Yandex SEO The Complete Guide

Yandex SEO : The complete guide

It is a fact that Google has the monopoly of the search engine industry globally. However, it is not always effective to build SEO solely around it, especially when you

Why Your Marketing Strategy Is Failing And How To Avoid It

Why is your Content Marketing Strategy Failing?

The expression “Content Marketing” often comes up in the words of SEO. If you have never heard of it before, know that 86% of B2C companies practice Content Marketing. And

Why and How to Delete An Image On Google

Why and how to delete an image on Google?

While searching on Google, you may come across an image that infringes your copyright or privacy In such a situation, it becomes urgent to remove the image in question from

Recherche de mots-clés : Le guide Complet

Search Keyword : The complete guide

According to RAND FISHKIN, a highly regarded expert in the UK SEO community:  “Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable and profitable activities in the field ofSearch Marketing.

Comment optimiser son référencement dans le cadre du nouvel algorithme google 2021

New Google algorithm 2021 : How to prepare for it ?

Guest post written by Charlotte Pion from the blog The Web Writer’s Lab Google’s algorithm is regularly updated, in order to always provide its users with the best browsing experience.

SEO Business Case - PMyearning

Twaino Business Case SEO : PMyearning

Want to get more traffic? Quality traffic likely to convert into loyal customers and increase your income? Well, SEO is undoubtedly one of the effective solutions you have to get

SEO Business Case - SWOTT

Twaino Business Case SEO: SWOTT

Did you know that the first 3 Google results get 75.1% of all clicks that the search engine receives against only 0.78% of clicks recorded on the second page? These

Gtmetrix Le Guide complet

Gtmetrix: The ultimate guide

Nowadays, a slowdown of any kind on a website can generate losses both in terms of SEO and in terms of turnover. Research has also shown that 88% of Internet

_12 ...Conseils SEO ACTIONNABLE

12 SEO Tips to increase your organic traffic

80% of internet users ignore Google ads. This will mean that you should place great importance on improving your SEO  rather than investing in paid advertising. But, the question also

Winning SEO Campaigns The Complete Guide

Winning SEO Campaigns: The Complete Guide

Creating a site for your brand is probably the first step, but far from the only one to ensure visibility and authority on the Internet. Every website created should be

Pourquoi et Comment Travailler Les Mots Clés De Longue Traine ?

Why and How to Work on Long Tail Keywords?

Need to get more conversions on your site with SEO ? Here’s one of the best kept secrets: Work with long tail keywords. Indeed, working with long tail keywords leads

Content Repurposing The Guide Complete

Content repurposing: The Complete Guide

Successfully creating new content on the net often requires a lot of effort. From finding an interesting topic to promoting the finished content, several actors are involved.  Writers, designers, SEOspecialists,

Les chiffres du SEO à connaitre absolument

89 key SEO figures you absolutely need to know

Let’s face it, yourself in the first results of search engines is difficult, especially when you have just started your business for a short time. And yet, this is a

What are the worst SEO mistakes to avoid ?

Today we will see together what are the biggest mistakes not to make in SEO… The worst SEO mistakes In this video, I share with you the mistakes not to

What is the best image format for SEO

What is the best image format for SEO?

The best image format for SEO depends on the content of your infographic. In this article, you will know which one to choose and why! To improve the SEO of

PrestaShop Complete SEO Guide

Prestashop : Complete Guide

With an estimated 6% share of the global market, PrestaShop is an innovative 100% French solution designed to facilitate the creation of e-commerce sites and the management of online sales. 

Wordpress Complete SEO Guide

WordPress: Complete SEO Guide

Used to create more than 40% of all sites on the Internet, WordPress is by far the most widely used CMS today.  This popularity is justified by the ease it


How do I do mobile keyword research?

The arrival of smartphones has been a real cataclysm! They are everywhere: in public transport, in cafes, even in the street we have our backs bent and our noses on


Business Case SEO – MadCityZen

If you are a marketer or a business owner, one of your wishes is probably to get more customers to expand your business And one of the most effective ways

5 reasons to avoid low-cost SEO services

Why Avoid Low-Cost SEO Services?

5 reasons to avoid low cost SEO services Did you know that 53% of all website traffic comes from organic search? With over 5 billion Google searches per day, it’s

SEO and intelligence artificielle Complet Guide

SEO and Artificial Intelligence: The Complete Guide

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just about robotics and science fiction. Digital marketing and particularly SEO is also affected by this wave of new intelligent and revolutionary technologies. We have

wix Complete SEO guide

Wix : Ultimate Guide

Wix is ​​a popular website builder used around the world with over 4.5 million websites under its belt.  The platform is especially appreciated for its intuitive interface and its flexibility

shopify complete

Shopify SEO : Ultimate Guide

The growing number of mobile users and the current global health environment have contributed to the explosion of online sales in recent years. This has not failed to push many

Requete cible (2)

Target Keyword

A target query is the main keyword (or phrase) for which website owners want to rank well in the first SERP of search engines. Thus, when users type in this

12 Astuces SEO

12 Practical SEO Tips to Increase Organic Traffic

SEO may seem complex at first glance. However, it is actually a discipline that everyone can understand. It involves editorial, graphic, technical and sometimes even human relations skills In other

Les meilleures newsletters SEO

23 SEO Newsletters You Must Follow

Some people think that newsletters have become “has-been” and on several occasions they have predicted its death However, the figures are quite different: there are nearly 3.9 billion people who

Coaching SEO vs Prestation SEO

SEO Coaching VS SEO Service: What differences ?

If you want to optimize your website for search engines, and thus position yourself in their search results pages, you have two options: The SEO service SEO coaching If you

La refonte de site web Guide Complet Pour Sa Réussite

Website Redesign: A Complete Guide

According to figures, 90% of people have left a website because it was poorly designed. And this same percentage of users is likely to continue their purchase on a website

Bilan 2021 De Twaino Agence SEO (1)

2021 Review of Twaino SEO Agency

As usual for the past few years, I have taken the initiative to reveal the figures that my agency Twaino obtains in one year and 2021 will not fail in


Joomla : Ultimate SEO Guide

Nowadays, having a good online visibility is very beneficial for any business, whether it is a physical brand or one that is fully available online In a research conducted on


SEMrush: Complete SEO Toolkit Guide

The Google algorithm combines more than 200 factors to assign positions to sites in the SERPs. This multitude of factors makes optimizing sites for search engines extremely complex for beginners

Analyse Semantique en SEO (1)

How to do semantic analysis in SEO ?

In the SEO industry, there have been many changes over the years. Originally, search engine optimization was just based on adding specific keywords to a page to improve its ranking


Drupal SEO : Complete Guide

Today, an online presence is essential for any business, whether it’s a small neighborhood business, an international brand or an e-commerce store In a recent survey, 87% of consumers said


How do I search on Google ?

Google is the leading search engine with 91. 9% of the market share. The latest data about this search engine shows that it records more than 8.5 billion searches per

Guide Complet Divi (2)

Divi : Ultimate Guide

According to statistics, Divi is used by over 2 million site owners and is the most popular WordPress theme in the world. Indeed, Divi is much more than a


Magento : Definitive SEO Guide

SEO has become a decisive factor in the success of any business, especially if it is a company specialized in online commerce Statistically, 68% of online shoppers first search for

Majestic SEO (1)

Majestic SEO : The definitive Guide

Majestic SEO – The definitive guide According to a recent study by yoomweb, backlinks are the third main factor on which Google uses to rank web pages. If your main