The expression “NOOGLER” is an English word that does not have a precise correspondence in the French language. It is in fact an affectionate word that the company Google created to designate its new recruits
Like most large companies, Google has its own corporate culture. That is to say, a set of beliefs, values, norms and ideals that are unique to it and that are widely shared by all of its employees
This culture is the foundation of the company’s personality, gives it special characteristics and ensures its success. It is precisely in the name of this culture that Google uses the expression “NOOGLER” to designate its new recruits
- What is the origin of the expression “Noogler”?
- What does it mean?
These are some of the questions that are sure to catch your attention and to which you will find answers in this article
Chapter 1: What does the expression “Noogler” mean and how to become one?
In this first part, I explain the origin and the meaning of the word “NOOGLER”
1.1 What does Noogler mean?
As you may have noticed, this expression does not appear in any dictionary.
Indeed, the word NOOGLER which is pronounced “New-gler” is an English expression created thanks to the junction of two English expressions namely “noob” and “googler”. The expression “noob” means beginner while “googler” means Google worker.
More concretely, this expression comes from the contraction of the English phrase:“A new employee of Google corporation“. This is because it is used to refer to the person who is taking his or her first steps in the Google company

For that, it is necessary to understand that at Google, the practice would like the new employee to wear a cap with the colors of Google, surmounted by a small propeller and bearing the mention “noogler” the day of the first Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF)

source: search engine roundtable
The TGIF is indeed a meeting organized weekly in a Google office and during which the new recruit is introduced to his colleagues.
This meeting is more like an orientation meeting.
With the origin and meaning of the word “noogler” clarified, it is necessary to look at how one becomes a noogler. In other words, a new Google recruit.
1.2) How does one become a Noogler?
I will explain in detail how one becomes a new Google recruit. But before that, I explain the skills, but also the necessary qualities that a candidate must have to increase his chances of success
Indeed, to become a new recruit at Google, one must participate in a recruitment process. The requirements of this process require from the candidate who wishes to work within such an organization some qualities, but also technical knowledge
1.2.1. What are the qualities needed to become a “noogler”?
Because of its size and economic weight, Google is certainly the company that most people would like to work for
On the other hand, because of its position and hegemony, Google is constantly looking for the best candidates
That is, those who are able to not only outperform thousands of other candidates, but also secure its dominant position in the online search industry
Therefore, the candidate who aspires to work at Google must possess certain qualities.
Among them, I can mention : Cognitive abilities
Cognitive abilities can be seen as our natural ability to:
- To adapt to a situation;
- To be concentrated;
- To acquire new knowledge and interact with others

A candidate applying for a position at Google must be able to demonstrate the ability to:
- Find new solutions or opportunities;
- Take into account multiple variables while quickly and effectively analyzing a situation;
- Propose a plan of action
As Bock explained in an interview with the New York Times, he says that what is important is overall cognitive ability
It’s not IQ, but rather the ability to learn and process on the fly. It is also the ability to gather information through structured behavioral interviews. Leadership
Leadership can be defined as the ability of a person to motivate a group to achieve common goals. It is the art of leading workers or colleagues with a strategy that meets the needs of the company.

As such, Google’s corporate recruiting team would like to have candidates who know when it is necessary to step in and lead a team, and when it is important to step back. When it is necessary to help with a project or let someone else take charge Humility
Another important quality is humility, because the goal of contributing to a team is to solve problems
Humility is the state of mind of a person who is aware of his or her shortcomings and weaknesses and takes them into account when dealing with others
Humility comes into play when you make your contribution and then let someone else become the primary contributor.

An arrogant team member will, for example, mistakenly attribute success to personal genius and failure to outside forces beyond his or her control instead of approaching a problem or a team with a teachable attitude. Having a sense of responsibility
Project management involves a sense of responsibility. Good employees look forward to being assigned a problem or task
They also need to feel a sense of ownership that drives them to find new problems to solve and opportunities to exploit.

In any case, despite the various qualities of the candidate, it is useful to recognize that these alone are not enough to guarantee recruitment
In fact, in addition to the qualities he or she must have, the person who wishes to be recruited by Google must develop certain skills
1.2.2. The skills to develop
Google recruits both self-taught people and those with a university education
However, whether it is a self-taught person or a person who has obtained his or her qualification through training, the noogler must have a minimum of knowledge before claiming to be recruited by Google
Most of this information is available on Google’s websites
For example, the engineering noogler must take the Open Source, Patents and IP Options online training module
In this module, they learn how to safely use open source software at Google, the options for publishing and contributing to open source projects, and how to separate personal projects from work done at Google.
In addition to this, the noogler should also be aware of general information about integration and adopt the best practices necessary to perform the tasks that will be assigned to them.
For this purpose, there are general guidelines and best practices for technical practitioners working in open source projects

Now that you know how to prepare for a Google recruitment, let’s look at the different phases of the Google recruitment process
Chapter 2: What is the process for recruiting new hires at Google?
In this chapter, I explain the different stages of a Google recruitment.
At Google, recruiting is a multi-step process, and while it can be scary, Google provides everyone with the information and resources they need to be successful.

