Today, I will show you my favorite marketing tools…
The must-have online marketing tools
Discover the 5 must-have online marketing tools…
Find the elements I had the opportunity to present in my video:
I prefer to tell you right away, the list I am going to present you is perfectly subjective, ! It is a selection of tools that I like and use and therefore I want to present you. So the first tool that I really like is Google Analytics.
#1 Google Analytics
Powerful, free, but not so easy to use at first
If you don’t know Google Analytics
at all, it’s a free, ultra-powerful and often, unfortunately, extremely misused tool. Why do you think this is so? Let’s face it, it’s not a very “user friendly” tool, and therefore easy to use by default. To use it correctly, you need a minimum of settings, especially to use the filter system efficiently. So overall, it’s necessary to get to grips with it before you really understand how it works.What is Google Analytics used for?
Generally speaking, we can say that Google analytics will allow you to have an “analytical” vision of the activity of your website. In a more precise way, I will present you the following elements:
Follow the level and type of traffic
First, Google analytics will allow you to track your level and type of traffic that will go to your website. Thus, you will be able to follow over time, if your website receives more or less visitors. You will also be able to see where the sources of your traffic come from. Indeed, it is particularly relevant when you have a website to know concretely where your visitors were before arriving on your site. For example, the sources of traffic can be the following:
- Social networks
- From other websites <=> “Referral”
- From one of your email campaigns that you sent
- Directly from Google = Organic traffic
In short, there are many ways to come to your site. Therefore, understanding the sources of your traffic will allow you to prioritize certain sources over others.
Track the most attractive pages and articles
The second thing you can do with Google Analytics is to check the most attractive blog posts on your website. Why is this information important? Simply because when you have a website and a blog, I recommend you to write articles. If these blog posts are of interest to readers, then Google will highlight your content in the search engine so that more people can discover it. And so, by writing articles, some of them will be visited more than others. This is what I call the flagship articles. Knowing what your flagship articles are will allow you to optimize this content to make it even better, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will allow you to understand exactly what your audience is interested in and therefore succeed in writing other articles in the same vein.
Set up conversions
Then third point, Google Analytics will allow you to track conversions. When you create a website, it is to do something with it! For example, you want to sell more products, you want to get the emails of your visitors, etc… In short, the idea is to get a conversion at some point.
If you have an e-commerce site, the objective will clearly be to sell a product. If you have a blog, the objective is going to be to get the emails of your audience, in order to contact them directly if needed. In short, if you have a website, you will inevitably have conversion methods. Google Analytics will allow you to set up conversions for your website.
Second tool I recommend Google Search Console.
#2 Google Search Console
Track your organic traffic
Just like Google Analytics, Google Search consoles is free and ultra powerful. This tool will allow you to track your organic traffic, that is to say searches made in google that end up on your website. Me, I recommend you to couple the two tools namely Google Search consoles and Google Analytics. It will allow you to get a maximum of information.
Correct your mistakes
Google Search Console will allow you to identify certain errors that may be present on your site, which will then allow you to correct them.
A very useful optimization tool
During an SEO campaign, I use Google Search Console a lot, because it is an ultra powerful tool to monitor and especially optimize the content. There are several important pieces of information to look at closely:
- The CTR or “Click to Rate
- The impressions for the keywords
- The positioning of your pages in google
If all of this doesn’t speak to you too much, I will have the opportunity to make other videos where I will go into a little more detail. In any case, you should know that if you have a website and you want to optimize your content, you should absolutely have Google Search consoles because it is really a tool that will allow you to have an analytical look on the information
, and therefore to optimize in an extremely efficient way. Quantifiable numbers, rather than relying on chance, that’s the whole point of using Google Search Console.The third tool is “Ahrefs.”
#3 Ahrefs

A valuable tool that pays for itself
Now let’s talk about AHREFS. Unfortunately, it’s not a free tool, but it is, in my opinion, a very worthwhile solution.
