour, 11 cities, 5 countries, a dozen experts. All during four hours of live.
On average, 450 participants registered per session for the webinars. The video ads have been viewed thousands of times. And thousands of professionals have been reached in target regions including Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and the Middle East.
38. Lattice Engines

Lattice Engine is an application provider leveraging big data and artificial intelligence to help its clients, B2B marketers, better manage their marketing strategies.
The company, assisted by a research firm, conducted a study showing the impact of big data on sales. Ebooks, blog posts, interviews, Slideshare, and infographics were used to promote the study’s report.
This resulted in 500 downloads and 1,500 views of the report, which was also relayed by 15 blogs and media sites.
39. LeadPages

On the internet, there are a plethora of definitions of a lead page or landing page. Literally “referral page” or “destination page”, this is the page on which a user lands after clicking on a link.
Whether that link comes from another site, Google search results, email, or some other source, building a lead page is of paramount importance.
The landing page is a crucial variable in marketing campaigns, because it conditions the transformation of prospects into customers.
LeadPages specializes in creating and optimizing high-converting landing pages.
The company produces a lot of content, ranging from simple blogs to webinars, which it publishes for free. The variety of these resources allows the company to reach its customers where they are.
LeadPages was launched in 2012, and three years later reached over $16 million in revenue. Its owner attributes its rapid success to its content strategy, making it a great example of B2B content marketing.
40. Limelight Networks

An expert in internet content hosting and optimization, this Arizona-based company has implemented an educational marketing campaign to increase its revenue.
To achieve this, Limelight Networks has published the book Digital Presence For Dummies, which highlights the successes and failures of various companies and their digital presence.
This campaign was broadcast nearly 10,000 times on social media and press releases, generating over $200,000 in sales opportunities.
41. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social network that no longer presents itself. With more than 660 million registered members from 170 different sectors of activity, the company has what it takes to claim leadership in terms of professional social networking.
LinkedIn ran the Live with Marketers, a live talk show by marketers for marketers. Thanks to this campaign, the target audience could find solutions to sensitive points relating to marketing.
Marketing attribution, ROI optimization, social media business impact, it was all there!!!
12,000 people registered for this project and 5,000 participants were live. This campaign made it possible to significantly exceed the income usually obtained through traditional webcasts.
42. Logicalis

This company focuses on inbound and outbound customer management solutions.
To develop her business, she used content such as emails, microsites and ebooks. Logicalis also made a real effort to send personalized messages based on how prospects interacted with the campaign.
With a target audience of approximately 2,000 people, nearly $8 million in new business has been won through this process.
43. Lumedx

Lumedx is a small healthcare technology company that employs 100 people.
Needing to stand out from the big brand competition, the company used webinars to cost-effectively raise awareness of its cardiovascular imaging and information systems product. She also ran lead generation campaigns and built a strong rapport with customers.
In this way, Lumedx having acquired more than 500 new customers, gained a competitive advantage over much larger companies and achieved an annual turnover of more than 600,000 dollars.

Maersk is a Danish maritime transport company whose very first voyage dates back to 1928. It was only in 2011 that the company began to use social media to increase its notoriety and better understand its market. In this way, it could better capture the attention of its potential customers and better satisfy them.
Maersk’s presence on each network is tailored to that platform. For example on LinkedIn, she promotes job offers and publishes articles on the work culture within the company. On Instagram, she encourages her followers to post pictures of her ships using the hashtag #Maersk.The company currently has more than 3 million Facebook (of which approximately 15% are customers), 80,000 Twitter, 150,000 Instagram, as well as active accounts on Tumblr, YouTube and Google+.
45. MailChimp

Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service.
On Instagram, Mailchimp has done tremendous feats to communicate effectively with its audience, display great graphics, and show off the company’s personality.
Although very few of its Instagram posts relate to the products and services it provides, the team always finds a clever way to make posts relevant to its audience and followers.

In this May 8, 2020 post from MailChimp, the co-founders of Instagram explain how the famous social network came to be. Who wouldn’t be interested in such a post?
MailChimp also uses its Instagram to feature stories and testimonials from real customers, which could positively impact potential consumers.

