Webpage Size Lookup
It is essential for the success of a website that visitors can access it without difficulty. Businesses competing online are working harder than ever to stay on the cutting edge. The majority of professional bloggers have tried to make their websites more cheerful by using great fonts, images, and videos. Most professional blogs today contain a wealth of information, high resolution photos, HD videos, great web designs and other features that take a long time to load. However, if you offer a high-quality product, but your website takes a long time to load, the customer will quickly go to another site. If your website’s load time is slow, all the perfect SEO implementation in the world won’t bring it customers. You then need to ensure that the page size is optimal so that it loads faster no matter how connected the users are. Internet Marketing thinks about this and offers site owners the Webpage Size Lookup tool to check their page size from time to time. Through this description, we discover this tool and how you can use it for the good of your site.What is Internet Marketing Ninja’s Webpage Size Lookup?
The Webpage Size Lookup is an SEO tool that measures the size of a website’s pages in bytes and kilobytes. Since the speed and the duration of opening a web page are the two key factors that influence the performance of a website, this tool is very essential in the world of SEO. With Webpage Size Lookup, you will be able to assess the file size of any URL. It will tell you how much space is used by HTML, CSS, images, javascript, audio files, video files and other files. Indeed, the resources of a website can be in many different places. A web page, for example, may contain entertainment, news, or other educational materials presented as text and media files (audio and video files). It is true that attractive content is essential to retain visitors on your website and reduce the bounce rate, but there are certain elements that can slow down the loading speed of your website. A lighter page will, without a doubt, load faster than a larger one. Overloaded with high resolution photos and video content, a page may slow loading and irritate the user. By using Webpage Size Lookup, you will discover the size of each page of your website to reduce it if possible. This tool will allow you to evaluate the size of each web page and to find which pages need to be reduced. Thus, you can improve the speed of your site.How does the Webpage Size Lookup tool work?
With this page size checker, no technical skills are needed. To determine the page size, here is a simple technique that everyone should follow: Enter your domain or a specific URL in the field then press “Check Page Size” and wait for the tool to check. The result of your web page will be displayed and the size of the page will be shown in both bytes and kilobytes. This tool is both fast and efficient, then you get the results immediately after entering the URL. If your website size is large, you should most likely reduce it and follow SEO rules to improve loading time, get better rankings and lower your return rate.Advantage of page size checker
Checking the download speed of your site is not an easy task since you need to check on various types of networks including 2G, 3G, 4G and fiber optic networks. Internet Marketing Ninjas’ Webpage Size Lookup makes things easier by providing you with the page size directly. Other benefits of Webpage Size Lookup include: For a web developer : Webpage Size Lookup is a handy tool for web designers, who can use it to determine the size of the page after creating it. Many variables influence the size of a web page. They need to handle everything properly in order to provide a beneficial user experience. For digital marketing : The primary goal of any website is to generate traffic, generate interest, and convert browsers into customers. In addition to these advantages, you can use Webpage Size Lookup to check the page size of your competitors. As an example, you can check the size of the top ranking pages for a keyword you want to rank for. Thus, you will be able to make your pages as light as these pages. By using a mix of paid and organic methods, you can improve your business rankings. Higher rankings mean more page views, which equates to potential customers for your product or service.Cons of Webpage Size Lookup
Although Webpage Size Lookup is a very handy tool to optimize page load, it is still very basic and does not provide detailed results. Indeed, you will not obtain with this tool the size of the elements of each element that contains the page. Also, Webpage Size Lookup does not indicate whether your site size is adequate or heavy. In other words, the tool does not provide a detailed report of the situation of your page nor comments to direct you on the procedure to follow to make your page lighter. That said, you will still have to dig deep to determine if you should further optimize elements on your page or you should leave it as it is. In short, this tool will allow you to determine the size of your pages to make them lighter so that they can be displayed on all devices, regardless of the type of network.