Blog | SEO Explorer

Blog | SEO Explorer

Short Description : Blog SEO Explorer

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Browse the SEO Explorer blog for carefully written content on SEO, marketing, and more.

Long Description : Blog SEO Explorer

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The SEO Explorer Blog is an online portal that publishes articles and guides on SEO as well as marketing. The contents of this blog are written to help both beginners and professionals to properly format their site to climb in the SERPs and generate traffic.

SEO Explorer Blog

The SEO Explorer blog is just one SEO blog out there. The site regularly publishes content on its blog to allow its readers to learn SEO with articles written by specialists.

If you are interested in SEO, online marketing and web development, this blog can fill you with its many resources.

In this description, we discover the SEO Explorer blog and the types of content it offers to its readers.

Introducing the SEO Explorer Blog

SEO Explorer is a platform specialized in content production and keyword generation that helps in search engine optimization.

His blog provides its readers with rich articles that cover various topics on the marketing environment, SEO and websites.

This content allows them to improve their visibility so that when people search for products and services related to their businesses on Google, Bing and other search engines, they appear first.

The SEO Explorer blog also features discussions with SEO professionals and industry experts on the latest trends and challenges in the field. And this through podcasts.

Thus, they will be more likely to attract traffic and potential customers to their businesses.

In the content of these different categories, we discover SEO techniques and tools such as:

  • AI tools for content writing;
  • Optimization of the App Store for mobile SEO;
  • The styles of SEO ;
  • SEO Google ;
  • Etc.

SEO Explorer blog metrics

The SEO Explorer blog is characterized by metrics such as:

Website authority score: 38

Average duration of visit: 02min 42s

Average bounce rate: 45.22%

Monthly organic traffic volume: 7.08K

Note: These are figures collected at the time this description is being written. They are first approximate and are likely to vary over time.

SEO Explorer blog categories

The SEO Explorer blog offers its content by categories.

Business development

For this category business development, SEO Explorer bloggers write articles on how to go about recruiting developers who have experience.

This can often be content that relates to:

  • How to conduct research to learn about companies;
  • The latest market trends;
  • How to gain experience in software development;
  • Correction and debugging capabilities;
  • Ability to communicate;
  • Development costs;
  • Etc.

You will also discover content related to the development of the SEO Explorer tool.


In this so-called technical category, the SEO Explorer blog provides articles that explain the technical aspect of SEO for a site. You will find articles on how to use the API offered by the site to optimize your site.

Besides, you discover contents on how to speed up query speed using MySQL. You will also learn how to successfully setup an AI server and install a GPT-NeoX text generator on Rocky Linux (Centos 8/Redhat 8).


In this category marketing, the blog reveals marketing techniques to sell and how to implement each of them online to achieve your business goals.

From tools to implement marketing for your business to capturing the attention of web users across various channels, this SEO Explorer blog category shows you it all.

You can also implement email marketing, this marketing technique which is considered one of the most powerful in the world because of its effectiveness if done well.

Content Marketing

This Content Marketing category offers articles to create and publish quality, relevant and ordered content in order to attract and retain an audience.

The articles in this category provide a thorough overview of the steps to writing effective and efficient content that generates traffic.

Whatever marketing method you use, content marketing must be part of your process, so it is inseparable from marketing itself, which is why you need to understand how it works.

The Content Marketing category of the SEO Explorer blog takes you to the heart of content strategy and you learn the main tactics for achieving your goals using content.

You will also find how to use keywords to get as much traffic as possible to your sites.


In this part, you will discover SEO in all its forms. The methods that allow you to succeed in your SEO from your code to the implementation of your website.

For example, we see tips on keyword research and tools that help in SEO tasks.

Through the content published here, you will have new ways to write content that arouses the interest of readers and makes them want to read you and share your content.

In addition, you will find advice and recommendations from SEO experts so that you can avoid making mistakes during your SEO.

In addition, in this category, we highlight different methods to avoid problems of unavailability of the pages of your website.

There are also ways to improve the position of your website in search results. Using its resources, you will be able to drive traffic to your site, either organically or paid.

Other SEO Explorer blog resources

Apart from its blog posts, the SEO Explorer site also offers podcasts that its visitors can listen to. These are audios that can be listened to online or downloaded.

This content covers different themes, and is divided according to the blog categories that we have discussed previously.

For example, the blog explains the basics to set up a website. The owner of the SEO Explorer platform tells us about his experience with the Google SandBox and the best ways to make the most of Google sandboxes in the world of SEO.

He also tells us about the importance of social links and shows the benefits of having a site with high DA power.

Still in this same category, the blog presents the essentials to know to make the choice of the cloud or the dedicated host taking into account the cost, the bandwidth and other parameters.

Accept guest articles or not

The SEO Explorer site does not accept articles and you cannot submit your guest posts to them.

But if you like SEO Explorer sites to which you can submit guest articles to increase your visibility, you can consult this list of more than 1156 French blogs that accept guest blogging.

In summary

All in all, the SEO Explorer blog is a wealth of SEO and web development resources that all visitors to this site can explore for free as part of site optimization.

Videos : Blog SEO Explorer

Images​ : Blog SEO Explorer

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Presentation : Blog SEO Explorer

Blog SEO explorer logo

SEO Explorer is a free Keyword Research and Backlinks Checker tool. It is an All-in-one SEO tool owned by Keywords Standings Ltd. The said company headquartered in Israel was founded in 2017 and is wholly owned by Barak Weichselbaum.

About Barak Weichselbaum, you should know that he is a entrepreneur. It is also,a former software and computer applications programmer who worked in military intelligence.Barak is based like his company in Israel and more precisely in Netanya in the center of the district.

In the business world, he has developed several other computer programs.Among others, we can cite:

  • security tools;
  • end-user protection interfaces;
  • parental control interfaces…

Even if for the moment Barak does not have a profile photo on Linkedin and he reveals very little about hispersonal information, you can still follow his profile which is as follows:Barak Weichselbaum.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.