Expertisme | Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Expertisme | Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Short Description : Expertisme


Discover distance learning Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM) and its content.

Long Description : Expertisme


This is operational training which will teach you to master the GTM tool, to implement tags and to manage their deployment in complete autonomy. Intended for marketing and sales professionals and business leaders, this tailor-made training will allow you to deploy an advanced marking plan adapted to your needs.

Training “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)”

You’re not good at coding, but you want to deploy and manage tags on your site? Google makes this possible thanks to its tags.

Indeed, the search engine provides tags that allow you to install and manage marketing tags without making changes to your site.

Its main advantage is its compatibility with non-Google services. However, handling these tasks is not an easy task and you must have a minimum of knowledge on the subject.

The “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)” training solves this problem and allows you to learn how to get started with GTM.

Through this article, let’s discover this training as well as its contents to get started with Google Tag Manager.

Presentation of the training “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)”

Expertisme, a training organization specializing in supporting professionals, offers you distance training dedicated to the management of a marking plan withGoogle Tag Manager (GTM).

This operational training aims to make you autonomous in the implementation and management of this powerful and essential tool for monitoring and analyzing your online performance.

The target and the prerequisites

It is designed for marketing or communication specialists, e-retailers and business owners who wish to optimize their online presence and improve their performance.

No technical prerequisites are necessary to follow this training, other than possession of a website, access to an accountGoogle Analytics and a computer connected to the internet, equipped with a camera, a microphone and a speaker.

The key stages of training

The “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)” training takes place in several key stages, aiming to familiarize you with the tool and quickly get you up to speed with its implementation.

First of all, you will discover how GTM works. This introduction will allow you to understand the interest and challenges of using GTM for monitoring and analyzing your online performance.

You will learn how to create an account, install the tool on your site and navigate the GTM interface. Then, you will learn about the implementation of GTM.

This crucial step will allow you to master the different tags, triggers and variables necessary for the collection and analysis of data relating to your site and its visitors.

You will also learn how to test and debug your tags to ensure they work properly before deployment.

Dates and locations of the training

Dates and locations are defined according to the availability of each participant. The training is led by a Professional Expert Trainer, guaranteeing high-level expertise and teaching adapted to the needs of professionals.

Follow-up after training

With this “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)”, you will be able to ask the trainer about professional issues related to the training theme, even 12 months after the training.

A 12-month follow-up of the consolidation and evolution of acquired knowledge is also provided to allow trainees to benefit from long-term support and to continuously consolidate their skills.

The themes of the training “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)”

“Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)” offered by Expertisme is a complete training course which includes:


The training begins with an introduction to the challenges of Webanalytics and the essential role of tag managers in optimizing online performance. This is a brief overview of how a Tag Management System tool works.

  • Containers;
  • Tags ;
  • Triggers;
  • Variables and the data layer.

You will also be required to configure and organize your Google Tag Manager account for optimal use.

Google Tag Manager tags

In this second part, you will become familiar with GTM’s built-in tags and custom tags.

With it, you will learn how to configure and use these tags to collect and analyze data about your site and its visitors. The trainers promise to use concrete examples and configurations to help you understand better.


The training will then cover the different types of triggers available in Google Tag Manager.

This will involve learning how to configure and configure the rules and trigger conditions to activate your tags based on the actions and behaviors of visitors to your site.

The variables

In this fourth part, you will discover the built-in variables and custom variables of Google Tag Manager. You will learn how to configure and use these variables to enrich your data and optimize the monitoring and analysis of your online performance.

Configure Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager

This part of the training will teach you how to install Google Analytics tracking with Google Tag Manager. Participants will learn:

  • Implement Google Analytics events;
  • Create Analytics page groups;
  • Track forms and clicks onoutgoing links.
  • Create virtual Analytics pages;

You will also learn how to track the performance of your e-commerce with Google Tag Manager.

Configure advertising tags

This part will be one of the most interesting of the training, because it will teach you how to implement advertising tags like:

  • Facebook tags;
  • Adwords ;
  • L’insight Tag de LinkedIn Ads.

The highlights of the training

One of the strong points of “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)” lies in its tailor-made approach. Before the training, the bets executed by the participant will undergo a free audit.

This audit makes it possible to define a personalized action plan and establish an educational training plan adapted to the needs and objectives of each participant.

In addition, practical cases inspired by the professional activity of the trainee are covered during the training, which thus promotes concrete and immediate application of the knowledge acquired.

Training on GTM also benefits from individual monitoring during and after the training.

This monitoring allows trainees to progress more quickly and benefit from personalized support in the implementation of their marking plan.

Quality training support tailor-made according to the expectations and objectives of each participant.

Other complementary training to “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager”

Expertisme also offers other complementary training, including:

Measure your audience with Piano Analytics

This training will teach you to master the Piano Analytics tool to measure and analyze your online audience. It presents the advanced features of this tool and will allow you to learn how to use the data collected to optimize your performance.

Using Web Tracking (2 days) – New

This 2-day training course will introduce you to Web Tracking and teach you how to use the data collected to improve your online performance.

It is devoted to different tracking techniques and how to implement them to meet your specific needs.

Measure your audience with Piwik PRO Analytics (1 day)

This one-day training will introduce you to the Piwik PRO Analytics tool to measure and analyze your online audience. You will learn how to configure the tool, collect and use data relating to your site and its visitors.

Google Data Studio training: Create and animate your dashboards, metrics and KPIs on the Internet (2 days)

This is a 2-day training course that will teach you how to create and animate dashboards, metrics and KPIs on the Internet with Google Data Studio.

This will involve learning how to use data collected with Google Analytics and other sources to track and optimize your online performance.

In summary

Finally, the distance training “Managing a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)” offered by Expertisme will allow many professionals to master a powerful and essential tool for monitoring and analyzing their online performance.

Thanks to its tailor-made approach, its individual monitoring and its professional expertise, this training will allow you to deploy an advanced marking plan adapted to your needs and to optimize your performance in complete autonomy.


Videos : Expertisme

Images​ : Expertisme


Presentation : Expertisme


Expertisme positions itself as a reference in the field of digital marketing and data analysis.

Specializing in the transmission of advanced technical skills, this entity offers training entitled “Manage a tagging plan with Google Tag Manager (GTM)”.

The latter is intended for professionals who want to master this essential tool for monitoring and optimizing their online marketing actions.

The training demonstrates Expertisme’s expertise in using advanced technologies for web analytics, providing participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively implement and manage tagging plans.

Through this initiative, Expertisme is committed to raising the level of skills in the sector, by facilitating access to complex tools and demystifying their use.

Expertisme’s promise is to make excellence in data management and web analysis accessible, by equipping professionals with the necessary means to make informed decisions based on reliable and precise data.


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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.