Find Questions | Answer the public

Find Questions | Answer the public

Short description : Find Questions

Answer The Public is a tool that lets you find topics that people in your market search for on a regular basis to help you create content that exactly matches user intent.

Long Description : Find Questions

Description Answer The Public

A BrightEdge study claims that organic search drives 53.3% of all website traffic. This means that more than half of the people who visit your website find you by searching in search engines. This is a good reason for website owners to optimize their content so that visitors can find it easily when they search. And a better way to optimize your content is to use the Answer The Public tool to match your content to user search intent. It is a very advanced tool that is worth trying out if you have a website. For that, I tell you in this description how Answer The Public works.

What is Answer The Audience ?

Compared to other keyword research tools, Answer The Public works to provide questions that people actually ask. This is what makes Answer The Public an undeniably effective tool to help you improve your content marketing. It provides you with more long tail keyword ideas to create high converting content.  It has a super rich database that allows it to be as specific about the topics and keywords it suggests to you. It has many advantages such as:

Finding long-tail keywords 

First, long-tail keywords are called the longest expressions, that is, a set of two or more words. Using long-tail keywords has become a faster way for web marketers to rank their websites in search engines. You just have to find the right way to fit those long phrases into blog posts. These are usually the keywords that have low search engine volume and very little competition that work best for new websites as well as established ones. Indeed, Answer The Public is able to find those keywords that are less used in your industry. Although long-tail keywords have fairly low search volume, they are more likely to convert. The simple reason is that people searching for these keywords are usually looking for a specific solution.

Get more traffic

The tool can help you even better in terms of organic traffic if the competition is more or less tough in your market. Answer The Public provides different and related search terms that you can focus on to increase your chances of ranking.  With a good search on Answer The Public, you can find many transactional keywords with low competition. The tool helps you find the right keyword and topic to create content that is relevant enough for your audience. The most notable limitation of this tool is that you will need other keyword research tools to view your keyword’s difficulty level and search volumes. Answer The Public symbolizes the popularity of a search term with a dark green dot, but you have to be careful. The reason is that some high trending keywords with low search volume may appear above the most searched ones. In this case, we go to SEMrush to discover the search volume, the cost per click (CPC) as well as the competition of the competitive keyword. Also, the smartest idea the experts have come up with is to use the Keywords Everywhere extension which directly feeds data into Answer The Public. So you can easily identify the most potential long tail keywords to produce super interesting content.

Appearing in Google snippets

If you’re used to searching the internet to buy a product, order a service, or get solutions, you’ve probably seen a Google snippet on your search results pages. These are the answers that Google provides in a box on the search results pages to give precise information to the reader without the latter necessarily having to consult the site. As you can see, when you search for ”400 Error Definition”, Google responds directly to the query in a box with the content it finds most relevant and optimized to serve the searcher. If your website appears frequently enough in this Google feature, you’ll have a better chance of improving your conversion rate. There are many types of content that Google can use to present a snippet in the SERPs, these are basically:
  • A video;
  • A painting ;
  • Or the summary of an article.
And so queries on questions are more likely to elicit a snippet response in the SERPs. In this case, you will have a better chance of creating question-based content when you use Answer The Public. Targeting long-tail keywords, which is the basic premise of the tool, helps you optimize your content for snippets.

How do I use Answer The Public?

Answer The Public has a fairly precise and simple interface that lets you immediately understand where you need to start. Within seconds, one can get up to 330 search results for the searched keyword. The tool categorizes search results so that you can make a relevant analysis. When you search Answer The Public, it breaks down your search results into several categories like:
  • Question;
  • Preposition ;
  • Comparatives;
  • Alphabetical;
  • Related.
The result displays a tab that gives you an overview of the keywords obtained and another ”Data” tab that provides you with all the data you may need. Either way, the two tabs help you get the topic and analyze the search intent of your audience and customers. When you try to view the data, you will have a clear understanding of the public search intent to choose the best topic ideas. In general, using the Answer The Public tool to create content is a better way to answer your audience’s queries in a relevant way.

Videos : Find Questions

Images : Find Questions

Company : Find Questions

AnswerThePublic is a platform that uses the most frequently asked questions from customers to create actionable reports. Indeed, the tool quickly extracts all the useful phrases and questions that people ask around your keyword or the query entered. It’s a gold mine of information that can be used to create ultra-relevant content, products and new services.  It’s also great for adding insight and creativity to businesses’ digital strategies. AnswerThePublic is a platform created by digital marketers that is very popular and used by many brands around the world.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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