FORMATION |  Google Analytics training

FORMATION |  Google Analytics training

Short Description : Groupe Lexom


Discover Google Analytics Training – Measuring the performance of a site with Analytics, training to master Google’s analysis tool.

Long Description : Groupe Lexom


This is a comprehensive, one-day training course aimed at individuals looking to fully leverage the capabilities of Google Analytics to improve the performance of their website. This training covers all key aspects of Google Analytics, including its configuration, interface management, advanced features and post-training analysis.

Description Google Analytics training – Measuring the performance of a site with Analytics

 43.35% of the 10,000 Top ranked websites use Google Analytics. Google Analytics is therefore the tool of choice if you want to improve the metrics of your site in order to better position it on the SERPs.

But Google Analytics is a very complex tool that has many parameters. When you are not sufficiently equipped, it may be difficult for you to use this tool correctly to carry out analyzes and draw conclusions.

It is with this in mind that Lexom Group offers “Google Analytics Training – Measuring the performance of a site with Analytics”, training dedicated entirely to the analysis tool.

Through this article, we will discover this training and its contents. So follow.

Google Analytics Training Presentation – Measuring the performance of a site with Analytics

The “Google Analytics training – Measuring the performance of a site with Analytics” is designed to help people understand and fully utilize Google Analytics to improve their website performance.

With a total duration of seven hours, this course offers an in-depth understanding of this tool and provides practical advice on how to leverage it to achieve your business goals.

Each participant receives, at the end of this training, a certificate which details the educational objectives achieved at the end of the training.

Who Should Attend ?

This training is aimed at anyone who wants to evaluate and improve their site using Google Analytics. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert, in this training you will find all the knowledge necessary to master Google Analytics and make decisions based on concrete data.

What are the prerequisites to follow this training?

The only prerequisites to participate in this training are to be a regular Internet user, to be comfortable with new technologies and to have a Google account.

If you meet these simple criteria, you are ready to start your journey with this training to understand Google Analytics.

What are the additional benefits of this training?

It offers two advantages, including:

  • Option Onboarding Digital : For an optimal learning experience, it is possible to benefit from a complete digital course before the training itself. This includes e-learning modules specially adapted to each area of ​​professional training, as well as access to a library of 40,000 “bureaucracy & IT” tutorials. Thanks to this option, you will arrive in the classroom perfectly prepared.
  • Innovative teaching methods : Interactive lectures, progressive exercises and modern assessment methods guarantee the understanding of theoretical concepts and a lasting anchoring of the skills acquired.

How is this training perceived?

According to the author of the training, satisfaction surveys carried out with thousands of customers have confirmed the excellent quality of the training provided.

The overall satisfaction level is said to be 90%, while 98% of people who take this course would recommend it to their colleagues and friends.

Is this training available in your area?

Google Analytics training – Measuring the performance of a site with Analytics is accessible in many cities located in France.

It is available in particular at:

  • Paris ;
  • Marseille ;
  • Toulouse ;
  • Bordeaux ;
  • Montpellier ;
  • Little ;
  • Strasbourg ;
  • Lyon ;
  • Toulon ;
  • Grenoble ;
  • Etc.

No matter where you live, you will certainly find a session near you.

What are the contents of this training?

This training takes into account:

  • Understanding how Google Analytics works : Understand what Google Analytics can and cannot do, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. Learn to set accuracy, time and budget goals and choose what to measure. Create a Google Analytics account.
  • Interface management : Know how to correctly configure your account, set up the tracking code and navigate the different reports, report groups and filters available.
  • Advanced Google Analytics Features : Deepen your knowledge of the tool by creating advanced segments, managing user events, creating personalized filters, integrating Analytics with Ads and Adsense, etc.
  • Analyse post-formation : Analyze the results obtained during the training and learn to formulate conclusions and make strategic decisions based on the data collected.

Other resources offered by Lexom Group

In addition to training on Google Analytics, the author also offers other training such as:

Soft Skills training

Lexom Group offers training in soft skills, which are behavioral and relational skills important for success in your professional and personal life.

These training courses are designed to help participants develop their skills in communication, leadership, conflict management, teamwork, problem solving, decision-making, stress management and well-being at work .

This is a set of training courses adapted to the needs and skill level of participants.

Web marketing training – Improvement

This training aims to enable you to master the most recent web marketing techniques in order to increase your visibility and your online turnover.

It is aimed at marketing professionals who wish to improve their skills in the field of web marketing, as well as business leaders who wish to develop their online presence.

The training covers all digital marketing topics, namely:

  • Natural referencing;
  • Paid SEO;
  • Content marketing;
  • Social networks ;
  • L’email marketing ;
  • Web analytics.

Marketing career training

This is a comprehensive program that offers training in operational marketing and strategic marketing. These training courses allow you to acquire the skills necessary to:

  • Implement concrete marketing actions;
  • Animate social networks;
  • Create and distribute marketing content;
  • Carry out emailing campaigns;
  • Measure the effectiveness of marketing actions;
  • Define a global marketing strategy;
  • Identify marketing targets;
  • Develop new products or services.

In summary

All in all, the “Google Analytics – Measuring the performance of a site with Analytics” training offered by Groupe-Lexom is an opportunity for anyone looking to improve the performance of their website through the use of Google Analytics.

With a team of highly qualified trainers and a proven methodology, this training offers exceptional value for those looking to develop their web analytics skills.


Videos : Groupe Lexom

Images​ : Groupe Lexom


Presentation : Groupe Lexom


The Lexom Group is a major player in professional training in France. Founded in 2009, this Ardèche group quickly established itself as a leader in many areas of training thanks to its large catalog of more than 1,500 programs.

The website allows you to discover the group’s entire training offering, structured into different thematic subsidiaries.

The site highlights the group’s founding values: kindness, dynamism, rigor and justice, which guide its educational approach focused on the success of the trainees.

You will also find news and practical information on training, with a detailed price list according to the different formulas offered (inter-company economic, inter-company Zen, intra-company, etc.)

The Lexom Group stands out for its presence throughout the country with 280 training centers in France, guaranteeing close proximity with client companies.

The site also highlights the group’s educational innovation, with the development of e-learning modules and blended training.

Recently certified Qualiopi, the Lexom Group was voted best French training organization in the field of IT in 2021.

After raising 10 million euros in funding at the end of 2023, the group is continuing its growth strategy with the acquisition of the Someform Group and the launch of new activities such as the France Carrière platform.

Above Groupe Lexom

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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