Podcast | How to Win

Podcast | How to Win

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Are you a digital marketing and SaaS professional? The How to Win podcast is a guide you can use to excel in your field.

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In recent years, podcasts have established themselves as real professional tools. For entrepreneurs, they provide a practical way to train, find motivation and stay informed about the latest developments in their sector.

Whether you are in digital marketing or SaaS, the “How to Win” podcast is a guide that can help you excel in your field.

General description

The How to Win podcast is a valuable resource for digital marketing and SaaS professionals. Hosted by Peep Laja, this 30-minute podcast is designed to offer real-world case studies and practical, actionable strategies. Each episode is a wealth of information for those looking to stand out in a competitive market, with an emphasis on quality over quantity.

Presentation of the Facilitator

The host of the “How to win” podcast is Peep Laja. He is an entrepreneur and recognized expert in conversion rate optimization. The founder of several successful companies such as CXL, Speero and Wynter, Peep brings his wealth of experience to each episode of “How to Win.” His direct and straightforward approach makes him a facilitator appreciated for his ability to provide practical and immediately applicable advice.

Frequency and format

New episodes of the How to Win podcast are released weekly. This helps provide listeners with a constant stream of fresh and relevant content.

Episodes are typically around 30 minutes long, which helps deliver dense, useful information without losing listeners’ attention.

How to Win podcast sessions follow a well-defined structure that includes an introduction, detailed case studies, practical tips and closing thoughts. This way of organizing podcasts allows the host to maximize the impact of the information shared and guarantee engaging listening.

Accessibility and Subscription

The “How to Win” podcast is available on several popular streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, And Transistor. Listeners can easily subscribe to receive notifications about new episodes and never miss out on new posts.

What are the themes covered?

The How to Win podcast covers a variety of essential topics for business professionals. digital marketing and SaaS. Key themes covered include:

Techniques for optimizing conversion rates and customer acquisition

Conversion rate optimization and customer acquisition techniques are essential to maximizing the effectiveness of marketing efforts. To improve conversion rates, it’s important to simplify website navigation, use impactful calls to action (CTAs), and provide testimonials and customer reviews to build credibility.

Optimizing contact forms and adding features like live chat can also increase conversions. When it comes to customer acquisition, strategies like SEO, content marketing, and paid advertising campaigns are effective in attracting new prospects and converting them into loyal customers.

Managing challenges related to B2B marketing and SaaS

Managing B2B marketing and SaaS challenges requires a strategic approach. First, in an environment where competition becomes tougher and sales cycles longer, it is important to fully understand customer needs and behaviors.

Indeed, adopting marketing strategies based on accurate data and close alignment between sales and marketing teams is essential.

Additionally, using techniques like content marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing can help establish a strong online presence and generate quality leads.

Finally, optimizing sales processes and improving the user experience are also key factors that should not be overlooked. They help convert prospects into loyal customers and maintain long-term growth in the B2B SaaS industry.

The development of thought leadership and a strong brand

The development of thought leadership and a strong brand relies on the creation of impactful content that provides real added value. Concretely, it’s about sharing innovative ideas, in-depth analyzes and unique perspectives on the key issues in your sector of activity.

By positioning yourself as an essential reference, you strengthen the credibility and notoriety of your brand. Your quality content, distributed consistently across different channels, allows you to establish a relationship of trust with your target audience and to stand out from your competitors.

Some episodes of the podcast

To get an idea of ​​the discussions on “How to Win”, here are the latest episodes that have been published:

« Start in a Niche »

In this episode, Peep Laja highlights the importance of focusing on a specific niche when launching a new product or service. He explains that targeting a niche segment allows you to better understand the specific needs and challenges of potential customers. This facilitates the creation of a truly differentiated and relevant offer.

Peep shares examples of companies that have found success by taking this approach, like Wistia which initially focused on video for marketing companies before expanding its offerings.

Furthermore, he emphasizes that focusing on a niche market does not mean remaining “limited”, but rather building a solid foundation before considering expansion.

The episode also discusses the benefits of a niche strategy, including a better understanding of the market and the opportunity to become a thought leader.

« Scientific Laws of Marketing »

In this edition of the podcast, the focus is on applying scientific laws to marketing to improve the effectiveness of business strategies. Peep Laja chats with experts in the field to explore how certain principles can be used to predict and influence consumer behavior.

The episode discusses several key scientific laws, such as Pareto’s Law (or 80/20 Principle), which states that 80% of results come from 20% of effort. Peep and his guests explain how this law can be applied to identify the most impactful marketing actions and optimize resources.

Another important point discussed is the law of reciprocity, which describes how the actions of giving and receiving can create stronger relationships with customers. Experts share real-world examples of marketing campaigns that have used this law to increase customer engagement and loyalty.

The session ends with practical advice on how to integrate these scientific laws into everyday marketing strategies.

In summary

In summary, the How to Win podcast is a useful resource for marketing and SaaS professionals. Thanks to the expertise of the host and a well-thought-out structure, each episode is an opportunity to discover practical advice for succeeding in entrepreneurship.

Whether you’re looking to beat the competition in your niche or develop thought leadership, this podcast can help you achieve your goals.


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Presentation of the facilitator

Peep Laja is a thought leader in B2B marketing and SaaS, recognized for his expertise in conversion rate optimization and growth strategy. Originally from Estonia, he founded several successful companies, including CXL, an advanced marketing training platform, and Wynter, a B2B message testing tool. His career is marked by an innovative approach and an ability to simplify complex concepts to make them accessible and applicable.

At CXL, Peep has implemented training programs that have helped many professionals master essential skills in customer acquisition and conversion optimization. His work has been widely recognized to the point where he was voted the most influential expert in conversion rate optimization in 2015.

With Wynter, Peep has created a unique solution for testing and improving marketing messages. The goal is to enable businesses to better understand and respond to the needs of their target audience. This platform reflects its commitment to providing practical tools to help businesses stand out.

The idea for the “How to Win” podcast was born from this commitment. Through interviews with industry leaders and detailed case studies, Peep shares the best strategies for success, even in highly competitive environments.


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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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