Finally, MailChimp uses LinkinBio, a tool that allows Instagram users to go directly to its homepage. This creates a clear conversion path for consumers who discover or research MailChimp on Instagram and want to learn more about its website.
46. Marketo

Marketo is a subsidiary of Adobe specializing in the development and sale of marketing automation software.
The company has identified webinars as a key element for promoting leadership and an effective way to generate leads. As with many webinars, people signed up but didn’t always attend, Marketo made sure attendees remembered the webinar.
Although this added $2 to the investment per person, Marketo sent a small notification by telephone message to each registrant before the event.
Marketo’s investment paid off, increasing participants’ conversion rate from 26% to 48%.
47. MATRIXX Software

MATRIXX Software is an e-commerce platform created in 2008.
The company has published 44 books and five videos to show how its product brings value to customers.campaign 150 Points of Opportunity allowed the company to stand out from the competition and increase its performance.
Through this campaign, the website visit rate increased by 77% and the average session duration by 43%. The company also saw a 25% growth in interactions with target accounts and senior business executives.
48. Mattermark

Mattermark exists to help businesses find the most leads with the least amount of effort.
Mattermark takes the time to educate its subscribers without blatantly selling to them. Raise the Bar is the company’s daily newsletter that features opinions from leaders in a variety of fields: sales, marketing, development, and more.

This strategy was chosen by the leaders of Mattermark because it is simple to implement and very easy to consult, which is invaluable in a world full of complex information.
This strategy is a good example of B2B digital marketing, as it builds trust with their audience while equipping them with everything they need to know to make a purchase and become a serious customer.

NASDAQ is a stock exchange company founded in 1971. This company is currently the second largest US stock market, by trading volume, just after the New York Stock Exchange.
To publicize its leadership in the field of technology, it has developed a very interesting infographic in which it develops all the milestones of their innovation.
This content generated more than 2,300 views with an average viewing time of 3 minutes.
50. OpenText

Opentext is a software solution for enterprise information management.
The company has created an optimized welcome site for its new customers with varied content (white papers, checklists, product pages, case study, ebook, study report, etc.) and free of charge.
Thanks to this campaign, 1,700 new contacts were registered by the company, as well as 31 new opportunities worth $1.8 million.
51. Optum

Optum is a healthcare services company, which created a marketing campaign to reinforce the launch of a new solution, support sales and develop its leadership.
The marketing campaign consisting of infomercials, advertising posters, e-mails, a dedicated website, etc. has been successful.
It resulted in a 23.5% conversion rate, a 475% increase in website traffic, and a 28% increase in blog subscribers. Resources on the site have been downloaded over 2,500 times.
In the end, $52,000,000 in new business was awarded to Optum for an investment of less than $1,000,000.
52. Oracle
Oracle was founded in 1977 by computer scientists Lawrence Ellison, Ed Oates and Bob Miner, who decided to market software of the same name.
It is an SQL software for business management. Since then, the company has extended its activities to the sale of other software and services, the sale of hardware as well as consulting / training services in several areas.
The company developed The Modern Finance Leader, to establish itself as a leader in the world of finance.

This blog is for finance professionals. It provides content designed to educate and inform the public on the latest trends, not to mention hot topics in finance.
With more than 500 articles published, this blog has recorded more than 500,000 views, including 90,000 unique ones. In addition, website traffic, compared to the same quarter of the previous year, increased by 63%.
53. Panasonic

Panasonic is a Japanese company which operates in the fields of electronics.
For the launch of its brand new product, the Toughpad E1, the company modified its graphic charter, and shot an advertising video highlighting the product.
The video has received many positive reviews on social media. With more than 14,000,000 posts and 53,000,000 comments, the company can congratulate itself on having succeeded in its campaign.
54. PathFactory