This is a key part of the company culture and already speaks to the importance Google places on its various teams. It also comes from the fact that Google wants to provide a more representative and inclusive work environment for its recruits, and that starts at recruitment
The ultimate goal is to :
- Innovate in the creation of products and services accessible to all;
- To have a multitude of essential points of view and experiences.
It is precisely for this reason that in its recruitment process Google emphasizes different elements
It draws the candidate’s attention to
2.1. Introspection
Introspection can be seen as the fact that a person pays attention to the inner self in order to become aware of his thoughts, feelings and impulses that may influence him

Introspection is an essential step from Google’s point of view. It is often difficult to develop professionally if the job chosen does not really correspond to one’s deepest aspirations
Therefore, before applying for a job, candidates must take the time to ask themselves questions and answer them
Google has compiled a list of questions that can help
- Can you name one thing you’ve learned that has definitely made your life easier?
- Do you owe most of your successes to your own efforts or to teamwork?
- What do you prefer between solving a problem or advancing a debate?
- What is the most rewarding job you’ve ever had? Why or why not?
- Describe the best team you have ever worked with;
- Why did this experience make an impression on you?
The answers to these questions will help you establish a framework to guide you in the choices you make
The purpose of this exercise is to remind you of
- Your skills ;
- Your interests;
- Your goals.
All of these elements are probably the result of your life, your experiences, your successes and your failures
2.2. The job search
After taking a few moments to think about what you really want, it is likely that you will be able to get a better idea of Google’s identity, philosophy and corporate culture.
The goal is to give you the opportunity to get to know the company better and to have enough information to recognize that you are applying for the job that really suits you

As a result of such preparation, you will have all the information you need to get to know the Google company better. The more you know about the field of work or the position that seems to be the best fit for your personality, the closer you get to your career desires.
2.4. The CV
Here, Google recommends that you don’t stay limited to an old resume, update it and make some small changes or add your latest position

Instead, Google recommends the following technique:
- Keep your old resume on hand if you’re in need of inspiration, but start with a blank document and create a specific resume for each position you’re interested in.
For each position:
- List the skills and experience that match the job description. Directly relate your work to the required qualifications;
- If you have held a position of responsibility, indicate the size of the team and the tasks you performed;
- If you are a recent college graduate or have limited work experience, list projects or school work that illustrate your relevant skills and knowledge;
- Keep it short. There is no length limit, but conciseness and precision are necessary. Before writing a multi-page resume, think carefully and choose carefully what information to include;
- For cover letters, it is up to you to decide if you want to add one to your application. If you want to send a cover letter, you should know that most of the tips we gave you for writing a good CV are also valid in this case. Your task should be to demonstrate that you have been able to differentiate between the different positions you have applied for. Also, don’t forget to relate your passion to the position you are applying for while saying something more about your personality.
2.5. The online application
After the different steps I have just listed, it is important that you keep in mind essentially the positions that interest you and that correspond to your profile.

So, using the job search tool, search for the position that suits you while specifying the location from which you want your main. As you will see, Google offers you the possibility to apply for up to three positions in 30 days
2.6. Interviews
Another necessary step in the recruitment process is the interview
If a member of the recruiting team feels that you are a good fit for the position, you move on to the next stage of the recruitment process
Whatever the differences with other organizations or candidates, the same basic principles apply

This applies to both technical and marketing jobs, whether it is an internship or a senior position
The steps described here may not apply to the position you are interested in. In any case, here is a general overview of how candidates are evaluated during the recruitment process:
- Online assessments: Google asks you to take a short online assessment once you submit your resume (for example, you may receive a coding quiz) ;
- Brief virtual discussions: before offering you more in-depth interviews, the recruiting team will hold one or two conversations by phone or video conference. These discussions are designed to verify that you have the required skills. In most cases, these discussions are with a recruiter and then a hiring manager or someone in a similar role to the position;
- Practice Test: Sometimes Google may ask candidates to complete a small project before the in-depth interview phase. This may involve preparing a case study, presenting a written brief, or providing code samples;
- In-depth interviews: As the name suggests, these interviews are more demanding than the previous ones. However, keep in mind that all interviews are conducted in a friendly and caring manner. The objective is to get to know you better and find out if you are right for the job
These interviews can be :
- Structured interviews: during these interviews Google evaluates each candidate using clear evaluation grids, and uses these grids for all profiles that seem to fit the position;
- Open-ended questions: Through these questions, the Google team asks open-ended questions to learn how you solve problems. Among other things, the recruiting team is looking to understand how you think, discover how you interact with a team, and identify your strengths;
- Accessibility, the recruiting team is here to help. Whether you need a sign language interpreter, specialized equipment, breaks, or a little extra time, we’ll do everything we can to help you get through those interviews in the best possible way.
2.5. Decision and offer
Once you’ve been through the various interviews, the Google hiring team will gather all of the information from your application and the feedback from the interviews and review it.
The decision takes into account several different perspectives. And if you happen to identify yourself as the best fit for the position, the recruiter you spoke with contacts you with an offer.
Once you accept that offer, the Google onboarding team will tell you more about benefits, perks, badge use, health insurance and more, after which you become a new hire. That is, a “noogler.”
Once you are hired, as a new hire, you will benefit from an integration process within the company.
Chapter 3: How is the noogler integrated into the Google organization?
Once hired, the noogler benefits from an integration mechanism. This is what I explain in this chapter
Once you are hired, Google puts in place the necessary arrangements to ensure your integration
There are two reasons for this. The first is that at Google, there is a strong emphasis on teams. The second reason is that new hires are not familiar with the internal workings of the company
Therefore, once the recruitment stage is over, the new recruit is integrated into the life of the company from a training that takes place in several stages
3.1. A thorough introduction to the company culture
New recruits begin their adventure with a course at Google Life of an engineer. This course prepares them to better adapt to the norms and practices that productive Google employees do
During this course, they are introduced to the different organizational values of the company. It is easy to agree that one of these values is change.
In fact, technological and organizational change is so rapid that a positive attitude toward adopting new systems and ways of doing things is essential to feeling comfortable and successful at Google.
3.2. Providing a checklist
A company-wide list lets Nooglers know what to expect over a well-defined period of time

