Content Spinning is a writing technique that consists in producing new editorial content in an automated way from an existing original content by using a software.
Content spinning is a rather controversial writing practice in the SEO world as it suffers from a bad reputation.
To allow you to have a fair and accurate knowledge of this concept, I will try to answer the following questions in the following article:
- What is Content Spinning and how does it work?
- What is its impact on SEO and what are its limits?
- Is it a Black Hat SEO technique?
- What does Google think about it?
On this, let’s go, I explain everything!
Chapter 1: What is Content Spinning?
In this first chapter, I’ll start with a clear explanation of the subject, then we’ll talk about its objectives and its relationship with web writing.
1.1) What is Content Spinning?
The expression Content Spinning can be translated from English as rotation of articles or contents. It is an editorial process that allows to create thousands of new contents from a source content.

The final result is several versions of an authentic content. The numerous versions of text thus proposed retain the same meaning as the original text while remaining slightly different in terms of formulation.
1.1.1. What is the guiding principle of Content Spinning?
Content spinning follows a fairly simple operating principle
This automatic creation of text variants (spun texts or spuns) from an initial text is a fairly codified writing technique that respects a certain number of well defined precepts

A spun text is a text that has been created from a source text in which words, sentences and paragraphs are turned over, moved and then substituted with synonyms

The meaning of the original text is preserved in all its variations while its architecture is modified and transformed in each of its versions.
Content spinning uses “Spyntax”, also known as nested Spintax or Nested Spintax. This is a special syntax that is both readable for computers and for human beings
More concretely, Spintax is the special way in which words combine to form sentences in spun texts. This special style combines two symbols: the pipe | and the braces {}.

Source Redactor
The braces are used as tags. They allow to delimit and specify the portion of text that will be spun
The pipe, on the other hand, allows you to insert all the desired alternations of the portion of text delimited by the braces.
By taking this rather explicit example, it is easy to understand how the technique in question works
So we have :
The original text still called the master spin
” This shoe is the most beautiful and comfortable in the store. Moreover, its price defies all competition. “
Which becomes with a software called Spinning (EffiSpin, Xpin, etc.) and respecting the grammatical rules of Spintax
” {This shoe|This boot|This pair of moccasins} is the most {beautiful|pretty|nice|colored} and the most {comfortable|luxurious|convenient} {in the store|in the shop|in its category}. In addition, its price {is very affordable|defies all competition|is very reasonable} “.
From there, we can generate new grammatically different sentences with a more or less high degree of similarity with a simple click. We then find spinnerized sentences such as :
- ” This boot is the prettiest and most comfortable in its category ” ;
- ” This pair of loafers is the most colorful and luxurious in the store. Moreover, its price defies any competition. ” ;
- “ This shoe is the most beautiful and practical in the store ” ;
- And many others.
1.1.2. The objectives of Content Spinning
Content spinning aims at creating, modifying and multiplying a textual content in defined proportions, for a specific purpose
These rather fake reproductions will be used for SEO purposes, to feed many web pages of the same site or several sites without being considered as the result of any form of plagiarism or duplicate content.
I will talk about the SEO aspect in the next chapters. So: The purpose: What is Content Spinning really for?
This technique came to the world as a solution to one of the many problems of web 2.0
It is the fast and cheap creation of repetitive and similar textual contents, but different enough not to attract the lightning of the search engine robots.

It is in the satisfaction of this recurring need that Content Spinning was invented
The experts proposed a functional solution allowing the writer to write only one article and then have it in several versions with
- Some synonyms of the words used in the article
- The various possible turns of phrase and commutations.
These various elements are then assembled and organized by a software program designed for this purpose
The result is a multiplicity of new articles that are only different in terminology and enunciation, but identical in meaning.
The content spinning therefore encompasses the whole process of construction, both the work of the writer and that of the Spinning software. The target: Who is Content Spinning aimed at?
As you can see, the production chain to which Content Spinning refers involves the master spin and the spinning software. These two components are the main elements used for Spinning
This being said, who will use the content spinning ?

