Once in professional life, it becomes difficult to add new certifications/degrees to our resume. Although it’s the experience that matters, these are documents that generally allow us to reach certain specific objectives
Last December 10th, I had the pleasure of adding a new certification to my resume The QASEO
Indeed, it is often difficult for SEO professionals to prove their ability to their employers and clients. Especially since even if SEO training courses are multiplying, it is difficult to find a standard diploma that is unanimously recognized by all
This is where I think the QASEO comes into play, because it is an exam that can indicate the knowledge of a professional in SEO. So, today, I share with you some feedback on the QASEO.

So, if you are hesitating to take this exam organized by the SEO Camp association, the following lines will probably encourage you to take action
Chapter 1: What is SEO CAMP (In a few words)
Before we talk about the QASEO, I think it is important to briefly present the association that organizes it and that I have been part of for a few months now, namely SEO Camp.

1.1) What should I know about SEO CAMP?
The association SEO CAMP exists since 2008 and brings together SEOs from the French-speaking world:

Although it is composed of volunteers, it must be recognized that it has a very good structure with two major commissions (event & strategy) divided into several committees.
If you are curious to discover this hierarchy in more detail, consult this page on the different committees :

So, why does such an association exist? you might ask
As an SEO Consultant, it seemed normal to me to join this association.
In addition to promoting and defending the interests of search marketing (my profession), it is the ideal place for all SEOs who wish to
- Meet new people ;
- Share their experiences
- Get help from the community.

In this logic, SEO Camp organizes several events that I had the opportunity to mention in my guide on how to get trained in SEO. Better yet, it also organizes tests to acquire certifications
1.2. Why does SEO Camp organize certification tests?
Although SEO is a profession in its own right, it is difficult to find a university course that leads to expertise in natural referencing.
Personally, I trained myself in SEO by reading and testing my own websites.
I was quite curious to know the position of others on this subject and I realized that most of my colleagues in the field have a background quite similar to mine (except for a few details).
In my research, I discovered an article from BDM which relates the experience of two SEOs: Guillaume & Oliver.
Guillaume, on the other hand, states
” I got a master’s degree in Marketing & Communication before becoming an SEO, says Guillaume. It’s a fairly general education, not at all focused on SEO. I continue to train quite regularly, especially in the context of Google (Adwords & Analytics) or Hubspot certifications. Monitoring is also a necessity to remain relevant in this sector. I also find the feedback from some colleagues very interesting. “
Olivier’s background is almost the same, he nevertheless adds
” But among my colleagues, there is no typical background, and each profile is different, literary people rub shoulders with technical people. “
Thus, there is no typical path to become a referrer, there are actually only trainings that sometimes lead to certifications.
At this point, you may be wondering what I’m getting at.
Here is the point There is no typical path and therefore no particular diploma to prove the skills of SEOs.
This is both an incredible thing but also a real problem for both SEOs who want to prove their competence and employers who want to easily assess competence when hiring.
Personally, I had a hard time convincing some clients when I started offering my services. I guess I could have won those contracts, if I had already had my QASEO from the beginning.
That’s why the SEO Camp association has set up certifications to validate the knowledge of SEO professionals
And it should be noted that the association intends to have the French state officially recognize this diploma. Indeed, the president of SEO Camp Véronique Duong tells the JDN
” I am also working for CESEO and QASEO to be recognized by the State. “.
If QASEO is likely to be recognized by the state, this is a good reason to have it. Don’t you think?
1.3) How many certifications does SEO Camp offer?
SEO Camp offers two different certifications namely
The QASEO will take the form of an MCQ online or in person
It is an exam:
- Timed
- Very comprehensive
- Very demanding.
Having taken the QASEO, which is the first step before taking the CESEO, I have to admit that the association is weighing its words when it describes them with these three points
Indeed, in my opinion, it is necessary to be well prepared before taking this test!
Fortunately, SEO Camp has thought of giving a taste to anyone who wants to get the qualification.
Thus, to officially pass the QASEO, you must first obtain a minimum score in the Online practice test :

The mock MCQ takes the form of 50 questions spread over a 20-minute period
Unlike the official certifications, you do not need to be a member of the association to take the mock exam
All you have to do is fill in
- Your first and last name;
- Your email address.
You will be asked questions like these:

