Short Description : SEO Camp

Improve your digital marketing strategies by attending the Search Marketing SEO Camp Day event.
Long Description : SEO Camp

The SEO Camp is an association that organizes about ten events a year in all French areas. Among these events is the SEO Camp Day.
The objective of this event is to bring together all people with an interest in SEO. That is, webmasters, SEO consultants, SEOs, etc.
In this camp, many conferences are organized to guide these web players to develop the image of the SEO profession.
Let’s discover together the SEO CAMP Day event which was organized in Aix-en-Provence in 2022.
SEO Camp Day: Presentation of the event
The SEO Camp Day is an event that has been organized in France, specifically in Marseille since 2019.
This year’s edition was held in Aix-en-Provence, a French commune in the South-East, precisely in the Gaoudina restaurant on Friday June 17, 2022.
During the event, experts THIS are present to discuss SEO and the strategies to be put in place to improve digital marketing in 2022.
The SEO Camp Day is organized by Mindfruits And Develink, dthem SEO agencieswho seek to mobilize French SEO players on digital issues.
SEO CAMP Day 2022: Event program
The day of the SEO Camp Day Provence of 2022 generally begins with the installation of computer networks facilitating the connection, breakfast and the opening speech from 8:30 to 9:15.
After this welcome, eight conferences are presented to the participants until 4:45 p.m. accompanied by a round table.
During the day, the participants of the event are entitled to three breaks. This break allows them to dialogue, network and visualize the ecosystem Search Marketing of the environment.
To end the day, an evening is organized in an ideal location for five hours from 6 p.m. During the evening, the participants discuss with each other and various activities and entertainment are set up in a warm atmosphere.
SEO CAMP Day 2022: The conferences of the event
As we mentioned earlier, many conferences are hosted by speakers for attendees during the SEO CAMP Day event of the year.
Google MuM conference and texts generated with artificial intelligence
Starting at 9:30 a.m., the conference led by Michaël TURCAN and Laurent JEAN focuses on methods for optimizing web content using writing tools powered by theartificial intelligence (IA).
These speakers discuss how content creators can use AI to create content that meets user expectations.
They also discuss how to format the content generated with AI to adapt to theMuM, a technology that allows Google to better understand the query ofinternet users.
Conference on the creation of an SEO agency
Marys Meunier, expert in SEO, is responsible for leading a 20-minute conference on the strategies to be implemented to launch a agence SEO in 2022.
During the conference, Valentin Rouault, one of the founders of the agency A car gives tips to facilitate the implementation of web content strategies.
Conference on site depth and its impact on SEO content
This conference, which starts at10:50 a.m. and ends at 11:20 a.m. focuses on the depth of a site and its impact on SEO. This conference is often led by two SEO experts, Didier Mayeur and Hugo Lieutaud.
Remember that the depth of a site is the number of clicks that exist between the home page and a specific page.
Knowing that the budget crawl and the depth of a site are important aspects for e-commerce pages, it is then necessary to know how to manage the number of clicks as well as its impact on traffic.
Conference on SEO and SEA issues
In order to achieve the objectives of a site in terms of visibility, it is necessary to take into account paid referencing and natural referencing.
Although these two SEO strategies are often in competition and sometimes in opposition, they act together to give more visibility to a website.
For 30 minutes, Sébastien Ardouin and Benjamin Thiers, two specialists in SEO and digital marketing, highlight the impacts of a strategy based on the perfect combination of SEO and SEA.
Conference on SEO strategy optimization through Google Ads
With Guillaume Eouzan, co-founder of the Mindfruits agency and author of webmarketing, a conference is held on the optimization of strategiesSEA from Google Ads.
Google Ads is an advertising program that allows you to create online ads to draw the attention of Internet users to a product or service.
During the conference, he also discusses techniques for using this program to guide content creators in developing SEO content.
Conference on Netlinking ROI measurement techniques
Knowing that netlinking or Link Building is one of the levers of referencing a website, the conference led by Marc Turkesteen concerns the issues that accompany the netlinking of asite.
As an SEO consultant and founder of the Netlinking agency(Develink), it also presents the technique for determining the ROI (cost of investment) in an SEO strategy.
Backlink Indexing Conference
This conference takes place 30 minutes after the previous conference,to know from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hosted by Didier Sampaolo, SEO specialist, it highlights the controversies over the indexing of backlinks in search engines.
From this conference, it emerged that the indexing of sponsored content is no longer really guaranteed. It then offers innovative tools to improve search performance on Google.
SEO Experiences Conference
For 30 minutes, from 3:30 to 4 p.m., the various experiences in SEO are discussed during the last conference by Paul Sanches, an SEO Hackers consultant with 20 years of experience.
It presents the important topics that relate to SEO. He shares these experiences as an SEO expert by talking about the successes observed on certain SEO themes such as content generation, indexing, empowerment, etc.
With his status as an SEO pedagogue, he was able to give the methods to use to set better objectives from current quality tools for the implementation of a digital strategy.
Conference on the concept of suffering in terms of SEO content writing
This conference, considered a bonus, started at 4 p.m. and ended at 4:30 p.m. In fact, creating great content requires a lot of effort.
It is moderated by Camille Gillet, a web editor who shows that obstacles are actually powerful factors in writing. The ceremony ends with a dancing and warm evening.
In summary
SEO CAMP Day is an important event that has guided participants on the marketing strategies to put in place to improve their SEO content.
So, if you had the opportunity to participate in one of the editions of SEO CAMP Day, do not hesitate to share your experiences with us in the comments.
Videos : SEO Camp
Images : SEO Camp

Presentation : SEO Camp

SEO CAMP is not a company, let alone an agency, but a French association which was founded in 2008 in a rather particular context.
For the record, the SEO CAMP association had its beginnings at the end of 2007. At the time, David Degrelle and Alexandre Villeneuve, both SEO consultants, noticed for several months a lack of events which brings together SEO professionals.
To do this, they decided to organize a “barcamp” in Paris. This SEO workshop allowed a large number of professional SEOs to express their desire and their desire to form a declared association for the promotion of their professions and the organization of meetings.
Thus, on March 1 of the following year, this association was born, which has its headquarters in Paris, Île-de-France. The first president elected at this time was Philippe Yonnet. The latter is none other than the founder and president of Neper, an agency specializing in digital marketing that uses a scientific approach.
After him, 6 other veterans such as Alexandre Villeneuve or Zohra Belmahdi, head of France Textbroker, headed the association. Currently, at the head of the association is Patrick Valibus, SEO consultant in Lyon.
This association brings together many supporters and members whose main activity is SEO or SEM. As a mission, SEO CAMP wishes to:
- improve and enhance the knowledge of Search Marketing in the company and for the general public;
- organize more meetings, sharing and mutual aid between its members;
- represent and defend the interests of SEM near institutions and search engines…
Finally, the SEO CAMP association organizes dozens of SEO and Marketing workshops each year in France and elsewhere in the French-speaking world.
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Alexandre MAROTEL
Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.