Blog | Crowd Content

Blog | Crowd Content

Short Description : Crowd Content

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Want to deepen your knowledge of content creation and content marketing? If so, check out Crowd Content blog.

Long Description : Crowd Content

Blog Crowd Content Ressource 1

Crowd Content blog is an excellent resource for SEO, e-commerce, social media and content marketing. By exploring the latter, you have at your disposal well-detailed informative articles, a large number of practical guides and engaging advice to deepen your general knowledge in these industries. Other resources such as ebooks, webinars, videos remain available for your greater good.

Description de Crowd Content blog

Content creation remains at the center of digital marketing. However, some specialists in this field face challenges such as a lack of ideas or finding the ideal content strategy.

Under these conditions, it is better to seek relevant sources of information that will allow you to solve these challenges. One such source is Crowd Content blog. The latter offers valuable information, tips and useful advice on content creation and marketing. Let’s find out together.

Introducing Crowd Content Blog 

Crowd Content blog is a credible source of information for content creation and content marketers. This is a blog whose contributors regularly post informative articles on a number of topics including:

  • Content writing;
  • And THAT ;
  • The content strategy…

In addition to these informative articles, brands and specialists can deepen their knowledge by reading the tips and guides they also offer. However, can we say that this blog has a good reputation? How long do visitors spend on it? Here are the numbers.

Crowd Content blog main metrics

The metrics that we will soon list were harvested using the SEOquake extension. This is particularly about:

    • Authority Score: 39
  • Monthly organic traffic:68,4 k
  • Duration of visit:81 minutes 38 secondson average
  • Average Bounce Rate:59, 15 %

Noticed: The data above was proposed at the time of creation of this description article. At any time, they can change value. So keep in mind that these data are not very summary or approximate.

What are the main categories of Crowd Content blog?

Crowd Content blog has grouped these articles into several categories. Nevertheless, the main ones remain those that we have listed for you just below.


Within this category which brings together all the articles of the other categories, you will discover informative content on the following subjects:

  • Writing articles ;
  • Content Marketing;
  • Web writing;
  • Electronic commerce;
  • Content outsourcing;
  • And THAT…

This informative content is also accompanied by practical advice, proven guides and valuable tips on the same subjects. So, if you want to rework your different SEO strategies as marketing, you are in the right category, especially if you like to have an overview.

Article writing

To generate leads and effectively develop your brand, you can, like many professionals before you, learn how to write articles. Not just any, here we are referring to effective articles for your website or on the social media platforms you use most often.

In this section of Crowd Content blog, you will learn the valuable tips and tricks of article writing services. Valuable guides are also available to guide you if you are just starting out.

Content marketing

Unlike the previous category, this one remains abundant in articles. Moreover, these articles remain informative and remarkably detailed. By exploring the latter, you can, for example, find new ideas for creating an effective SEO strategy. Better, you will learn new aspects of technical writing.

In addition, several cheats remain available. Of course, what remains very interesting is that apart from the informative articles, the majority of the content gathered in the category constitutes practical guides.


You know that a unique and optimized writing remains essential for a successful content marketing approach. But all the time, some copywriters, even pros, still don’t succeed.

In reality, this failure is not always their fault. Between Google’s algorithms and the multitude of content, we must seek to impact both readers and robots. And in this category of the blog, guides and tips from Crowd Content experts teach you how to master the art of engaging readers, spurring them to action, and generating more leads.


This category remains very rich in content like the Content marketing category. Except that in this one, you will find fewer tips, but only practical guides to excel in the art of e-commerce. Relevant topics await you:

  • How to effectively write service descriptions?
  • Creation of product descriptions
  • How to write SEO buying guides?
  • Easily create category pages…

The list is long, but all in all, by reading the contents of this category in the greatest rigor, you will no longer need to go to YouTube for hits. In addition to these guides, there are also practical tips for getting out of e-commerce if you are struggling.

Outsourcing content

An effective way to implement your content marketing strategy can be content outsourcing. In fact, it helps increase traffic and generate leads faster.

If you doubt content outsourcing, you should explore this category. You will understand its importance in your marketing efforts. You will know how to use this technique to benefit you.