It is no secret that article spinning combines ease of access and simplicity of use. It is therefore within everyone’s reach
However, some people more than others are more inclined to apply it. Among those we find :
- The web editor: This is natural, so he is the most likely to make good use of such a practice.
- Webmasters and/or website owners: Those who are in charge of supplying content to networks of sites with the same theme or those who are responsible for the elaboration of redundant product sheets for e-commerce sites.
- Agency managers who want to reduce the economic burden generated by web writing.
- The curious and other SEO enthusiasts.
1.2. Content Spinning and Web Copywriting
The content writing is time consuming and requires a lot of skills and abilities from the writers.
A quick, easy and affordable way to create new and repetitive editorial content: That’s what Content Spinning is all about
Even if it is not perfect, it has become for many the solution to the constraints of web writing.
1.2.1. The advantages of Content Spinning over the actual writing of repetitive content
The main goal of content spinning is to create readable and unique variations of an initial text. This very interesting practice has multiple advantages. The energy spent
Even as an experienced professional, content writing can be quite tedious and can easily become exhausting!

It is well known that repeating the same thing over and over again for a while becomes boring and dull (monotony)
With web writing, it’s the same. In today’s context, many texts need to be written down to the last detail, and they need to be sufficiently different from each other, while remaining semantically close
With Content Spinning, everything is automated. In a few clicks, it’s done. No need to get tired or bored. Less energy is spent. Speed of production
This practice of content rotation is similar to an industrialized production of editorial content. As such, it multiplies new versions automatically and saves time normally spent on writing.
Of course, the time spent on writing the original content is not negligible, but if it allows the instant creation of 50 other contents and more, there is a real time saving
The speed of production with Content Spinning is phenomenal compared to manual production. The price
Let’s take the example of an order of 50 articles to a writer. The writer will naturally be paid either per word or per hour for each of these 50 articles
On the other hand, Content Spinning only requires the writing of one original text

It doesn’t need any calculation to see and understand that Spinning is very economical from a financial point of view. Fifty, a hundred… articles for the price of one
1.2.2. Once a content spinner, always a web writer
In front of the numerous advantages of article spinning, we quickly tend to think wrongly that it could definitely replace the web editor
Much more than a simple practice, Content Spinning is a tool that allows the writer to save time on the creation of repetitive content
It assists the writer in the creation of short presentation texts for local directories, product sheets and others.

The practicality of Content Spinning is not to be questioned. But it must be stressed that when used without control or precaution, its results are catastrophic
Content spinning is certainly simpler, faster and more appealing than actual web writing, but it is still not efficient.
For optimal results, the intervention of the web writer is essential at several levels including:
- During the writing of the master spin, which must be original, clean, relevant and with added value;
- During the proofreading of the spun texts, it is a question of correcting and improving the variations produced.
With Spinning, everything is clearly a question of use. A use that requires the continuous presence at all levels of the web editor, for the production of top quality spun articles
Content Spinning is ultimately a tool for the web editor, a facilitator. It can in no way replace the web editor, much less replace him.
1.3. The fields of application of Content Spinning
Content spinning allows you to produce many versions of an original text, but what is the purpose of this content spinning production?
Here, I list the different cases where spinning is generally used
Note that these are not necessarily practices that I recommend since I tend to prefer creating original content manually.
1.3.1. The creation of product sheets
The first use that I find is the creation of product sheets for an ecommerce site
Indeed, there are products that are almost identical with only a few differences in color, size..
So, content spinning is used to avoid duplication while keeping the meaning of the different texts to produce.
If you have the same product that comes in dozens of models, you will probably spend a lot of time creating content manually.

If you plan to use it this way, you will have to be careful to rework the spun content or risk losing buyers because of unconvincing product descriptions.
1.3.2. Content Spinning and emailing
Lemailing is a very effective direct marketing technique.