This list acts as a compass so developers don’t feel pressured to memorize systems, practices, events, and institutions.
3.3. Learning with Code Labs
Code Labs is a program created by Google that provides a guided, didactic, and hands-on coding experience. It offers guidance throughout the creative process and covers a wide range of topics
Nooglers therefore attend hands-on tutorials called Codelabs to get up to speed

Source: Google codelabs
Sure, the noogler is probably a specialist. But the purpose of codelabs is to give him simple tasks to adapt to the technology.
The noogler is also used by experienced engineers who want to refresh their knowledge of different instruments periodically
4.4. The provision of extensive resources
During their integration, nooglers become familiar with the available resources that tell them how to become an engineer. They therefore browse the knowledge bank

Source: Google blog
They also become familiar with the company’s glossary list that allows them to speak the same language as everyone else. And during their first few weeks, they are assigned a startup project that serves as an introduction to a given field.
3.6. The Mentoring Program
Each Noogler is assigned a successful mentor within the company who has completed a course on the typical needs of new employees
At first, the mentor is just a friendly face to meet them at the end of their first day and show them the facilities, but their formal relationship lasts an average of three months
Google has tried to make mentoring informal, which means that some mentors are better than others.

Google engineers are generally organized into small teams to minimize the complexity of the environment. This arrangement allows for close collaborative professional relationships, or cognitive apprenticeships, between established team members and the recruit.
In addition, to overcome the recurring problem that newcomers are afraid to ask “stupid questions,” Google created NEHEN or “Noogler Engineers Helping Engineering Nooglers,” a dedicated mailing list
The list is heavily used in the first ten months of a given hiring period: a top poster makes less than 10 posts/month, but the list averages 1000 posts per month.
Now that you know a little more about what a noogler is and how one can become one, find out in the following lines about some other words specific to the Google company.
Chapter 4: Other Google-specific expressions
Here I present you a list of 10 words created by Google like the expression “noogler”.
4.1. Perf
This word is used to refer to the performance evaluation. This evaluation is used to determine if during the year the employee has improved or regressed.

The performance evaluation will also determine whether the employee has moved up in the hierarchy
4.2. xoogler
Unlike the term Noogler, which is used to describe a new hire, the word Xoogler is used to describe a person who has left the company. It is credited to Doug Edwards, the 59th employee of Google
4.3 Google Geist
This is an annual survey of Google employees to evaluate their boss and the way they are treated at Google.

4.4. Plex
The expression Plex is the abbreviation of the word Googleplex which is actually a mixture of Google and complex.

This phrase is often used to refer to the Google campus headquartered in Mountain View
4.5. Dooglers
Google gives its employees the opportunity to bring their pets to work. The term “Doogler” is then used to refer to them.
This expression is used to refer to Google employees who are already over 40 years old

The expression originates from the grey hair that starts to grow on their heads at this age
The expression Tech stop means in French Arrêt technique. It is the code name for the Google IT department that is responsible for repairing the computers of Google employees
4.8. GBIKE
These are bicycles available on the Google campus and are often used by googlers as a means of transportation on campus

The main characteristics of these bikes are their colorful frames
4.9. STAN
STAN is the name of the T-Rex dinosaur skeleton statue

The philosophy behind this statue is to remind the company to never become a dinosaur
4.10. GUTS
GUTS stands for Google Universal ticketing systems

It is a way for employees to file tickets related to their problem that the company can track
In a nutshell
The term Noogler refers to a new addition to Google
In this article, I’ve covered not only the meaning of the term, but also most of the steps that allow a person to become a “noogler”
You’ll also find a list of words or phrases specifically created by Google to refer to situations that fall under its experience. This is all part of Google’s corporate culture
If you also know of words or expressions that fit into this culture and reflect the personality of the company Google, please share them in the comments