Blog | Pro Blogger

Blog | Pro Blogger

Short Description : Pro Blogger

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Learn how to effectively start a blog, manage it, and monetize it with the resources available on ProBlogger’s blog.

Long Description : Pro Blogger

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ProBlogger is a website that brings together on its platform thousands of articles on how to blog, manage it and monetize it. It offers practical guides and useful advice on the subject. You will also discover blogging tips as well as reviews and comparisons of blogging tools. In addition, this website offers several useful resources, including Podcasts, eBooks, Blogging courses…

ProBlogger Blog Description

If it is exciting to create a blog, it remains nevertheless difficult to maintain it and to monetize it effectively. In practice, keeping a blog and making it successful requires good organization and excellent knowledge of the sector.

Thus, cultivating yourself more, following advice, reading guides and applying expert tips remain the ideal solution for success. On the internet, there are some great blogs like ProBlogger’s that allow you to learn the art of blogging step by step.

Introducing the ProBlogger Blog

Launched in September 2004,ProBlogger is a blog that aims to help other bloggers, especially those who are starting to:

  • Develop the skills needed to blog;
  • Share their own blogging experiences;
  • Promote this medium.

Since then, ProBlogger has at least 8,000 articles, how-tos, tutorials, and case studies on creating, growing, and monetizing a blog.

Does ProBlogger have enough visitors? To find out, we invite you to discover some of its metrics.

Key ProBlogger Blog Metrics

The metrics that we are going to present to you were provided by the SEOquake plugin. They are credible, but remain approximate. Since we noted them at the time of producing this article.

    • Authority Score: 43
  • Monthly Organic Traffic Volume:264k
  • Average length of visit:10 minutes 02 seconds
  • Average Bounce Rate:70,86 %

This is how ProBlogger metrics look. In an effort to bring more detail to this blog, we have taken the trouble to address its categories.

ProBlogger’s main blog categories?

The articles published by the ProBlogger team are classified into several categories. To be more exact, in 7 main ones. Here is a small presentation of each of them.

1. Start a Blog

Start a blog absolutely requires an understanding and mastery of the basics of its creation. By exploring this category of ProBlogger, you will find the most useful and up-to-date articles on how to start a blog.

In addition, you will know how to make it progress quickly. This category also offers practical blogging tips. Finally, the comprehensive guides collected in this section make it easier to learn blogging.

2. Create Content 

After a thorough knowledge of the basics of creating a blog, you have to think about creating quality content that is well optimized for search engines. Since content is the heart of your blog.

Within this category you will findhelpful guides and writing techniques to create authentic and relevant content to publish on your blog. Finally, this section brings together tips and advice for writing well in order to make your blog stand out from the crowd.

3. Find Readers

Tutorials, tips and how-to guides, here are some of the elements that make up this category of ProBlogger. Tapping into these resources will give you a clearer and more accurate idea of ​​how to find potential readers for your blog.

Indeed, by knowing how to find readers, you will get traffic to your blog. This will allow it to be classified among the sites with a good domain of authority.

4. Build Community 

If you want your blog to be more profitable, a significant asset would be to build a community of engaged readers. To find out how to do this, you can read thearticles grouped in this section

The latter also brings together advice, guides and tips to effectively achieve this end. In addition, you can through this category test different strategies for the success of building the community of your blog.

5. Make Money Blogging

One of the main reasons for blogging is to generate income. But how to achieve this easily? To get a detailed answer, you can useresources available in this category.

These will show you the direction to follow. Moreover, most of them are guides and valuable advice whose reading will help you better understand certain aspects of theblog monetization.

6. Be Productive 

Being a great professional blogger involves being aproductive blogger. It also means achieving your blogging goals on all fronts. Unfortunately, when blogging, sometimes being productive every time is a bit problematic.

If you want to avoid this completely natural situation, you can read the useful tips andpractical tips gathered in this category

7. Understand Technology

Maintaining a blog is time-consuming and requires the completion of some manual tasks. With technology, you can save time and automate many tasks. This assumes that you need to understand and know how to use certain blogging tools.

Inthis section, these are guides on the use of certainblogging services and tools. Also learn how to make a good choice of tools by reading the reviews and comparisons offered by the experts at ProBlogger.

Now you have an idea of ​​the main ProBlogger categories. Apart from the resources posted in these categories, the blog has other resources. Let’s find out together.

What are the other resources on the ProBlogger blog?

Other resources are shared by the ProBlogger team for you to gain even more knowledge in the art of blogging. Here they are.


AT Through this resource, the ProBlogger website intends to share relevant information about blogging with you. Listen totestimonials from entrepreneurs, tips and tricks to effectively manage your blog. Discover through good animations how to get by now with web 2.0.


AT apart from the regular advice published on the blog, you are also entitled to relevant eBooks. So far, you will only find 6:

  • 31 days to create a better blog;
  • Pro-blogger’s guide to your first week of blogging;
  • A Pro-Blogger’s Guide to Blogging for Your Business;
  • Wise Blog: How to do more with less;
  • Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers;
  • A blogger’s guide to online marketing…

As you can notice, theseeBooks will help you start a blog and grow it. Also, they will be useful to you in the creation and management of your business. It should be emphasized that none of these e-books are free. You have to buy them.

Recommended Blogging Resources & Tools

Within this resource, the ProBlogger team has recommended a list of blogging tools and services. From the presentation of blog platforms to web hosting and marketing tools to end up on networks to monetize your blog. Check it all out through this link:Recommended Blogging Resources & Tools.


Jobs is a separate resource of ProBlogger. This is a page that offers job offers related to digital professions. Regularly updated, you may find a new project or a first position as a Freelancer.


This resource is an interface that groups alesson collection concerning the different categories of the blog. Thus, you have the possibility of downloading them to keep them. Some are paid and some are free.

Here are some of the various other resources of ProBlogger. But is it a blog that accepts guest posts?

ProBlogger and guest blogging

The ProBlogger website is highly visited as demonstrated by the metrics we provided using SEOquake. This is a web platform that accepted guest articles.

But since then, ProBlogger would take a new approach that is different from the content they themselves publish. And the latter means that ProBlogger would not accept any content submissions or unsolicited submissions.

This policy may change in the future, but ProBlogger does not currently consider guest post submissions.

However, you can seek to publish the guest articles on other blogs that we have listed for you onour web platform.

In summary

ProBlogger is a blog that has several useful resources to help you create, manage and monetize your blog. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, the articles that this web platform offers you will surely improve your Blogging skills.

Videos : Pro Blogger

Images​ : Pro Blogger

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Presentation : Pro Blogger

Blog Pro Blogger Logo

Darren Rowse is the main author of theblog de ProBlogger which he launched in 2004. Blogger, entrepreneur and speaker at heart, he created several other blogs, including TwiTip and Digital Photography School.

In 2005, he launched b5media a network of blogs. That same year, he introduced “Six Figure Blogging,” a special course on subject blogging. In 2006, the expert published his book with the houseediting Wiley Publishers. 

It should also be mentioned that this work wasco-written with Chris Garrett, a marketing technology specialist.

However, Darren Rowse was not always a blogger. Indeed, before launching his first blog, this blogging specialist held three jobs: minister of a Church, occasional worker and then employee in an online store.At the same time, he finished his cycle of theology.

Today, Darren Rows regularly hosts his main blog ProBlogger and is the author of numerous e-books on blogging and photography. It also creates and distributes podcasts on its platforms.

If you want to know more about DarrenRowse, the founder of the ProBlogger site, you can get in touch with him via Facebook media,LinkedIn AndTwitter.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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