Like coworking spaces, the LinkedInLocalParis event is a “natural” form of networking, which makes it easy to connect with people from all walks of life!
During this event, there is a good chance that you will meet future clients, partners, collaborators or friends!
It’s true that LinkedIn profiles are often interesting and descriptive, but don’t forget that it’s with the human behind the profile that you’re going to exchange in a real way!
Finding out who they ARE, rather than just what they do, can deepen your business relationship even more!
I would like to point out that this is the second time I have had to organize this event, after the unexpected success of the first edition.

Of the 130 registered for this second edition, we were finally 40 participants to benefit from the networking advantages of this event. The event took place on Thursday, October 07, 2021 at “La Felicita”

In this mini-guide, I present you a report of the event with pictures that show the atmosphere of the place
You will also see the different reactions of the LinkedIn community to this initiative!
Let’s start!
Chapter 1: What is the LinkedInLocalParis event?
1.1. LinkedInLocalParis: What is it?
LinkedIn local is created with the aim of “moving from the virtual world to the real world”, i.e. inviting people who are in contact on LinkedIn to meet

It’s an easy way to turn virtual opportunities into real business relationships!

The concept is very simple: Meet for a drink in all simplicity without any headaches to discuss everything, especially
- Partnerships
- Opportunities ;
- Business
- Etc.
Let’s see now the real benefits you can enjoy by participating in this networking event.
1.2. Why attend the LinkedInLocalParis event?
There are several benefits you can get from attending an event like LinkedInLocalParis
Here are a few:
- Meet new people;
- Meet face-to-face with people you frequently interact with on LinkedIn;
- Connect with more people in your community;
- Find potential collaborators and business partners;
- Possibility of getting a job;
- Discover relevant information;
- Opportunity;
- Curiosity;
- And so on.
And here are some of the statements made by the participants of this event:
- 1st edition



- 2nd edition



1.3. LinkedInLocalParis: How to participate in the event?
Like the first edition, the participation to this second edition remains totally free
You will only have to make some personal expenses like a snack and your transportation costs if you leave far away. It’s still worth it if you measure the benefits you can get from this networking
To register, simply go to the Eventbrite platform and download the free ticket

To be informed about the next editions of LinkedInLocalParis, just follow the LinkedIn page of the event:

Now, let’s talk about where this networking event took place.
1.4. LinkedInLocalParis 2nd edition: What venue was chosen for the event?
As far as the location of our LinkedInLocalParis is concerned, I kept exactly the same place as the first event. It is ” La Felicita” , a vast “food market” with a surface of 4500 m2.
It is a really ideal place for this type of event, because it has almost all the characteristics that are necessary for everything to go well.
Here are some of these characteristics
- It is a very friendly bar and ideal for socializing;
- It can hold up to 80 people;
- A place where you can have a snack and a drink in a friendly atmosphere;
- Each person is responsible for his own consumption;
- It is located in the center of Paris;
- Possibility of nibbling with boards of cold cuts for example;
- A space conducive to browsing and meeting people;
- It does not require any deposit;
- It does not require a minimum of consumption.
All these criteria are well respected by “La Félicita”, and this is what convinced me to maintain this choice
Here are some pictures that show the overview of the place



The complete address is :
- La Felicità
- 5 Parvis Alan Turing
- 75013 Paris
- France
Here is a map that can help you to find your way easily

You can also refer to these indications to go to the place of the event:
- Metro Line 14 : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand

- Subway Line 6 : Chevaleret

- RER C : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand

1.5. LinkeldinLocalParis #2: When did it take place?
The second edition of LinkedInLocalParis took place on Thursday, October 07, 2021 at 7pm
As a reminder, the first one was also held on a Thursday at 7pm, but it was on February 27, 2020
After reading these two previous sentences, I am sure you will probably be asking yourself these two questions:
- Why choose a Thursday (business day) for such an event, rather than a weekend?
- Why wait until October 2021 to launch the second edition, when the first one took place in February 2020?
I will start with the first concern: If I chose a special day of the week, it is to allow you to have your own weekend!
For the second point, I will say that it is more for a common reason. As you know, the COVID effect has had a devastating effect in the last few months and sanitary measures had to be respected
That’s why I was forced to push the date to a reasonable one, hence the month of October, instead of February.
Now, let’s talk about how the evening went:
Chapter 2: LinkedInLocalParis #2 – How did it go?
Before I tell you about the process, I need to first draw your attention to the number of registrants and the number of participants at this event. In addition to that, I will also show you the appreciation of the participants to this networking.
2.1. What was the number of registrants for this second edition of the event?
For this second edition (2021), we reached the mark of 130 registrants. It was a little less than 120 registrants for the first edition.
I have to admit that I was not even sure I would reach the 100 mark when I launched this networking for the first time.
In short, there is a small margin of evolution compared to the first one.
Here is a small history of the evolution of the number of subscribers over time

From there, it didn’t take long for the numbers to climb.

Then we went to 98 :

After that point, the list quickly grew to 115 daredevils:

Finally, we reached 130 registrants, 10 more than the first event.