This practice consists of automatically distributing a large number of electronic messages simultaneously and in a targeted manner to a list of recipients
according to their profile.Still called email marketing, emailing means sending promotional emails to a large list of customers, prospects … for the purpose of prospecting, loyalty or simply communication, information.
The place of Content Spinning in email marketing campaigns is relatively simple to understand
One of the most important steps in emailing is the creation of great promotional emails. In addition to the design aspect of the email, its textual side is also of great importance

In a campaign about the brand’s pants (for example), a short, incredible and punchy promotional text is created for the email. But, the brand is located in over 100 cities across the country
It is a question here of producing more than 100 new versions of the original text, different in terms of the address and name of the stores, the city, the climate, the context..
What better way to do this than with content spinning?
With the help of a copywriter, it can be used to write the emails in such a way that the personalized character of the campaign stands out.
1.3.3. Content Spinning in the creation of a semantic cocoon/silo
Organizing the pages of a website by semantics is the goal of the semantic cocoon and silo. However, the semantic cocoon is different from the semantic silo.
Indeed, the silo is interested in keywords in the creation of a hierarchical architecture of pages connected to each other by contextualized links and a common theme.
As for the semantic cocoon, it targets the user’s deepest needs in order to organize the site’s pages around pages gathered in the same semantic universe: a true optimization of the internal mesh.

The objective is the same: to propose relevant results in terms of semantics to customers.
What is the interest of Content Spinning here?
It contributes to the improvement and semantic supply of product pages for e-commerce sites
Spinning is easily used when creating product sheets for items of the same kind, only different in some details (size, material, color, shape, etc.).
The semantics are the same and the characteristics obtained by Spinning will be more or less similar
When you want to build silos or semantic cocoons, Content Spinning is clearly an asset, because it allows you to be more productive, faster and therefore more efficient.
1.3.4. Content Spinning in the creation of backlinks
The creation of backlinks is one of the most effective ways to climb in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page)

There are many techniques to get links to your site.
One of the simplest and most automatable methods, that some people use, is to search for web directories, forums, web profiles, press releases… of the same theme.

Then they just have to submit their site to one of these platforms or directories, hoping that it will be accepted in order to gain new links.
You are probably wondering how Content Spinning can help in this quest for links?
Well, it’s simple. For a directory to accept to post a link to your site, it requires a small original presentation article describing the products and services offered
Of course, it would be difficult and costly to create a unique presentation text for each directory in your category
In this situation, it is sufficient to write a single original, clean and effective text that will serve as a master spin.
1.3.5. Content Spinning for private site networks
Translated from English Private Blog Network (PBN), the networks of private sites also called satellites are exclusively used to generate thematic links, annex sites to a unique website (the Money site) in order to manipulate the SERPs (Black Hat).

The main constraint of the satellite technique lies in the fact that it requires unique texts and a regular publication of blog or page profiles
Depending on the number of satellite and parent sites to manage, ensuring a regular supply of quality content can easily become complicated.
If the web editor option is still relevant, so are its constraints. As you know, writing is expensive, tiring and slow.
On the contrary, Content Spinning combines speed, economy and ease of management, allowing the generation of hundreds of quality contents (depending on your mastery) for the supply of each of your satellite sites
A rather profitable approach.
Chapter 2: What are the stakes and implications of Content Spinning?
Since its advent, content spinning has generated a number of reactions from search engines. Large-scale reactions that are necessary to know for a smooth application of the technique.
In this chapter, we set out to identify the issues and implications related to the use of Content Spinning.
2.1. The SEO character of Content Spinning: Is it a White or Black Hat SEO technique?
For many, content spinning is immediately considered a cheating technique, an imposter, a Black Hat SEO practice
However, the idea of an automated production of content, associated with the well-controlled and judicious use of Spinning, does not seem to bother anyone
Is Content Spinning really an SEO method to avoid? What is it exactly?
2.1.1. Content Spinning: SEO White Hat?
When you are conducting a project in the web world with a certain strategy, it is understandable to want to exploit all the means at your disposal to be quickly well positioned in the SERPs.