These are actually the basics of SEO as the association points out
” Attention the level is less high than for the official MCQ of the certification ? “
Speaking of level, a complete validation of the white MCQ does not guarantee success with the QASEO. The level is completely different!
Note however that this certification is complex because the success rate is only 25%
But with such a high level of difficulty, doesn’t that validate a person’s competence?
I think so, and if you have one of these certifications, you can hold it up in front of any employer or client.
For now, let’s focus on the QASEO and see how you can get it.
Chapter 2: What is the QASEO and how does it work?
2.1. What does QASEO mean and what are the requirements for taking it?
The QASEO is actually an acronym that simply means Qualification of Aptitude for SEO.
It is the first level of qualification at the SEO Camp association to certify your skills in SEO
Thus, the QASEO exam will prove that you have a solid knowledge of search marketing and SEO in particular.
If you wish to take this exam as well, you must
- To present your identity card (or equivalent);
- To be a member of the SEO Camp association
- To be up to date with your membership fees;
- To have previously passed the online mock exam.
In terms of cost, it should be noted that the exam is financially very accessible
You will only have to spend 10€ per exam, knowing that for Black Friday, I only had to spend 5 euros. 🙂
The purpose of this fee is to cover the association for the costs of the exam as well as the tool used for the MCQ “Proprofs”.

Moreover, the fact that the exam is paying allows us to keep away the crazy candidates, and thus to keep only the serious candidates who really want to take the QASEO
2.2. Do you have to travel to take the QASEO?
You can stay at home and take the QASEO exam since the association organizes sessions by videoconference.
But you must make sure you have
- A webcam
- A microphone that works properly;
- A good internet connection
If you have problems with any of these components, I recommend that you fix them before taking the test
You can also opt for a physical / face-to-face session organized by the association, especially during events.
Personally, I opted for the first option, which allowed me to take the test quietly from home
If you choose this option as well, you will have to send a copy of your ID card as a photo by email.
Whatever your choice, don’t forget to register on the waiting list through this form :

These are simple questions to fill out and you have a section at the bottom that allows you to express your concerns or remarks :

Now let’s get to the fateful part: how the exam goes.
2.3 How does the SEO Qualification (QASEO) work?
2.3.1. The number of questions and the length of the exam
The QASEO exam consists of 80 questions that are spread out over a 40-minute period
It is reasonable to assume that you need to spend 30 seconds on each question in order to finish in time.
So, I confirm the time limit is awfully short for two reasons
- The questions are sometimes very long
- The questions are occasionally difficult to understand at first reading.
Thus, you will have to spend much more time on some questions than others
Therefore, time is an important factor to manage besides your knowledge
Fortunately, the Proprofs platform is well done in this regard, as it allows you to know in real time
- How much time you have left
- The number of questions you have not answered.

In addition, you can click on the option ” Review later you can also click on the “Review later” option, which allows you to answer the questions you already have answers to first. And save for last those that you find more difficult and wish to examine in more detail.
In order to pass the exam, you must answer 80% of the questions correctly. That is at least 64 correct answers to get your QASEO ?
But keep in mind the time management so you won’t be surprised when you haven’t gone through most of the questions. Do you now understand why you should make sure your equipment is working properly?
With time management being so complex, it would be a real shame to have small breakdowns that will probably cause you to fail the exam
So, what kind of questions will you be facing?
2.3.2. What topics are covered?
Expect to be asked all kinds of questions related to search marketing, from the more technical to the more theoretical
You can view the full program on the dedicated web page web page for this purpose:

You will notice that this page is initially dedicated to CESEO, but of course these topics also apply to QASEO.
The large number of topics covered shows that it is very important to have a global mastery of search marketing in general.
2.4. Interesting anecdotes to know
2.4.1 The dates of the QASEO
In order to know the dates of the QASEO, I advise you to join the group Linkedin group of the SEO Camp. Communications are regularly made in this sense, so I advise you to follow it closely.
In any case, following your mock exam, you will be able to join a mailing list that will allow you to receive regular information on the next QASEO exam dates.

2.4.2 The organization of the remote QASEO
For the remote sessions, the organizer of the exam will send you an email a few days before to get your ID. On the day of the exam, you will receive a second email with the Hangout link to connect.

