Video Transcript
Hi, this is Alex. Today we’re going to talk about whether you should choose a specialist or a
generalist profile for your company’s marketing.
Indeed, there are both possibilities that will be offered to you. The
generalist in marketing globally, he will have knowledge that will be
on several disciplines of digital marketing. For example: email
marketing, PPC, sales funnel, etc. So overall, it’s interesting because
they have a good global vision. The counterpart of this
means that globally, they will have performances that will be average
and therefore, they will never excel on a particular tool
particular tool. Unlike the specialists, of course,
so the specialist will have very specialized knowledge in a particular
particular discipline. The only problem with this is that, in the end, they will,
from my point of view sometimes lack a bit of global vision on digital marketing and
digital marketing and especially on the latest trends in digital marketing.
Therefore, they will be able to offer a level of performance that is
exceptional on their own discipline. On the other hand, on everything else, they will be
on everything else, they will be absolutely mediocre. So in fact
so really, between generalists or specialists, the real good question is actually,
it depends on the size of your organization.
From my point of view, if you’re a company that’s big
so there’s a pretty big marketing budget with teams made up of
a lot of people. Objectively having a profile of
specialists is something that is from my point of view to be privileged. All
simply because we are going to look for excellence in each marketing tool or
marketing tool or each digital lever, so having specialists in certain areas is much more useful and
therefore having specialists in certain areas is much more useful and will allow you to
perform much better. On the other hand, if you are a startup, a small business or a small company
you actually need profiles with people who have a global understanding of marketing concepts
understanding of marketing concepts. In other words, you need
flexible and agile approach and who understand how the different types of
how the different types of tools work. That has to be
a bit of a cross-platform vision. So with people who
are able to advertise on Facebook, complete a profile on Instagram
complete a profile on instagram, in short to make a blog, in short to have
a global vision of the different types of tools and the different types of leverage
types of leverage, when you are a start-up, a small business or a small company, it is from my point of view the generalist profile that is
in my opinion, it is the generalist profile that should be favored.
So that’s it, I’m done for this video. You see between
generalist, well generalist or specialist profile in fact, it really depends on the structure and the size of the company
the structure and the size of your company.
From my point of view, if you’re a startup or if you have a company
that’s just starting out, hire a specialist, that’s not really
that’s not really relevant. Most of the time, tend to someone who has
knowledge, it’s much better because
it’s much better because finally, it’s a person who will succeed in giving you visibility,
much more visibility on several tools rather than having a person who is
who is excellent in one particular area and very bad in everything else
on everything else. Afterwards, when you will
start to have attractions, you’ll start to see visibility, increase your team
visibility, increase your team and little by little
bring in specialists. This can be something that is interesting
even if from my point of view, small or big companies at some point we will always need generalists
always need generalists. Why is that? I think for example that
when you are in a large structure, a large company
and when you manage, you have to manage teams,
it is important to have a global vision of the different types of tools and
tools and the different types of marketing levers that these teams use
teams use. Therefore, from my point of view, the higher up the hierarchy, let’s say, of a company, the more you need to know about the different tools and the different marketing levers that these teams use
hierarchy, let’s say, of a large group, the more you have to become a generalist
rather than a specialist. So that’s it, I’m done with this video, see you soon!