Now let’s talk about the final participation:
2.2. What was the number of participants for this second edition of the networking event?
As far as participation is concerned, there was quite a lot of attrition as for the first edition.
Out of the 130 registered, we were finally 40 to share this wonderful moment of meeting and exchange. It was a mix of different profiles, which allowed all participants to discover and learn new things
The most interesting thing is that everyone was open to exchange.
Here is a small part of the participants:
- Alexandre MAROTEL (The man with the red cap ?) :

Now let’s talk about how things went.
2.3. LinkedInLocalParis #2: How did it go?
Just like the first edition, this networking went very well and above all in a complete simplicity.
A wonderful welcome was reserved to the participants by the big smile and the sympathy of the famous Bekir-Cem. It is the latter who took care of taking the names and giving precise indications of the places where we are.
After this step, it was Emmanuelle Parvedy ‘s turn to welcome them so that they could register (name & first name) and mention their sector of activity.
Still at this stage, a label was put on the jacket of the participants, especially those who did not want to be photographed.
I insisted on this point in order to avoid any image rights issues that might arise. I also mentioned it in this post before the first event

To enrich the image gallery of this event, it was the friendly Mariana who took care of taking the pictures for the participants.
On my side, I tried to play the role of “matchmaker” to make the exchanges between the participants as comfortable as possible.
Apart from these key steps, everything went well as planned during the rest of the evening. It was a wonderful evening during which participants had fun chatting, exchanging, making new acquaintances..
There were great meetings, enriching and inspiring exchanges.
In short, everything happened in a very nice atmosphere and will remain memorable.
2.4. LinkedInLocalParis #2: How did the participants appreciate this event?
A few days after the event, I published a nice post about the atmosphere during the evening

This is how the participants took the opportunity to express their appreciation of the evening










How do you find these reviews? Very encouraging, isn’t it? Now let’s see some pictures of the evening:
2.5. Some beautiful pictures of the networking party in Paris
During the evening, some great pictures were taken by the fantastic Mariana
I’m posting a few of them to give you an idea of the atmosphere that took place:









If you want to see the images of the first edition, I invite you to find them on Google drive:
Preferably, I advise you to use a computer to access them in order to have a better display.
Now let’s look at another important point:
Chapter 3: LinkedInLocalParis #2: What is the reaction of the LinkedIn community to the event?
Indeed, this is an event specifically organized for the LinkedIn community. It is therefore normal to wonder about their reaction to this second edition of LinkedInLocalParis.
I can say that the reactions are numerous and varied, but very encouraging in general
In this section, we will not only see the type of reception the LinkedIn community has given to this initiative, but also the reaction of those who unfortunately missed or were unable to attend.
3.1) How did the LinkedIn community welcome the second edition of LinkedInLocalParis?
As in the first edition, the LinkedIn community has not failed to support me and give me strength
This can be seen by the level of engagement received by different posts about the event. These include:
- Comments
- Reactions;
- Shares.
Several discussions followed the announcement of this second edition. To give you a clear idea of the expressions used, I display some of them here







Now let’s see the reaction of those who unfortunately could not come:
3.2. Reactions of those who unfortunately could not be there
Since this is a local event, many people were unable to attend despite their desire to be there.
There are several reasons for this, including:
- Distance, because they live very far from Paris;
- Work or personal commitments;
- Or unforeseen circumstances.
Most of them did not hesitate to point it out:



Let’s now talk about the barriers I faced:
Chapter 4: What were the difficulties encountered in organizing LinkedInLocalParis?
The difficulties I encountered go back to the first edition. I will try to recall them quickly
They are mainly
- The place where the event will be held;
- And the name that will be given to the event.
Regarding the latter, LinkedIn does not like its name to be used in any way. There are even special rules developed by the team regarding the organization of events.
Nevertheless, I received various interesting tips in comments when I published posts on LinkedIn on this topic
Here are some of the exchanges



If you want to know more about these two difficulties, you can read my article on the first edition.
In summary: The LinkedInLocalParis #2 – An event to be repeated
It’s easy to click “connect” on a LinkedIn profile, but these connections rarely have a lasting impact
With LinkedInLocalParis, you get to know the person behind the profile, build a network and create opportunities that can take you and/or your company far
As the saying goes: “It only takes one meeting to change your life“.

In our context, it is about opening up career and business opportunities
As mentioned at the beginning and in the body of this guide, this second edition took place on October 7th 2021 at “La Félicita” and was totally free.
About 40 professionals and entrepreneurs from different regions were present throughout the evening
The event was a great opportunity for entrepreneurs as well as local individuals to showcase their talents and expand their relationships in various fields
It was a wonderful time of meeting and networking appreciated by most of the participants who do not hesitate to ask for its repetition.
So, do you have any questions or are you curious about our next event?
I suggest you follow the LinkedIn page dedicated to this event to not miss any updates
You can also follow my very active personal LinkedIn account to make sure you don’t miss anything
Until we meet again at the third edition, I say
See you soon!