However, it is important to be wary of the prescriptions formulated by Google in order not to end up penalized, demoted or even excluded from the ranking of the search engine results

This attitude of using only actions and techniques legislated by Google is called White Hat SEO.
White Hat SEO is therefore a set of SEO practices that protects you from penalties that may come from the search engine, and that allows you to optimize your website in the most natural way possible.
The implementation of good SEO practices White Hat practices as part of the SEO strategy of its website allows to build a lasting reputation on the web and to offer its customers an optimal experience
A very interesting privilege, sometimes considered insufficient when we know the quantity, the quality and the difficulties inherent to the application of such techniques.
Sometimes excluded from this category of SEO practices, Content Spinning may not be part of it
2.1.2. Content Spinning: Black Hat SEO?
The SEO Black Hatthe Black Hat SEO, true to its name, includes all the tricks, practices and actions usual in the dark side of SEO
Techniques banned, clearly rejected and punished by Google, but which for a relatively short period, have the ability to manipulate the rise of a website in the SERPs.

If Black Hat SEO is effective in short term strategies, the techniques it associates cannot be used in medium or long term strategies
Once again, depending on how it is used, content rotation fits perfectly into the idea of Black Hat SEO practices
For the vast majority, content spinning is clearly considered a Black Hat SEO technique
On the other hand, the others think that its correct application would make it an approved practice by the search engine.
2.1.3. Content Spinning: Finally, SEO White or Black Hat?
When Content Spinning is applied carelessly, without any preparation or the master spin is not carefully written, the spun texts produced cannot be of good quality
You end up with very bad content, most often meaningless and irrelevant, with zero added value.
All this implies that in a context where the technique is carefully applied, it would offer more or less lasting benefits and would be accepted by search engines in the same way as other unique / authentic content.

It is at most a borderline technique combining a bit of both sides of SEO (Black and White) depending on the use made of it
That said, Google formally indicates that this is a practice to avoid
2.2 Content Spinning: What does Google say?
Appeared at a crucial stage of the evolution of the Internet, Content Spinning has deeply marked the web 2.0
At that time when search engines were barely mature, the algorithms were very limited and easily manipulated.
The positioning of websites in the SERPs was also strongly linked to the quantity and not to the quality of backlinks present on these sites. It is not like today where they must be of authority and quality.

They are therefore many to have launched into the practice of content spinning to generate multiple content for local directories or blogs.
All they had to do was to integrate a link to the website or use a certain number of keywords in the content and jackpot!
Well, that was all before. Search engines have improved their system and Google has deployed Panda for example.

Google Panda is one of the most important updates of the search engine. It is actually a filter with multiple functions
- Detecting low quality content (spuns) and/or duplicate content (duplicate content);
- Sanctioning all sites that do not respect the Google guidelines for SEO in terms of content creation.
Regarding penalties, Google states
” We will also make appropriate adjustments in the indexing and ranking of affected sites. As a result, the site’s ranking may suffer, or the site may be removed entirely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results “
It is well known by now, Google abhors duplicate content, identical or a little too similar, present on several sites

The search engine has therefore done well to quickly indicate that the Content Spinning is not a practice it appreciates since it tends to favor robots over users

Yes, the search engine’s robots hate anything that has to do with cheating.
Since no text on the web can be literally 100% unique, a similarity threshold has been established to differentiate original content from plagiarized content or duplicate content.
To do this, various similarity tests have been developed:
- The Levenshtein test or Levenshtein distance
- The Jaccard test or Jaccard’s index and distance;
- The SimHash test
2.3. The limits of Content Spinning
From the outset, it must be emphasized that the main shortcoming of content spinning lies in the fact that it is the target of search engine robots. The master spin and the spinning software are the keys to content spinning
When the master spin is poorly thought out and written, it will naturally be the source of poor quality spuns full of syntactic aberrations (footprint) and other anomalies.
As they say, “dogs don’t make cats”.
The presence of these disastrous contents on the net will be responsible for a very unpleasant user experience and will soon attract the attention of search engines.

