Blog | Authoritas

Blog | Authoritas

Short Description : Authoritas

Blog Authoritas Mise en avant

Discover some trends in digital marketing and SEO through the tips, guides and tricks of the Authoritas blog.

Long Description : Authoritas

Blog Authoritas Ressource 1

The Authoritas blog is an online portal that offers a good variety of articles and content covering key aspects of digital marketing and SEO. Heis regularly  shared on this blog, tips, tricks and wise techniques on these two subjects. Apart from all this, the blog site provides readers with other resources such as its YouTube SEO channel, white papers and conferences…

Présentation du blog de Authority

The blog about Authority presents itself as a source of information that brings together a wide variety of content and informative articles on:

  • Le marketing digital 
  • And THAT
  • Data analysis…

Many other topics are discussed in this blog. In addition, shared content is offered by Authoritas SEO experts. Through their posts, they offer tips, tricks, and valuable information for marketers and SEO specialists. Website owners are also affected by the articles published.

The intention of this blog is quite noble, but does it have a good authority score? What is the behavior of visitors towards him? To have very clear answers, we offer you these few figures.

Authoritas blog metrics

Here is the data we were talking about earlier.

    • Site Authority Score: 27
  • Monthly organic traffic:1,86 k
  • Duration of visit:01 minutes 03 secondson average
  • Average Bounce Rate:80,22 %

Please be aware that this data was gathered using the SEOquake plugin at the time we started with the paragraphs in this section. The values ​​of these numbers can change at any time. So these are approximate figures.

Now that you have some idea of ​​its current authority score and visitor behavior, we can move on to the description. So let’s examine the categories in which the articles, tips, tricks… of this blog are grouped.

Authoritas Blog Categories

A number of categories or sections are found within this blog. Here are their presentations.

Website Migration 

With thiscategory, you have the latest practical tips, tricks and knowledge on website migration at your fingertips. These contents proposed by the team of SEO experts of the Authoritas blog show you the maneuver to follow if you are unable to effectively migrate your website.

By exploring the articles, you will learn how to quickly and calmly transfer your website to a new platform. You will also know through relevant tips how to improve the ranking of the migrated site in Google.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is essential to have significant traffic. You know that, don’t you? Besides, all SEO specialists know it. But very often, some of us don’t know how to manage, that too, you know. So you also know that it takes healthy technical SEO habits to not only get traffic, but to rank well.

Within this category, discover tips to learn how to optimize the technical aspects of your website. Also, get new insights and valuable tips from the Authoritas editorial team to improve your visibility and conversions.

SEO Reports 

SEO reports are content that is useful to all professionals, as they allow the implementation of new optimization strategies. In this category, get an idea of ​​how you should track the performance of your website.

Plus, get SEO tips, tricks, and reviews from Authoritas’ team of SEO experts. Learn how to more effectively measure the success of your SEO efforts through the articles in this category.

SEO Software Updates

This category groups articles about SEO software updates. It also includes opinions and reviews on some of these tools.

Exploring the content in this category will teach you about the different ways to stay at the forefront of the latest tools and technologies to improve the visibility of your website.

Page Optimisation 

With this category, learn how to make individual web pages on your website perform better to get great traffic. Read guides and find great tips for getting better visibility in Google SERPs.

Engaging tips to improve your conversion rates are also available in the section.

Link Building Outreach 

Awareness links can also be profitable when we are SEO. But how do you establish a good Outreach link building approach? If this question is on your mind then you should take the time to read the advice, tips and tricks that Authoritas offers within this category.

For sure, you will know how you should go about acquiring good quality backlinks. How to exploit these links to generate better traffic? Here is another question whose explicit answers can be found in the category.

Keyword Research 

This category will be of most interest to beginners in the web industry. Within it, you will find informative articles that ideally show you the ways to determine the best keywords. Tips and tricks are also available to help you optimize your content effectively.

Moreover, it is part of the blog category which includes several articles, but also several guides that guide you for better visibility with Google.

Keyword Ranking

Another category quite rich in content is this one. Find within it tips and new knowledge on the ranking of keywords. Informative articles that will help you better track the performance of your website are also available.

By reading the content shared by the team, you will be able to detect the points to review for good traffic. Also, you will learn how to measure the success of your SEO efforts for better notoriety.

Ecommerce SEO

The team behind the blog has put together tips and advice to help you with e-commerce SEO. Apart from these, how-to guides and informative articles in the category teach you how to:

  • Properly optimize your e-commerce site;
  • Have excellent traffic with showcase site;
  • Succeed in sales.