I recommend that you log in 5 minutes before the exam starts. In order to get the exam started, the organizer will send you a link to log in to the “ProProfs” MCQ on the chat, along with a password. During the exam, you will be connected on the hangout with other people, who can ask questions during the test. Personally, I advise you to mute the sound because the questions can sometimes multiply, and it can be difficult to concentrate under these conditions, especially since the exam goes by at the speed of light.
2.4.3 The QASEO questions
As SEO Camp mentions, ” The questions are in a random order and are changed regularly”. Therefore, I advise you to keep up to date with the latest algorithms by doing regular monitoring. In addition, some questions are of the order of “SEO culture”, so do not hesitate to visit the sites:

To get more “historical” information on SEO.
I also advise you to consult the “guidelines” of Google to know exactly the communications of the search engine. Indeed, in SEO, some topics can be subject to discussion and controversy, and the goal of QASEO is to really propose questions and answers that are likely to be validated by the whole community without any doubt
I also noticed during my own passage of the QASEO that some questions came directly from the content of Olivier Andrieu’s Youtube channel Abundance. So if you haven’t had the opportunity to check out the channel of the “French Pope of SEO” then don’t hesitate. 🙂

2.4.4 Google searches are allowed during the exam
While reading this, you may think “Phew, we are saved”. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but in fact, I don’t really think so. Using Google may be considered a relief for some, but I can assure you that with 30 seconds per question, you won’t have time to consult Google for all the questions
Indeed, some of the questions are subtle, and only a thorough reading of the article will allow you to find the right answer. So, personally, I advise you to try as soon as possible to answer the questions you know, and to leave for the end the questions that need a little more digging, and for which Google can be your friend
2.4.5 If I fail, what happens?
If you get less than 80% correct, like more than 75% of the people who take the exam, you are good to retake it later to get it this time. You’ll get the percentage of correct answers on “Proctors”, and a little summary that you can download if you like.
You will have no chance to see the questions you were asked again, and even less chance to see the mistakes you may have made during the test (unlike the mock MCQ). This can make it a bit frustrating for me, because I like the idea of being able to progress, learning from my mistakes, in a methodical way.
2.4.6 You have passed your QASEO
Congratulations, this means that you have obtained more than 80% of correct answers to the tests, which is clearly not that easy to obtain. I advise you to take a screenshot of your result on “Proprofs” and download the small diploma available. The organizers of the SEO camp are very rigorous, but we are never safe from a technical incident, so having a small backup is a plus.

At the end of the month, you will be able to proudly see your name appear on the SEO Camp website, as a new QASEO graduate.

2.4.7 Things you can’t do during the QASEO exam
When taking the QASEO, several rules exist to ensure the quality and reliability of the exam. First of all, the exchange of answers between people present on the hangout is not tolerated. It seems basic, but it is always necessary to remind it – ah ah 🙂
The QASEO exam must be taken individually, in other words, forget about doing it together from home, it won’t work either.
Videotaping or taking screenshots of the exam is totally forbidden, so I advise you not to tempt the devil
If you want to learn more about the rules of the certifications, you should consult this pDF document which is reserved for association members only.
2.5. When do I get my QASEO results?
You don’t have to wait a week like CESEO to get your results. You get it automatically as a picture like mine:

Once you have your certificate, your name will appear on the qASEO certified page

Now you know how this exam goes, but how do you properly prepare?
Chapter 3: How to prepare for the QASEO certification?
To prepare for this exam, it is best to start with the recommended resources by the SEO Camp association:

This is a short list of resources, but each contains a considerable amount of information about SEO and search engine marketing in general.
If you have an insatiable curiosity (like me) you can check out the 111 resources that can deepen your knowledge of search marketing.
You will get
- Blogs
- Forums
- Annual events
- YouTubes channels
- Free and paid training courses;
- Community groups on social networks.
With all these resources, I am convinced that you will get your QASEO certification.
Before closing this article, I’d like to share with you some feedback from my Linkedin publication.
Chapter 4: Some interesting feedback from my LinkedIn publication on QASEO
After I got my QASEO, I shared the news in a linkedIn post :

This publication has had 115 reactions and 88 comments so far. This shows that this is a topic that many people are interested in
I offer you 5 interesting exchanges on QASEO
Conclusion. The QASEO is a solid certification that allows you to gain credibility
Proving your skills in an industry where there is no standard degree is difficult. Fortunately, there are organizations like SEO Camp that are trying to change this by introducing a qualitative certification.
Having passed it, I can say that this certification is really solid and can validly prove the skills of an SEO for the following reasons
- It is complex and not available to everyone
- It is not easy to pass; it is not easy to pass; it is not easy to pass; it is not easy to pass; it is not easy to pass
- It is managed by the appropriate and independent structure: Who better than competent SEOs to evaluate other SEOs?
- It is likely to become a certification recognized by the State.
So, if you have any doubts, I can only recommend you to take the QASEO as soon as possible. 🙂
And you, have you already passed your QASEO or CESEO? Don’t hesitate to share your experience with me.