The same results are to be deplored if the chosen Spinning software is not efficient.
All in all, the main limits of Spinning are among others :
- The risk of content without added value (the most important risk), the risk of content without added value (the most important risk), irrelevant and of little interest for the user experience;
- The similarity rate the risk of plagiarism or duplicate content with a production of texts with a too high similarity rate;
- Readability the possible presence of typos (syntax errors and other mistakes).
2.4. Some practical solutions
For optimal results, it is essential to be meticulous in writing your master spin, in proposing syntax alternations, but also in choosing your spinning software
Even more efficient solutions would be to
- Use content spinning as a last resort;
- Entrust the writing of your master spin to a professional who will take care of proposing an impeccable and efficient matrix;
- Have fun spinning entire paragraphs that are themselves made up of spun expressions in order to multiply the number of variations contained in your text. The more variations there are, the more individualized the texts will be, free of duplicated content and with a greater production of variations.
- Correct any typos with a thorough proofreading or entrust the correction to professionals to obtain texts of very satisfactory quality.
Now, let’s see some free and paid content spinning tools.
Chapter 3: Some automatic article rewriting tools
3.1 WordAi
WordAi is one of those article rewriting tools known for generating human-quality content while being extremely easy to use

But being simple or easy to use does not affect its effectiveness
In other words, WordAi, just like other best article rewriting tools, uses artificial intelligence that understands the context of words before turning
3.1.1. What makes WordAi one of the best article spinner?
- The WordAi team has rolled out its 4th and latest version which is nearly 150 times faster and better than the 3rd version. It can spinner larger articles in a few seconds.
- WordAi’s artificial intelligence technology is able to understand concepts, ideas, context and different meanings of the same words
- This article turning software has the potential to turn 10 to 1,000 articles with a single download. While its competitor supports a maximum of 10 articles in the bulk rotation feature, WordAi allows you to run up to 1,000 articles in a single attempt.
- The software also allows you to integrate the “Perfect Tense” tool known for its spell and grammar checking services. This improves the quality of the transformed content
- It has a convenient and user-friendly interface, which allows easy navigation for users.
- It allows users to use API, which enables Word AI to integrate with other tools.
- It supports multiple languages: Italian, Spanish, French, English, etc.
3.1.2. WordAi pricing
The Word AI article rewriting tool has packages that are not very affordable for users
It offers a three-day free trial package for users to test the features and discover its performance before purchasing it.
Users can opt for one of the two Word AI membership plans

- Word AI Monthly Plan – $49.95 per month
- Word AI Annual Plan – $347 per month
3.1.3. Disadvantages
- Free trial access is for only 3 days;
- Pricing plans are much more expensive than other article rewriting tools;
- The content generated by the tool requires a professional proofreader before it is perfect.
3.2 Chief Spinner 6
Spinner is another widely used article tool that implements modern rewriting technology. It is one of the best tools that generate content automatically

