Analytics | Mixpanel

Analytics | Mixpanel

Short description : Analytics

Mixpanel is an analytics platform allowing developers and designers to study the behavior of users vis-à-vis their products. The tool tracks conversion, engagement, and loyalty behind a product.

Long Description : Analytics

Description Mixpanel 

If you have a website or app, it’s important to understand how people are using your product. For that, you need to use a specific tool like Mixpanel, which can offer you valuable insights into how people are interacting with your product and which features are most used. The idea is to help you improve the user experience of your product or website and the engagement of your customers. The easier and more user-friendly your product is, the more people will prefer it over others in the market. To learn more about Mixpanel, I invite you to read this description.

What is Mixpanel ?

First, Mixpanel extracts data from your application or website that you are monetizing and provides you with a comprehensive analysis report with performance. Mixpanel bases its data analysis on two essential elements, namely:
  • ‍ The
  • And the profile where Mixpanel is interested in individual user information.
Speaking of event, Mixpanel automatically offers an activity stream like:
  • Playing a song;
  • Registration;
  • And display of the registration page.
If you want to understand the meaning of a particular event, you need to look into its specificity. In this case, just click on any event to understand its priorities.‍ On the other hand, individual profiles consolidate all current information about individual users in one place.‍ ‍ When it comes to use Mixpanel to analyze your product data, the most important step is not registration, but configuration. If you do not configure Mixpanel correctly, you receive data that will not be entirely correct. This is why the Mixpanel team even recommends that the configuration be done by a developer so that the data is analyzed correctly. However, we are going to outline the essential steps to register on Mixpanel. To start, you need to go to the homepage of the tool to register. If you are a new user, the tool will recommend you to follow some preliminary steps to be able to analyze your data. These are:
  • The creation of a Mixpanel project;
  • Installation of the Mixpanel integration library;
  • Event tracking and profile creation;
  • Adding events and saving priorities.
Then you can dive deep into Mixpanel’s features, analyze data, and build user engagement.

The number of active

users An active user is one who not only interacted with your product, but also performed a specific action. The specific action that qualifies an active user may differ from company to company, as the goals are not always the same. It is important to look at active users as it helps you to understand customer behavior, market trends. This potentially valuable information is provided in the Mixpanel Insights report.  ‍ When you set the event type and time in the unique users category, the report presents you with a line chart that tracks changes, trends, and behavior patterns.

Conversion and Abandonment Rate Conversion and Abandonment

Rate are two opposite metrics, but the most important thing here is that they both explain the level of user engagement. For example, when it comes to a user flow like a signup process funnel, these two rates are squarely opposite to each other.  The conversion rate is calculated based on the number of people who completed a desired action in the app. In contrast, the dropout rate represents the percentage of people who failed to engage in a specific action you defined. You can customize the Mixpanel Funnels report to your interests to understand each visitor, the action they take, and their journey. Like the active users report, you can also view engagement data in graphs. This clear view can allow you to put in place better strategies to increase your engagement rate.


rate The retention rate is a performance measure that primarily indicates the level of customer satisfaction.  The higher the retention rate, the more value the company provides to its users. In this example, selecting retention and setting specific parameters, such as date, enrollment, and retention duration, generates vital information about the number of customers who have been retained from enrollment to end. attrition.

Customer Relationship

Mixpanel products and provides important data that empowers business owners to make smart, strategic decisions. The tool has great features to let you find more opportunities to acquire, engage and retain loyal customers. Customer retention is a more or less long and sometimes tricky process, because it is not only a question of finding them, but it is also necessary to provide them with value before inducing them to perform a specific action. Communication with customers is in this case one of the greatest values ​​you can bring with your customers. And for that, Mixpanel has a messaging feature that allows you to keep a good relationship with your customers.‍ It is quite enough feature to maintain a good relationship with the customers. In general, the more you can control user behavior towards your product or website, the more you will be able to provide a better user experience. With these powerful features, Mixpanel not only allows you to track user interaction with your product, but also toget the best insights on how to optimize its usage to get more engagement.

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Company : Analytics

Mixpanel is a product analysis software editor. It allows companies to perform powerful product analysis for free, in order to garner more sales. The platform has been around for several years and is currently led by Amir Movafaghi. Mixpanel makes analytics accessible to everyone and offers painstakingly detailed reporting. With this tool, companies can identify the most important user journeys, so they can eliminate friction. Mixpanel currently has more than 6,000 customers with a quota of nearly 70 million questions analyzed monthly. It also receives many distinctions and helps many companies around the world.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.