This category is dedicated to all e-commerce site owners who are struggling to evolve in their sector.

International SEO

Many SEO professionals increase traffic to their site or that of their client just through international SEO. If you do not yet know how to do it or if the subject interests you, you really must read the explanatory articles gathered in the section.

Besides these, tips and tricks from the experts of Authoritas also form this category. Some engaging guides can also help you if you want to try natural referencing to get more traffic.

Content marketing

Approaching the SEO world without touching content marketing is probably the mistake you should never make whether you are a beginner or on another level. This is what the informative contents of this section remind us.

Within the latter, explanations and advice for learning how to write high-quality and attractive content await you. Also, you will learn how to generate more organic visits and engagement by the sheer force of your content. Yes, just explore a little on the blog and this category in particular.

Competitor analysis

The Competitor analysis category for competitor analysis in French includes content that only addresses this subject. The how-to articles are also valuable tips and tricks that must be read to distinguish yourself from competitors.

You will benefit from exploring this category if of course you wish to:

  • Learn to research and evaluate your competitors’ SEO tactics;
  • Determine the points to review concerning your own SEO tactics;
  • Stay ahead of competitors.

You haveso there, all reasons for exploring this category.

Company News 

Yes, sharing tips and tricks is fine. Yes, offer guides too. But often, it happens that being selfish is an asset. We believe this is the reason for the creation of this last category.

Indeed, it brings together the latest company news, updates and events organized by the expert SEO team of Authoritas. In the section, also discover their latest projects, their various partnerships and their achievements in the SEO and web marketing industry.

Besides the blog, Authoritas has other resources on its website. Perhaps you would like to have an idea of ​​what resources we are talking about?

Other resources available on the Authoritas website

The other resources we were talking about are six in number. Here are shortpresentations of each of them.

Tea Time SEO

This resource is a gathering of SEO expert conferences covering all aspects of the industry. Apart from these conferences, you also have a set of e-books that cover many topics related to SEO and all this for free.

Video tutorials 

This is a large number of videos that cover all the events of the experts of Authoritas. These videos are practical and allow you to better understand SEO. With this chain of Authoritas, get the most out of it in terms of SEO.

SEO Market Reports 

This very informative resource gives you the opportunity to be aware of the latest trends in the SEO market. Simply put, these reports allow you to get a great assessment of the SEO scene data.

Ultimate SEO Guides 

As the name suggests, this resource brings together a number of ultimate guides that only talk about SEO. These guides also cover all the strategic aspects of content marketing.

SEO Templates 

Within this resource, discover SEO patterns or templates that you can use at any time in order to perform the most common SEO tasks. These templates are free to download from the website.

Cases studies

This resource brings together, as the name suggests, the case studies from Authoritas. You’ll get to experience the groundbreaking ways Authoritas customers have leveraged their:

  • Tools ;
  • Data ;
  • API…

These case studies have been put together for visitors to use as inspiration to boost their organic growth. They can also take inspiration from their strategies and apply them to their own.

We are at the end of the short presentations of the resources available on the Authoritas blog website. You would like to know if the blog team agrees to practice guest blogging.

Le blog de Authoritas: guest blogging ou non? 

The contributors to this English blog, which frequently discusses webmarketing and sometimes webdesign, do not accept the publication of guest content.

But don’t worry, other blogs tolerate guest posting on their platform. If you want to get an idea of ​​at least a thousand of them, maybe you should click here:+1156 Blogs to Publish your guest articles [FR/EN].

In summary

It should be remembered that the Authoritas blog is a more or less complete resource on topics relating to digital marketing, SEO and data analysis. It would be very useful for beginners in one of these sectors.

Videos : Authoritas

Images​ : Authoritas

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Presentation : Authoritas

Blog Authoritas Logo

The blogauthority was created byLaurence O’Toole, andexpert in digital marketing. He shares through his blog information about the different digital marketing strategies and data analysis.

Laurence had worked in the Yellow Pages industry in the UK until 1996 gaining a wealth of experience.

He then started in digital marketing in 1996 and first became interested in SEO in 2000 when he set up his web SEO agency.

He has over 20 years of experience in software and API development, data analysis and background research in SEO.

You can contactLaurence O’Toole through these social networks by:

Twitter : Laurence O’Toole

Above Authoritas

Social Network : Authoritas

Others Ressources : Authoritas

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.