It is powered by artificial intelligence features, which allows it to deploy advanced functionality, quickly creating thousands of articles in a short period of time.
And, not to forget, Spinner Chief 6 can be used online or offline. Moreover, you can use it on any Windows or Mac device as well as on any web browser.
3.2.1. What makes Spinner Chief 6 one of the best article rewriters?
- Spinner Chief 6 is powered by an API feature, which allows it to connect to many software programs.
- Spinner Chief 6 allows users to choose from different languages like English, German, Portuguese, Danish, French, Dutch, Indonesian, Swedish, Slovenian, etc.
- It implements its artificial intelligence function and natural language processing (NLP) system to analyze and reconstruct paragraphs.
- Spinner Chief 6 introduces PC and web versions of the rewriting software, which works on Android, Mac and Ipads.
- The tool also supports all major spintax formats. And, it also allows you to protect certain keywords from the spinning process.
3.2.2. Price of Spinner Chief 6
In addition to the features mentioned above, Spinner Chief 6 has other advanced article rewriting features. This means that when you choose higher packages, you unlock more advanced features and usage limits.
The Spinner Chief 6 pricing plan is divided into two parts
- For personal users
In this category there are 3 different versions with different billing cycles.
- For team users
If you run an SEO agency, this pricing category will suit you the most. The pricing is based on the number of team members and offers lifetime or annual access to the article rewriting tool.
If you want to know more about the pricing structure of Spinner Chief 6, I encourage you to check out its pricing details
3.2.3 Disadvantages of Spinner Chief 6
- Limited features of the free plan;
- Despite using many technologies, the rewritten article is sometimes of poor quality ;
- The interface is difficult to understand.
3.3 SmallSeoTools
This is one of the most popular free article rewriting software that uses automated software technology to rewrite content. It changes the wording of the content, but the meaning of the content is still intact.

This tool is specially designed for content writers, webmasters, bloggers.
3.3.1. What makes this tool better
- As always, it offers its services for free ;
- It provides a huge 2000 word limit for rewriting or rotating ;
- You have the option to download the content files;
- Small SEO Tools also allows you to directly import the content files from your Dropbox or Google Drive
3.3.2. Small SEO Tools Pricing
This is a completely free online article rewriting tool, you can use this software anytime and anywhere.
3.3.3. The disadvantages
- The rewritten article often contains grammatical errors;
- The overall quality of the rewritten content is poor;
- You can’t rotate articles in bulk; and
- The site contains a lot of ads.
Chapter 4: Other Content Spinning Issues
In this last chapter, I will address a few questions that come up quite regularly.
4.1. What is manual rewriting of articles?
Instead of leaving the content creation to the rewriting robots (software), it is a human who will take care of putting a new spin on the ideas of the original article. This helps make the content more unique and appealing to readers.
4.2. What is an article rewriting tool?
An article rewriting tool is a software or application that automatically rewrites the text and generates different versions of the original text by replacing the words with their synonyms and then restructuring the sentence, without losing the original meaning of the text.
4.3. What is automatic content rewriting?
Automated rewriting is the process of rewriting an article using a rewriting tool. This tool can generate thousands of new content in a very short time, which will then be published on blogs or websites.
4.4. how to use an article rewriting tool?
An article rewriting tool can be used by anyone in any profession with ease. Please note that there are many software programs to spinner your articles for free
All you have to do is simply copy the text you want to rewrite and paste it into the input editor. Then press the button ”Rewrite” and your new spun text will be generated in a few seconds
Now you can copy your spun text and use it wherever you need it. However, take the trouble to proofread and correct any imperfections before publishing it
4.5. How to manually rewrite an article?
Tips for manual rewriting:
- Try to read the original text, keep the idea in mind and express it in your own words;
- Rewrite paragraph by paragraph, not sentence by sentence;
- Work from the top down;
- Don’t be afraid to make changes.
4.6. Is rewriting an article with a tool legal?
For search engines, especially Google, this practice is not legal.
4.7. Can Google detect rewritten content automatically?
With the latest updates made by Google, automatically generated content is more likely to be detected. Therefore, you are at great risk if you use a lot of automatically rewritten content on your website.
In summary
Just remember that Content Spinning is a technique that becomes good or bad depending on how it is used.
When it is applied in the right way, it can generate premium quality texts. Contents perfectly elaborated to please the search engine, but also to please the users.
You now have a fairly comprehensive knowledge of Content Spinning.
Make your own opinion of this practice and especially try to apply it wisely, in accordance with the prescriptions of the search engine.
Good luck!