E-learning | Forma SEO Abondance

E-learning | Forma SEO Abondance

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Do you want to learn search engine optimization skills? Discover FORMASEO and its training courses.

Long Description : Abondance

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Abondance FORMASEO

FORMASEO offers high-level SEO training entirely online, focused on search engine optimization and overall search engine functioning. With a team of renowned and experienced trainers, FORMASEO guarantees affordable prices and comprehensive support for all skill levels.

Description FORMASEO of Abondance

The digital world continues to grow and it is becoming essential to have solid skills in natural referencing (SEO) to ensure your online visibility.

Indeed, understanding how search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo work is important to increase your audience and optimize your digital marketing efforts.

The training provider Abondance offers high-quality online SEO training via its FORMASEO platform. These programs cover various aspects related to SEO and are presented by experienced trainers.

Through this description, let’s discover this platform and its training.

FORMASEO presentation of Abondance

FORMASEO specializes in offering comprehensive online SEO training on the different aspects of natural referencing.

By collaborating with renowned trainers, FORMASEO guarantees high quality training, while ensuring excellent value for money.

Formaseo offers a complete range of online SEO training courses consisting of nearly 500 videos and 11 distinct modules on themes ranging from local SEO, SEO writing, search engine algorithms to e-commerce SEO.

Whatever your current level of knowledge in natural referencing; beginner, intermediate or expert, FORMASEO has training adapted to your needs.

For example, “The Fundamentals of SEO” by Olivier Andrieu is a comprehensive 12-hour introduction to the essential concepts of SEO and search engines.

For those looking to deepen their existing skills, training courses such as “Engine Algorithms”, led by the Peyronnet brothers, explore in depth the complexity of these algorithms.

By opting for Formaseo, you benefit not only from unparalleled technical expertise, but also from very competitive prices.

Indeed, tuition fees remain reasonable despite the excellent supervision offered by renowned trainers as mentioned previously.

This winning combination makes FORMASEO SEO training particularly attractive for working professionals or individuals in the process of retraining.

FORMASEO accepts a wide variety of financing options, including:

  • The Personal Training Account (CPF);
  • Skills Operators (OPCO);
  • The Interprofessional Training Fund for Liberal Professionals (FIFPL);
  • And even Pôle Emploi.

This facilitates access to high-level SEO training for everyone. Several financing options can cover up to 100% of the total training cost, allowing you to advance your career while maximizing your investment in lifelong learning.

Whether you aspire to climb the ladder within your current company, become an SEO consultant, boost your digital strategy, master SEO, or change career paths to digital marketing, Formaseo’s online SEO training courses are an excellent starting point.

Accessible anywhere and at any time, these comprehensive programs taught by industry experts equip you with the tools necessary to achieve your ambitious goals.

It should be remembered that more than two thousand certificates have been issued in France alone, which attests to the credibility and value of these courses.

Participants benefit from positive reviews with an overall average rating of 4.8/5, which guarantees general user satisfaction.

Some training courses available at FORMASEO

The fundamentals of SEO

This in-depth training, provided by Olivier Andrieu, familiarizes participants with the basic notions of SEO and search engines.

It features over 12 hours of educational material divided into 100 separate video modules. After completing this course, learners will be able to create and implement an effective SEO strategy to increase their website’s visibility.

Engine algorithm

Offered by Guillaume and Sylvain Peyronnet, two experts in search engine algorithms, this training explores the complex functioning of the main search engines.

During the 15 hours of training, divided into 73 video sequences, learners will acquire a solid understanding of the algorithms used by these search engines and will thus be able to improve their ranking and optimization.

E-commerce SEO

Led by Mathieu Chapon, e-commerce expert, this 12-hour training course is specifically designed for e-commerce sites based on Prestashop, Shopify or WooCommerce.

Divided into 87 video modules, this course will provide participants with the tools needed to maximize the SEO visibility of their online store and drive its overall growth.

SEO writing

Offered by Isabelle Canivet, SEO writing expert, this 9-hour course guides participants towards a better understanding of writing for Internet users, simultaneously taking into consideration the needs of search engines and user intent. Made up of 45 video sessions, this course will allow learners to develop a robust writing methodology as part of an SEO strategy.

Other information about FORMASEO

Preparing for SEO certifications

In addition to the multitude of benefits mentioned above, these training courses are also designed to help you prepare for the SEO certifications available in France, including those from Qaseo, Ceseo and ix-SEO.

Not only do these certification bodies recommend FORMASEO, but it is common for training participants to achieve exceptional results when they take these exams.

Mastering the crucial notions relating to natural referencing via FORMASEO online courses therefore represents an ideal springboard for passing the French SEO certification tests.

Large target audience

Although FORMASEO’s SEO training courses are focused on the Web, Internet, natural referencing and digital marketing, they are nevertheless aimed at a wide audience.

Communication directors, marketing managers, marketing project managers, product managers, webmasters, developers, and anyone interested in SEO and visibility on Google will certainly find training adapted to their needs at FORMASEO.

Whatever your professional background, your current status or your future ambitions, FORMASEO offers a range of comprehensive SEO training courses likely to meet your specific expectations.

In summary

Finally, by participating in the SEO training offered by FORMASEO, you not only benefit from the expertise of trainers, but you also benefit from a flexible learning environment adapted to your needs.

Whether it is to increase your employability, perfect your existing skills or introduce you to the fascinating world of natural referencing, FORMASEO represents an ideal partner to realize your professional ambitions.

Videos : Abondance

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Presentation : Abondance

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Abundance, founded by Olivier Andrieu, is a reference site in the field of SEO in France and the author of FORMASEO, online training dedicated to natural referencing.

Recognized for its expertise and pedagogy, Abondance offers through FORMASEO rich and structured content for those who wish to master SEO techniques.

FORMASEO training is aimed at a varied audience, from beginners to web professionals, and covers all aspects of natural referencing, from theory to practice.

With educational modules, explanatory videos and quizzes, Abondance allows learners to progress at their own pace and acquire solid SEO skills.

Olivier Andrieu, through Abondance and FORMASEO, shares over two decades of SEO experience, offering up-to-date advice and proven strategies.

Its ability to explain complex concepts in a clear and accessible way makes FORMASEO an essential resource for anyone looking to excel in web SEO.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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