Alexandre Marotel : FOunder of the SEO Agency Twaino

My name is Alexandre Marotel and I am the founder of the SEO agency Twaino.

“Far from grand speeches and beautiful theories”, I am firmly convinced that expertise must be demonstrated by facts rather than words. This is why, since the launch of my SEO agency Twaino, I have decided to be as transparent and authentic as possible about the results I obtain for my own agency Twaino.

Beyond my SEO expertise, I consider myself a “web craftsman”.
Twaino | SEO Agency

As part of my agency, I had the opportunity to work on several projects:
- Blog : 300+ Articles
- Videos : 100+ videos
- Books
- Speaker / Lecturer / Teaching
- Presence on social networks
As part of my Blog and my Youtube channel, I share my SEO tips for free in order to help as many people as possible.
SEO Blog

With a hundred articles to my credit on my Twaino site, I take pleasure in sharing my web knowledge, and mostly SEO for free.

Indeed, I believe that we are increasingly part of a “knowledge economy” in which the sharing of knowledge allows the creation of value for the whole of society. It is in this logic that I regularly offer free articles on SEO on the blog of my agency Twaino. In addition to being able to show my expertise in the field, this sharing of knowledge helps as many people as possible to obtain results on the site.
For this, I offer precise and detailed articles, which I write, I illustrate and film the proposed content myself.

In my blog, I have the opportunity to talk about the following topics:
- SEO: Complete and popularized articles with the aim of evangelizing knowledge of natural referencing.
- SEO definitions: Find definitions of SEO terms in alphabetical order
- Marketing: I offer techniques and approaches, which I have mostly experienced for my own agency.
- Business creation: By launching Twaino, I had the opportunity to go through several stages that I thought were relevant to share.
- Website creation: When creating the Twaino website, I took the time to write an article to describe step by step how to make a website even with a very small budget.
SEO Youtube Channel

- Twaino’s Youtube channel on SEO
Still in this idea of sharing, I have also made available a hundred videos on Youtube to present the SEO topics that I deal with.

- My Personal Linkedin Page : Alexandre MAROTEL
- The corporate Linkedin Page : Twaino
- Linkedin Group : SEO France
As part of my activity with my SEO agency Twaino, I use Linkedin more and more as a game platform to share with my audience:
- My experiences
- My results good or bad
- My feelings
With an authentic and transparent approach, I use the professional platform to meet and exchange with professionals from all sectors or not.
So, for me, it’s a good lever to talk about my Twaino agency, while doing “personal branding”.
SEO Books
I am the author of several books on SEO, and in particular I offer a Learn SEO collection on the TWAINO store.
- Book #1 : SEO for beginners
- Book #2 : Keywords Search

Ours services :
Campaign SEO

I help companies improve their visibility and traffic on the internet. For this, I embark on an SEO campaign that aims to deliver the best results in terms of organic traffic:

- Phase 1: Technical audit & problem solving
- Phase 2: Optimization – Improving existing content
- Phase 3: Creation – Concentration on the traffic of tomorrow by offering qualitative content

In order to carry out my clients, I propose the implementation of an SEO campaign that is both methodical and structured in order to maximize SEO results.
- Consult the results of our customers

SEO tools
In order to obtain SEO results and create a relationship of trust with clients, it seems to me essential to use the power of SEO tools in order to make the wisest decisions, in full knowledge of the facts.

My actions :
Conferences :
I had the opportunity to be a speaker at several events / conferences.
SEO Camp
“The Imperiales” : Casablanca

Casablanca Imperials 2020: My Feedback

Newspapers and Presses
I had the opportunity to participate in columns in the following media:

Podcasts :
I had the opportunity to participate several times in podcasts in which I was able to present my entrepreneurial journey, as well as my SEO strategies.

SOLYBOX: Conversation with Alexandre MAROTEL
Organization of networking events

In order to federate, I offer free networking evenings from time to time in order to bring together people in my network.
- Networking Meeting #1 of February 27 at La Felicità
My History

I would like to tell you that my journey was carefully planned and everything went exactly as I had planned. Alas, that would be quite wrong. 🙂
Not a rich kid
I grew up in Burgundy in a single-parent family in a popular neighborhood. As a child, studies never seemed like something obvious or natural to me, far from it.
However, by dint of books, work, and perseverance, I have obtained diplomas over the years that have taken me from prep to business school.
An academic success that I attribute to myself only very partially. I have been fortunate throughout my life to be surrounded by exceptional women who have supported, educated, and inspired me.
A Business School Student
Business school graduate, I had the opportunity to work in the past for several international groups such as Danone, IBM, Alstom, General Electric, and to stay for more than 3 years abroad as part of my missions (Canada / USA / Brazil).

Since my return to France, I have chosen to embark on entrepreneurship.
Starting from scratch, with an almost non-existent budget, I faced the difficulties of creating a business. In order to carry out my projects, I developed my skills in digital marketing and more specifically in SEO.
After having set up several sites, and obtained results thanks to natural referencing, I decided to found my own SEO agency Twaino.
What’s really hiding under the hood? (Values and ambitions)

So, the CV is all very well, but you could rightly say to me: “Alexandre, your presentation is very pretty, but who are you really?”, “What is really hiding under the hood ?”.
And I would quite agree with that, because far be it from me to want to hide behind:
- Pumping academic titles
- Very elitist mission titles
- Prestigious company names
Here, in all simplicity, is what I can say about it.
My business philosophy :

“Everything is not given, is lost”
The first time I heard this sentence, I lived in Tennessee and I listened religiously to the courses of Michel Onfray (Popular University of Caen).
It hit me like an electric shock. A quintessence of thought in which I found myself.

A requirement in which, it seemed to me good and healthy to register.
So, I assure you, I am not perfect for all that.
I simply find that this sentence deserves to be defended and embodied as often as possible.
My important values:

It’s never easy to find the real values that really drive us. However, I lent myself to the game and here is what comes out of it:
- Freedom
- Authenticity
- humility
- Work
- Kindness
- The performance
The only real question, why the cap?

She often makes my red cap “chatter”, so I prefer to talk about it here. My red cap is a reference to the fictional character Forrest Gump, which I particularly like.

I am also greatly inspired by another character from literature: Cyrano de Bergerac.
And what do you do when you’re not working?
I like “a little brainy” activities:
- Travels
- Arts
- Culture
- Philosophy
- Music
- Policy
Diplomas, Certificates and more if you like:
Do you want diplomas? Here it is !
In France, diplomas are “reassuring”! That’s good, I have plenty for those who are interested. And then, studies, and diplomas, I spent galore so rather than letting them gather dust in an old drawer, well I thought that could reassure me. So of course, I make no correlation between the ability to have an exam, and professionalism

When I was younger, as I liked economics, I did an ENS Cachan preparation course.
Then, I obtained a Master 2 in business school at SKEMA Business School. During my studies, I had the opportunity to do a semester in China, and I punctuated my education with internships at Danone’s headquarters, as well as at IBM.
I hold QASEO and Google Analytics certifications

So yes, I have a sharp French accent, but Shakespear’s language is not a problem for me (Written / Oral).

Join me

Alexandre MAROTEL
SEO consulting – Twaino
2 rue Jacques Louvel-Tessier, 75010 Paris
Mail : ?
Phone : +33 786063948 ☎️