How to create and synchronize Google Search Console ?

Video Transcript

Hi, this is Alex. Today, I’m going to show you how to link
your google analytics account with your google
Search Console account. Let’s get started. So actually the ideal is pretty simple. So
you have your website which is here. Then you have Google analytics and google
Search Console. So what we did is that from the website of your
website, so for example, for me it was From that, I created an account on google analytics. This will allow me to
allow me to follow up on information such as my traffic
for example my traffic. And once you have an account on google analytics
what you will be able to do is that directly from google analytics
you will be able to link it to google Search Console
to make other videos to explain in detail how
how google Search Console works. In summary, you should know that this is a tool that is very
powerful tool, which is free, which is offered by Google
allow you to see what queries users are looking for
and what are the queries that will finally end up on your
website. So it’s really useful especially for the optimization of pages and
your content, for example articles. It will allow you to adapt a
part of your content to make sure that
that users arrive on your website rather than on another one.
So really a tool that is extremely powerful. So to do this,
we will go directly to google analytics.
There will be a part, parameters and from parameter, we will make the
between the two. So this is my website. So google analytics.
i already put it on google analytics. So I will have the opportunity to make another video
another video to show you how to do it.
this is my other website, so EOLE paris.
I’m going to change here, so you see EOLE paris, this is the property of Twaino
i’m looking for and I click on Twaino.
And you will see here the name will change.
So effectively Twaino, as you can see, there’s not much activity at the moment
there’s not much activity at the moment. And generally speaking, it started on the 25th or 26th
from the 25th, 26th. Knowing that most of the traffic here is finally coming from
comes from me. But what’s interesting is that I see that
that I see that google analytic has been set up correctly because I see changes
in my traffic. So to link with google search console, you go
go to administration. Then on the property settings and then
and check that everything is correct. and at a certain point, you will come across
on Search consoles, set up the search console.
So, we’ll press it. So if you associate the analytics property to your
search console accounts, the data from Search console will be imported into
analytics, it will be included in the google analytics report.
In fact, the advantage of linking the two is that on google
analytics you will be able to see some information from Search
console. I know that personally, I always prefer to go to
google Search console directly. I find it much more convenient.
So if you want to associate a google analytics site with a google analytics site,
you can display the data related to them, you can
also link directly to your Search Console data.
So, adding a site to the Searche Console
So, we’re going to put add a property. So it will be
https and we’ll put, added.
So property added, you must have received an email. For the moment, this is not the case
for the moment, it’s not the case.
So if I put back here add, you see
now so I added here. So just click here, save.
Add an association ok, and so actually
my site so is back here, on Search
console. So the link between the two made then normally well
obviously, I can’t have much information because it takes
that Google will start collecting information about
that. But in any case, now my Google search console account is linked to
my google analytics account. And I have access mainly to a google search
console account. So I really advise you to do it, it’s really something
it’s really important because afterwards, in all the problems that are going to be
it’s really something that’s important because later on, in all the issues that are going to be of the order of SEO, it’s really something that you’re going to use,
an element that you will use.
And now effectively, the search console part if we go to the landing page, here all this information underneath
destination page, here all this information below
including query, once we start collecting
information for google search console, it will be automatically dumped in
google analytics. This will allow us to actually
to do a little more analysis.
So that’s it for this video. Really the fact
to synchronize google analytics and google search console, you’ve seen, it’s
a process that’s actually quite quick to set up, to do and really do it
really because afterwards, it’s really what will allow you to be able to
optimize your website. The website as it will be in state most of the time and well there will be a lot of
well there will be many things to modify many things to transform and finally to
to transform and finally to be able to make these transformations to be able to
understand what are the real changes that will be impacting
for your website, you have to try to connect as much as possible
your website to tools that will allow you to
to collect information. And above all, to have really quantitative data
quantitative data on your website. So Google analytics is free, do it. Google
search console is free, do it. All in all, it’s really two tools
that are very important from an SEO point of view and if you have a website in general and if your
and if your objective normally your objective on your website, is to increase your
is to increase your traffic, increase your visibility and increase your conversion
your conversion, well typically with this type of tool so google analytics and
google search consoles, it will allow you to do that. So I really
recommend it to you, you’ve seen it’s a manipulation that is quite simple
in the end. So it’s really useful afterwards
afterwards. I hope it helped you. See you soon!

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