Blog | Shopify

Blog | Shopify

Short Description : Shopify

Blog Shopify Mise en avant

Check out this article for a detailed description of the Shopify blog and what it offers people in terms of knowledge.

Long Description : Shopify

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Shopify is an e-commerce platform. His blog provides content that allows Internet usersto acquire knowledgein marketing digital and optimization ofsites web. This is the ideal blog to discover the different techniques and ways to develop your business on the net.

Blog de Shopify

With the advent of the Internet, e-commerce sites have multiplied rapidly and their number continues to grow day by day.

In order to stand out from the competition and gain visibility while making more profit, the owners of these businesses have turned to digital marketing.

However, online marketing is a much more complex concept than it seems and therefore many people find it difficult to assimilate it.

The Shopify blog was designed to help them better understand the concept of digital marketing and the different strategies for developing their online business. Here are its various characteristics.

Introducing the Shopify Blog

With a simple and intuitive interface, theblog de Shopify is a reference site for all questions relating to digital marketing and SEO.

Created in 2006 by partners Tobias Lütke, Scott Lake and Daniel Weinand, this platform specifically deals with topics relating to the improvement and development of online businesses.

There is a selection of guides and articles on natural referencing on the site. This content is intended to help online site and e-commerce store owners optimize their platform.

Thus, they will be able to stand out from the competition and significantly increase their visibility and prospects.

The Shopify blog has over a hundred articles and most of them touch on different topics.

These articles are obviously not the work of an individual, but the fruit of the collective work of several people in order to continuously supply the site with content.

The various authors and contributors who post on the Shopify blog include Maud Leuenberger, Aleks Ignjatovic, Janelle Pierce, and Tucker Schreiber, among others.

To these are also added Corey Ferreira, Lauryne Cadona, Caroline Lanau-Imbert, Solenn Marchand and finally Emilie Trochu.

Shopify blog metrics

Here are the different Shopify blog metrics:

Website authority score: 90

Average length of visit: 09:48 s

Average bounce rate: 59,42 %

Volume of monthly organic traffic: 118 M

It should be noted that these data are variable and approximate.

Note: These are figures collected at the time this description is being written. They are first approximate and are likely to vary over time.

Introducing the Different Shopify Blog Categories

The Shopify blog is a very rich blog with content of all kinds. In order to preserve the fluidity of the interface and to allow visitors to navigate easily through this lot of content, the articles present on the site have been grouped by category.

Create your business

This section includesof the articles relating to the creation of online stores. It includes guides and advice on how to start your business online.

This section also includes ideas for products to sell and e-commerce inspirations. Simply put, this is really all you need to set up your business.

Shopify updates

Shopify is a platform considered by many to be the n1 of e-commerce sites in all sectors.

The Shopify site allows you to create your own online business or expand the one you already have. The Updates section of the Shopify blog is there to introduce visitors to new features available on the site or relating to its operation.

Ideas of products to sell

Confused about items to sell on Shopify? Well, the blog provides you through its contents with product ideas that you can market on the site.

Inspiration e-commerce

Inspiration is important for any business, even e-commerce. To this end, the Shopify blog offers guides and articles that are inspiring, and above all, intended to motivate entrepreneurs.

Sell ​​online

Doing e-commerce is not easy. Shopify’s guides to selling online are thereforeefficient to help e-merchants succeed and achieve their goals.


Branding is a process aimed at creating a specific and distinct identity for one’s company or brand in the minds of consumers and the public audience.

The articles in this section help you learn how to create an identity for your business. You will also find some tips to strengthen your brand identity if you already have one.


The importance of digital marketing is no longer a secret to anyone. Any business that wants to be successful must have a good marketing strategy.

The contents present in this category present you with some marketing strategies to adopt to develop your business.

Content Marketing

Like digital marketing, content marketing is just as useful and essential. This section of the Shopify blog provides tips, guides, and tricks for puttingup one strategy for writing impactful content that converts.


E-commerce is one of the most lucrative industries in the world today. Many people are interested in it and are looking to get started in the field.

This section brings together all the articles that relate to e-commerce as well as some advice for novices in the field.

Open an online store without stock

Dropshipping is a better way to have an online store, but without any stock. How to get there ? This is the question that the articles and guides in this section answer.

Social networks

Social media is now a great way to improve your e-commerce business. They allow you to advertise a company or product to a large audience in order to attract prospects.

The articles in this section discuss different techniques for using social media to gain more visibility for your online business.

SEO Natural referencing

Natural referencing or SEO is a pillar without which an online business cannotincrease its visibility. Optimizing your content not only allows you to position yourself, but also to attract prospects. Learn more with Shopify’s blog guides.


The Shopify blog offers articles to help you implement the best retail techniques.


Through the contents of this category, the blog provides tips and advice to help e-merchants in the good management of their time. This will allow them to increase their productivity.

Success stories

It is always good to learn from the experiences of others. This section provides advice and tips from the most reputable online merchants. Their successes and failures will inspire you.

Shopify Events

As its name suggests, this section brings together all theevents the Shopify.

Other resources on the Shopify site

Here are the other resources available on the Shopify blog.

Help and support

As the name suggests, the Help Center is the section where visitors with problems should go to find a solution to their concern.

It has an FAQ section as well as step-by-step guides for solving specific problems. You’ll even find links to YouTube videos for setting up a Shopify store.

Free tools

The tools pagefree brings together all the tools available on the site completely free of charge. There are logo creators, company name generators, company slogan generators and several other equally interesting tools.

Popular topics

This resource brings together all the most consulted topics on the site.

Does the blog accept guest posts?

The Shopify blog has a very high reputation on the net. Due to its high profile, the site receives a slew of guest post requests from other websites.

These requests are mostly accepted when they present a proven interest for the platform.


The Shopify Blog is a platform to show people how to establish and grow an online business.

The articles present in several categories on the blog are informative and relevant. They thus make it possible to bring a maximum of knowledge with regard to e-commerce and the digital marketing strategies which are vital to make it move forward.

Videos : Shopify

Images​ : Shopify

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Presentation : Shopify

Blog Shopify Logo

Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce sites famous. It offers resources for anyone wishing to get started in sales. To this end, the company accompanies them from the creation of the platform to its management.

Shopify offers to support more than one merchant worldwide. On this platform, you will find sales strategies, guides and tutorials for the creation and development of your activity on social networks.

These e-merchants can thus have their independence while generating income through their sales.

In addition, the company provides merchants with effective tools so that they can establish their marketing plan and improve their ranking on search engines.

In addition, it offers them brand name generators and image banks. This global platform is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. It is headed by three programming and commercial figures: Tobias Lütke, Scott Lake and Daniel Weinand.

Follow the news of the company on Twitter.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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