Be proactive about backlinks
Basically, it’s really a tool that will allow you to track backlinks in particular. In SEO in general, and if you have a website there are two things that you need to prioritize if you want to rank well in Google. First, it is the fact of having quality content, first point. Second point, it’s going to be the fact of having a lot of backlinks. So thanks to AHREFs you will be able to follow your own backlinks, but more importantly, you will be able to see the backlinks of the competition. So if there are other websites that are on your sector, you will be able to see what their backlinks are, this is a really important element.
Thanks to Ahrefs, you will be able to get more backlinks especially by targeting, contacting websites that have already put similar links of similar articles to yours on their own site. Then, you can ask them to add the link of your article on their websites.
Understand what works with the competition
Secondly, you will be able to see the keywords on which your competitors are positioned. This is important information because it can be a source of very relevant content for your audience. Indeed, what works for others has a strong chance to work for you.
Generate traffic for your website
The keywords that you will target will be traffic generators. With AHREFs, you will see which articles bring the most traffic to your competition, and so you will be able to try to capitalize on their skills to try to get this traffic too.
Let’s see now, the fourth SemRush tool…
#4 SemRush
A tool very close to Ahrefs
SemRush is a tool extremely similar to Ahrefs. We can even say that it is one of the two main competitors of this type of tool. So what are the differences? One of the contributions of SemRush is in the area of advertisements. Indeed, with this tool you will be able to see the advertisements that are proposed by your competitors and you can therefore decide to use them for your own marketing strategy.
Between Ahrefs and SemRush: My heart swings
If you have the budget, I advise you to couple the two tools: Ahrefs and SEMrush. Why? Because finally, you will be able to get much more information, by comparing the different data you will get, and therefore, it will allow you to have a vision that will be a little more reliable, for example when choosing particular keywords, or that kind of thing.
Knowing that, between Ahrefs and SemRush, if you ever have to choose, I would recommend Ahrefs. It’s a very powerful tool, and with a lot of very useful features. Especially since with time, I’ve become much more knowledgeable and comfortable with Ahrefs, so it’s the tool I prefer.
The last tool I’m going to introduce to you is SumoMe.
#5 SumoME
Collect emails easily
Unlike the tools I presented before, SumoMe is a plugin used on WordPress. It is a free service up to a certain limit, and overall SumoMe will allow you to set up windows on your website. This is a very useful method when you want to collect emails. Indeed, when a person comes to your website, there is very little chance that he will come back in the future. Therefore, it is important to succeed in capturing these emails from your audience. Then, if you wish, you will be able to contact directly, in a much simpler way, these visitors who entrusted you their emails.
A/B testing function
A feature I really like with SumMe is A/B testing. Specifically, when you have different pop-ups, you can do tests, for example by putting different images, by offering alternative texts. In the end, you can compare what works best, depending on the audience, and thus capitalize on what works best.
Modalities of appearance
You can also make settings in time, in order to change the modalities of appearance of the pop-ups.
The small drawback
Overall, SumoMe is a plugin that is extremely well done, only small downside, sometimes, it can tend to slow down your website. So depending on the speed of your site, it may or may not be worth installing it. From my point of view, in any case, it is a really interesting tool.

In conclusion, I advise you when you have a website to try to have an analytical approach, and therefore professional, in relation to what you are going to do. For that, install absolutely Google Analytics and Google Search consoles, they are two free tools, so there is no reason not to have. Above all, they will allow you to have a much more rigorous approach, both in the creation and optimization of your content. Thanks to Google Analytics
and Google Search Console, you will be able to gauge what works, and therefore adapt your creations to what your audience really wants. In short, this is absolutely essential information that you can’t do without.Ahrefs or Semrush, are very good tools. Unfortunately, there is not really a very good alternative to these tools for free. If you don’t have the budget, I will have the opportunity to make other videos to present you solutions that are not perfect but that can be modalities to allow you to have information that will not be ideal but better than nothing in quotes.
So that’s it, I’m done, see you soon for the rest…