Short Description : Penguin strategies

How to improve your digital strategy with digital marketing technologies?
Long Description : Penguin strategies

Penguin Strategies Blog is an online resource that brings together tips and educational content on SEO and digital marketing. It also helps professionals understand SEO and online promotion by providing helpful tutorials and tips.
Blog descriptionPenguin strategies
If you want to master the notions of B2B marketing or SEO, PenguinStrategies is the ideal blog to recharge your batteries.
You will effectively learn these different notions throughvery practical and 100% reliable content. Thus, you will have all the weapons in hand to revive your business.
The site is a goldmine of advice on a range of issues of vital importance to the web marketing industry.
Introducing the Penguin Blogstrategies
Articles written by the experts of the Penguin blogStrategies offer valuable information, practical advice and tips on a variety of topics including:
- SEO ;
- L’inbound marketing ;
- Le PPC Service ;
- Le Digital Demand Generation ;
- Event Marketing.
The main objective of the agency is to help professionals and companies understand in detail the components of digital marketing.
Along with tips and tricks, the articles shared include exciting guides highlighting the right tactics and actions to improve your B-to-B marketing expertise.
To find out if the blog has great online visibility and how visitors react when browsing the platform, let’s take a look at its stats.
Main blog metricsPenguin strategies
here are someindicator data:
- Authority Score: 26
- Monthly Organic Traffic Volume:8,65 k
- Duration of visits:58 seconds
- Average Bounce Rate:87.87 %
First of all, know that this data was collected thanks tothe SEOquake extension at the time of writing this article, so they may change in the future.
The categories of blog Penguin strategies
You can see that This blog covers several topics categorized in several posts.
L’inbound marketing
First, you have the section of the blog that talks about inbound marketing. This is a category filled with many articles to learn how an inbound marketing strategy works.
The blog serves as a source of inspiration and gives you new ideas to test. In addition to this, the blog allows you to connect to a forum of professionals to allow fruitful exchanges on various topics around inbound marketing.
We can therefore say that the Penguin blogstrategies has a good amount of resources on the subject.
Le Digital Demand Generation
In the second category, we have educational articles on the different processes of creating and implementing strategies for acquiring a customer base. This facilitates awareness of products and services among potential customers of a company using the various digital channels.
When we talk about obtaining leads or prospects, it is actually a set of web marketing strategies to be implemented in order to succeed in the different stages of customer acquisition.
We can safely say that this blog is a reliable resource for you to learn about B-to-B marketing.
Referencing (SEO)
This is the third section of the blog and it refers to natural referencing. It’s a hot topic and full of new trends every day. It is therefore important to be up to date with news and new changes.
Like most blogs in the digital marketing category, the Penguin blogstrategies explains the importance of the subject by sharing informative articles on content optimization and the technical aspects of a website so that it is well positioned in Google.
Note that the Penguin blogstrategies is a great source to learn cool things about SEO driving more targeted traffic and generating more sales.
Le PPC Service
Do you know that PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising is one of the most used methods of marketing by big brands? It consists of posting ads on search engines and paying for each click of a prospect that leads to your website.
This method is used to create a database or to obtain potential customers in the short term and very quickly.
In combination with other strategies like SEO, content marketing or social media marketing, PPC becomes 10x more productive to achieve business success.
If you plan to use the PPC, then I advise you to subscribe to the Penguin blogStrategies in order to understand the concept and above all to be informed of new strategies.
Event Marketing
This category is quite special and generalizes a very large number of concepts studied in webinar sessions by experts from the Penguin agency.strategies and distributed to blog subscribers.
These virtual conferences are facilitated with the aim of being able to be in direct contact with subscribers and prospects who want to learn more about digital marketing.
The contributions of solutions or the elements of answers are all the great interest of this section of the Blog. The videos are pre-recorded and hosted on the Blog to serve as a collection to facilitate viewing as many times as you like.
This section is a beforetaste of the wealth of information that you cancollect grace to this blog as a professional, beginner or entrepreneur.
Other resourcesyou blog Penguinstrategies
Beyond the different categories, you also have a section where you can get collections of PDF books as well as how-to videos. Some resources are available for download. In this section you can learn:
- SEO for B2B CMOs;
- B2B Tech Marketing ;
- Inbound Marketing ;
- Lead Generation ;
- Etc.
This part of the Penguin blogstrategies will also allow you to be better equipped with knowledge and practice on major topics concerning digital marketing.
The Penguin Blogstrategies allow guest posts?
For now, PenguinStrategies does not accept guest posts. Since it is an agency made up of experts, the blog section is managed by these experts in order to provide reliable and enriching information.
However, ourplatform has more than 1000 blogs accepting guest article submissions in almost any field of your choice.
In summary
The Penguin Blogstrategies focuses on strategies that increase visibility, generate more leads, and convert prospects into paying customers. It is a blog that will be useful to you as a professional, a beginner or a specialist.
Videos : Penguin strategies
Images : Penguin strategies

Presentation : Penguin strategies

Perry Funnel is the CEO of PenguinStrategies, a B2B marketing agency highly regarded by its team of experienced professionals. The agency offers a variety of services, including lead generation and client conversion, all of which can be found on its website.
Penguin’s BlogStrategies is an online portal that brings together a wealth of knowledge and expertise on SEO and digital marketing.
It offers tips and informative articles on a range of B2B marketing topics and provides how-to guides to help industry professionals improve their SEO and web marketing knowledge.
The blogPenguin Strategies is also a valuable resource for anyone wishing to keep abreast of the latest trends and best practices in the field of B2B marketing.
This blog is a wealth of explanations on crucial topics for this sector. For an interview withPerry Funnel, you can reach him by:
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Others Ressources : Penguin strategies
Alexandre MAROTEL
Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.