To re-engage lost opportunities and empower the sales team with serious leads, LookBookHQ now PathFactory has developed a new solution that helps host immersive online events for visitors and empowers marketing / sales teams. sale an overview of the commitment of each participant.
The development of this solution was part of a larger marketing campaign program, called Caveman, which included a direct mail component and email sales tracking.
The company hosted 300 meetings, generated more than 50 new leads and recorded an overall conversion rate of 56%, a 27% increase over the previous year.
55. Paycom

Paycom is an American provider of online payroll and human resources technologies.
Paycom launched a digital campaign including podcasts, webinars and a series of blog posts. Paycom has also partnered with best-selling author and speaker Jacob Morgan as part of the same campaign.
Explaining to HR professionals why employee engagement is at an all-time low despite increased investment by employers was the purpose of this campaign.
The podcasts were downloaded 1,172 times and the blog posts viewed 1,410 times. Of the 255 participants registered live, 30 signed up for a Paycom consultation.
56. Pinpointe

Pinpointe serves small and medium businesses to provide email marketing automation services.
Basically, the company offered 15-day free trials of service and used traditional business strategies to find customers. This way of proceeding is no longer sufficient, the company has started to carry out webinars.
Since then, 1,000 additional prospects have been added each month and an average of 25 become customers who each generate $200 per month. Pinpointe was thus able to increase its annual turnover by almost 60,000 dollars.
57. Radius

Radius is a marketing platform provider. She launched the Revenue Ops by publishing an ebook in partnership with companies such as Heinz Marketing, Engagio, Forrester, and many others.
The purpose of this campaign was to educate prospects, marketers and sales specialists on their evolving importance in B2B businesses.
This ebook resulted in 500 downloads in the first two days and raised the company over $5,000,000.
58. RS Component

RS Component is an electronics distribution company. For its digital marketing campaign, the company has chosen to make its website a benchmark in the industry it serves.
RS Component therefore offers on its website a library of free tools and a community platform available in four languages which aims to be a support center for electronics amateurs and professionals.
One of the free design tools available in the library has been downloaded over 60,000 times and the site itself has amassed over 45,000 members in its first 12 months.
59. Shipserv

It’s kind of hard to imagine the shipping industry getting to grips with and being successful with social media, but Shipserv, one of the industry’s leading platforms, proves that it can be done very successfully.
After trying various social approaches, one as part of a customer engagement strategy, another as part of a much larger marketing strategy, the company was able to increase traffic to its site.
By the way, it also boosted brand awareness among competitors as well as future and potential prospects.
The company estimates that the result of its social media marketing for an initial investment of $30,000, would have required more than $150,000 if it had used traditional media.
60. Siemens PLM Software

Siemens PLM Software is a leading company specializing in 3D software and PLM solutions.
To promote digital twins and sons, Siemens PLM Software has published a series of blog posts answering common questions from customers and prospects about this topic.
The articles were viewed over 3,800 times, earning the company a #13 ranking on Google for the keyword “digital twin”.
61. SunGard

SunGard is an American company specializing in cloud computing solutions for businesses. To raise awareness of its cloud offerings, SunGard ran a zombie-themed campaign.
This campaign had a spectacular download rate of 300%, an email open rate of 5.7% and more than 20 leads.
62. Tempur Sealy

Tempur Sealy Hospitality manufactures and markets mattresses, adjustable bases, pillows and other sleep and relaxation products.
In order to no longer have to physically transport a mattress, the company collaborated with The Mx Group to create an interactive tool to present its mattresses. Thanks to this tool, sales representatives can present and sell mattresses online as well as at trade shows, without traveling or moving the mattresses.
The tool was highly appreciated by sales reps and B2B prospects in the hospitality industry who was the intended audience.
63. The Trade Desk

The main mission of this company: to put the media at the service of humanity.
As the World Cup approaches, The Trade Desk has shot an advertising video in which it highlights how a completely fictitious brand manages to use The Trade Desk’s platform for real-time advertising auctions.
This was done by the company to encourage ad buyers to engage.
The video has been viewed over 276,000 times, with a click-through rate of 0.74 and 83 new contacts.
64. TopRank Online Marketing

