Keyword Density Over-Optimization Analysis Help | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Keyword Density Over-Optimization Analysis Help | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Short description : Keyword Density Over-Optimization Analysis Help

Internet Marketing Ninjas offers a keyword density verification tool to check if your main keywords are well distributed in your content.

Long Description : Keyword Density Over-Optimization Analysis Help

Description Keyword Density Analysis by Internet Marketing Ninjas 

Text content is important not only for the human user, but also for search engine crawlers. The words you use and how you use them are important factors in the value of your pages.  Internet Marketing Ninjas has developed a free Keyword Density Analysis Tool that can be useful for you to analyze the text content of your existing pages. This is important to offer a better distribution of keywords in your content.  The tool can also be useful for analyzing the keyword density of your main competitors’ pages on the SERPs. 

Keyword Density Analysis – Internet Marketing Ninjas: How to use it ? 

Using the Internet Marketing Ninjas Keyword Analysis Tool is simple and very easy to learn.  After a few seconds the tool will display an analysis report with important information such as: 
  • The total number of words used on the page 
  • The number of stopwords (empty words) identified on the page 
  • The number of linked and unrelated words linked identified on the page 
  • And the number of stop words or very short words used in unlinked text
Further down, Keyword Density Analysis – Internet Marketing Ninjas presents another set of information organized in 2 different tables.  The first table lists the most used keywords on the analyzed page. These words are listed in ascending order of one-, two-, and 3-word expressions.  You also have on this first table of the tool, the frequency of use of each keyword listed.  In the second table of Keyword Density Analysis – Internet Marketing Ninjas, the tool presents the density of each identified keyword in the unrelated textual content of the page.  By default,  Keyword Density Analysis – Internet Marketing Ninjas loads its tables with the first 10 identified keywords or phrases.  But below each table, you have a link called “Show/Hide” that you can click on and display more data. 

Keyword Density Analysis – Internet Marketing Ninjas: How the tool works 

To provide its keyword density analysis, Internet Marketing Ninjas takes into account the texts identified in the body of the page, but also the texts used in the meta tags and the different titles of the page.  This makes the tool a great way to also control keyword density in your Hn tags (h2-h5) and image alt text

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What is keyword density? 

The density of a keyword refers to the number of times that keyword appears on a page or in a excerpt compared to the total number.,de%20mots%20sur%20la% 20page Among other terms, keyword density can be said to represent the frequency of insertion of a specific term on a web page or in a textual extract. 

How to know the keyword density of your content? 

Manually, to know the density of a word on a page, count the total number of times this keyword is inserted on the page then divide this number by the total number of keywords used on the page.  For example, consider a blog post that has a total of 1,000 words with a primary keyword that appears 20 times across the entire page. The density of this main keyword will be calculated as follows: (20/1000) * 100 = 2%. However, it must be recognized that it can be exhausting to count yourself the number of times a keyword is inserted in a text and then calculate its density yourself.  This is where the Keyword Density Analysis – Internet Marketing Ninjas can help you.  By simply entering the URL of the page, the tool generates in seconds the density of your various keywords with other information that you can use to improve the quality of your content.   

What is good keyword density? 

Most players in the SEO industry seem to agree that a good keyword density range is between 1 and 2%.  In practice, this amounts to inserting a main keyword about 1 or 2 times every 100 words.  Having a low keyword density presents very little if any risk to the SEO of your pages. The most important thing is to avoid falling on an over-optimization. So by analyzing your pages with Keyword Density Analysis – Internet Marketing Ninjas make sure you keep your keyword density below 3% for better SEO, free from Google penalties. 

Some best practices to improve the word density of your content 

1. Prioritize user understanding  

Search engines have always advocated a good user experience. So the first good practice for good keyword density is to write your content by prioritizing a user experience for your readers.  And you will notice that the keywords will be inserted naturally for a good density with if possible some adjustments during the proofreading. 

2. Don’t forget to insert keywords at strategic places on the page 

Good keyword density is not limited to inserting keywords in the body of the page. There are also other equally important parts that you should also take into account, including: 
  • The H1 tag
  • The Hn header 
  • tags The Title and Meta Description tags 
  • The first paragraphs of the content 
  • The end of the content 
  • The URL of page

3. Broaden the semantic field by using variations of the main keywords  

Every day, Google receives more than 500 million terms and expressions NEVER searched before by users on the search engine.  In short, this means that users have several ways of expressing the same thing. So by focusing only on a single keyword, you potentially lose several Internet users. To reach the most people, it is recommended to reinforce your main keywords with other variations.  These are not necessarily synonyms, but the different possible formulations that Internet users can use to search for your theme on Google.

4. Check and improve the keyword density of your existing content 

If you now know the limit of a good keyword density, what about your old content.  Keyword Density Analysis – Internet Marketing Ninjas is a tool that allows you to check the keyword density of your already published content. 

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Company : Keyword Density Over-Optimization Analysis Help

Internet Marketing Ninjas is a company founded in 1999 by Jim Boykin, with more than 10 years of experience in the field of SEO. The mission that the company has given itself is to support their customers to have better traffic to their websites through secure methods. Internet Marketing Ninjas specializes in optimizing pages and websites for search engines. Based in the United States in Clifton Park, the company is made up of 50 members who are all experts in their fields. Internet Marketing Ninjas offers the entire digital community complete digital marketing services, but also SEO services and tools. Among the 87+ tools developed by them, here are some free SEO tools they have developed:
  • Social Image Resizer Tool;
  • What’s My Browser Size Tool;
  • HTML Source Code Viewer Tool;
  • Meta Tag Analyzer;
  • Domain Age Checker;
  • Meta Tag Generator & Snippet Preview;
  • Search Engine Spider Simulator;
  • Keyword Combination Tool;
  • URL Inspection Tool…
These tools are aimed at SEO agencies as well as marketing professionals, not to mention companies. They will surely help to improve your various marketing strategies.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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