Sometimes SEO specialistsrecurrently pose certain issues. Questions like:

  • How to create high quality content for SEO?
  • How to optimize its content so that it corresponds to the user’s keyword search intent?
  • Content reuse: How to make something new out of old to boost SEO?

Within this category, really rich in content, you have remarkably detailed, clear and understandable answers to deepen or improve your SEO knowledge. There are also plenty of tips and tricks.

Social media 

Another category rich in informative content is this one. Social media remains, like SEO or content marketing in the absence of copywriting, an art. As such, it should be improved and tweaked whenever you get the chance.

If by chance you are a social media or want to start in this art, we advise you to read the articles of this blog. Not only do they remain instructive, they give you all the cards to become a guru in this industry. Also find advice, guides and valuable techniques to properly develop and apply your social media approaches.

Writers Hub 

Taking inspiration from certain names in web writing is undoubtedly a very noble approach to surpassing this name or improving effectively. For this category, interviews with some heads of web writing mainly form this category.

This way, you can read their interviews and note the valuable advice that these SEO and marketing experts provide. Discover their beginnings and how they managed to establish themselves in the web writing scene.

ForCrowd Content blog, here is a little presentation of its main categories. You should know that after the blog, other resources remain available on the website.

What about other resources available on the Crowd Content website?

Regarding the other resources besides the blog, it should be noted that these are:

Writer Resources 

This resource remains at first sight as rich as the blog. Indeed, it is a resource subdivided into two other sub-resources. In other words, it is composed of the Writers Guide and University resource.

The first is an ultra-complete guide for all beginners in web writing. The second, on the other hand, represents a set of lessons that allow you to understand all aspects of content marketing. Here are the learnings available:

  • Become a master blogger
  • Become an amazing e-book author
  • Mastering the art of social media
  • Become a pro in e-commerce
  • Learn the basics of SEO
  • Grammar
  • Discover his style of writing…

Many other learnings are still available within this resource. In this way, if you are a beginner or want to brush up on your knowledge, it would be a good idea to explore this resource.

Video Library

This is a very interesting resource like the previous one. In fact, the resource is a list of videos published every Friday by the experts at Crowd Content.

It covers several tutorials and presentations on content creation, SEO and marketing. What better way to train each time!


This resource represents the place where all the ebooks made by the Crowd Content team are put. So, if you want to be inspired by them to create your own, you can download them for free on the page intended for this purpose.


Frequent webinars are often put on by the Crowd Content team. Within the resource, you have all the team’s past webinars. For information, these webinars revolve around the following points:

  • THIS
  • Content marketing 
  • Google 
  • artificial intelligence

It should be noted that these webinars remain led by experts in each field. Thus, you will have at your disposal various experiences, tips and advice.

Case Studies 

With this resource, discover the case studies implemented by the Crowd Content team. You can read them and get inspired to improve your content creation and content marketing strategies.

Here are some of the other resources that appear on the Crowd Content site apart from its excellent blog. Besides, is it someone who practices guest blogging?

Does Crowd Content blog allow the promotion of guest posts?

A priori, the English blog Crowd Content does not authorize the promotion of guest content. But this should not really surprise, because it is a blog that belongs to the Crowd Content agency.

Moreover, if you are looking for French and English blogs to promote your guest posts, you can search ourplatform. It collects at least 1000 blogs that allow guest posts.

In summary

Crowd Content blog looks great. There is no doubt about the quality of the articles published. Moreover, by reading them, it is clear that they master their subjects. The information remains detailed and serves all professionals in the SEO, e-commerce and content marketing industry.

Videos : Crowd Content

Images​ : Crowd Content

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Presentation : Crowd Content

Blog Crowd Content Logo

Clayton Lainsbury is the founder of Crowd Content. Its vision is to create a simple, yet powerful platform in the content creation process.

Across theYoutube channel of the agencyof which he is the CEO,Clayton Lainsbury shares videos on topics covered on his blog

As an expert in content creation, he uses the LinkedIn social platform to share with his audience:

  • His many experiences
  • Its results achieved according to the project
  • His opinions on new elements in his field

Clayton Lainsbury is expressed in a wayexplicit on the different subjects covered by his blog and seems to be very open-minded. You can reach him by LinkedIn onClayton Lainsbury

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.