TopRank Marketing is an agency specializing in content marketing. To promote its activities and the universe of content marketing, TopRank has published ebooks, 4 different infographics and around forty interviews presented in the same style as the book “Alice in Wonderland”.
This resulted in over 145,000 views on Slideshare, 20,000 on the blog, 2,000 downloads and 800 leads.
65. Trapit

Trapit is an American marketing specialist. She published a white paper to present the benefits of selling through socialization. This document has attracted more than 10,000 prime prospects and created up to 70% of leads.
66. Tyrolit

Tyroit is one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of grinding, cutting, sawing and drilling tools.
Tyroit used a CRM strategy to integrate products and solutions to reduce touchpoints and transaction costs.
The company was already generating $416 million in annual revenue from its more than 70,000 products manufactured in 19 factories for 60 countries. Thanks to its CRM strategy, it increased its costs by 25% and obtained a return on investment of 183% in two years.
67. Uberflip

Uberflip is a Canadian content marketing platform.
To provide its sales team with relevant information and quality leads, the company created an interactive marketing maturity assessment to help marketers analyze and situate themselves in their marketing processes.
This program was launched with an accompanying ebook to help users.
Thanks to this program, Uberflip obtained 907,843 views on its site and 1,297 clicks on social networks, all in just three months.
68. Veracode

Based in Burlington, Mass., this computer security company wanted to raise awareness and generate new demands for application security.
So she created the Application Security Program Journey consisting of various content mapped to the buyer’s journey, as well as multiple inbound and outbound strategies.

This campaign resulted in 4,000 inquiries, 479 opportunities, of which 241 were successful.
69. Wyng

Wyng is a company specializing in marketing. In order to raise awareness of the changing dynamics of digital marketing, Wyng formerly Offferpop launched its program called Staycation.
As part of this program, subscribers received free ebooks, infographics and videos. The campaign received over 10,000 visits and 7,013 leads.
70. Xactly

Xactly is a SaaS company that provides cloud-based software and services to enterprises. It offers tools to enable management of sales performance, sales effectiveness, sales compensation and employee engagement.
Using customer testimonials and product demos, Xactly worked to nurture existing relationships and drive demand through an integrated, buyer-focused campaign.
This campaign, called Power of X, was carried out by the company to prove its knowledge of buyer pain points and the effectiveness of its solutions. The company generated 280 new potential customers through this campaign.
71. Xerox

We end this series with Xerox, the American printing giant which has achieved an incredible performance.
To connect with 30 “big fish,” Xerox launched the Get Optimistic and partnered with Forbes to create a magazine that offers insightful business advice.
70% of targeted companies reacted to the campaign, the number of readers increased from 300 to 400% compared to previous campaigns. Xerox also acquired 20,000 new contacts and had 1,000 appointments.
The result was just impressive: 1.3 billion dollars in sales recorded by Xerox!!!
In summary
There are a thousand and one ways to conduct a profitable digital marketing campaign. Each company innovates in its own way with the means it has, depending on its industry as well as the public it targets.
In this article, you had the opportunity to discover the various digital marketing strategies adopted by 71 different companies to improve their performance.
For some of them, it was necessary campaigns to survive, while for others, the challenge was simply to improve turnover or awareness.
However, even if this list does not mention any campaigns that have known failures, that does not mean that they do not exist. Not all strategies pay off, but the most important thing is to constantly:
- Analyze them to detect the various flaws;
- Take inspiration from strategies that are already working for other companies while modeling them according to your business and your goals.
As Winton Churchill says:
I hope this article has helped you find a tactic or two to try with your business. Do not hesitate to share them with us.
See you soon !
Sources used for this article:
- https://blog.hellostepchange.com/blog/b2b-case-studies-to-inspire-your-inbound-marketing-strategy
- https://www.toprankblog.com/2018/05/ b2b-content-marketing-case-studies-2018/
- https://www.rightsourcemarketing.com/content-creation/innovative-b2b-case-studies/
- https://businessesgrow.com/2015/05/21/b2b- digital-marketing-case-studies/
- https://www.beacondigitalmarketing.com/case-studies/