Podcast | Support is sexy

Podcast | Support is sexy

Short Description : Elayne Fluker


Are you a woman and you want to overcome obstacles and stereotypes to achieve your professional dreams? The “Support is sexy” podcast is for you!

Long Description : Elayne Fluker


Podcast Support is sexy 

L’entrepreneurship is often seen as a male domain, but women can also be innovative and courageous leaders. They often face obstacles and stereotypes that prevent them from entering this sector that has long been dominated by men. 

The “Support is sexy” podcast’s mission is to inspire women to be courageous and confident in themselves to break down these barriers and achieve their professional goals. 

Description of your podcast 

The Support is Sexy podcast is a show that engages in inspiring conversations with female leaders to inspire women in various regions around the world. 

These conversations focus on the role of support in their personal and professional development, highlighting how they overcame challenges and achieved success. The podcast aims to move listeners by sharing stories of resilience, self-expression and the importance of embracing support to achieve their goals.

Presentation of the facilitator

The “Support is Sexy” podcast is the idea of ​​Elayne Fluker, who is also the main host. She is a coach, speaker and leadership development consultant. She is the author of the book “Get Over ‘I Got It’” and is dedicated to helping women thrive in their personal and professional lives. Her podcast, “Support is Sexy”, is very popular with women. It features engaging interviews with over 500 women leaders who share their stories of struggle and success.

Publication schedule and distribution platforms 

“Support is sexy” is a weekly podcast. Every week, the host tries to publish an episode for her audience.  Podcast episodes are generally around thirty minutes long. But depending on the scope of the theme covered and the characters invited, some podcast sessions last longer and even go beyond an hour of discussion. 

You can find the program on most audio streaming platforms. “Support is sexy” is available on Podcasts Apple, Spotify and Soundcloud. You can also discover more about the host’s world on her official website and his chain YouTube

What are the themes covered? 

“Support is sexy” addresses a wide range of themes. There are often episodes on subjects such as: 

Overcoming Challenges

The “Support is Sexy” podcast focuses on how guests overcame personal and professional challenges. Conversations revolve around topics such as struggles with self-expression, imposter syndrome and the need for outside help. 

Guests openly share their experiences facing obstacles, giving listeners an inspiring insight into how resilience can get through these difficult times. These episodes highlight the importance of vulnerability and honesty in the journey to success, encouraging listeners to embrace their own challenges with courage and determination.

Mental health and well-being

The Support is Sexy podcast also covers topics related to mental health and general well-being. Some episodes focus on the importance of self-care, managing stress, and asking for help when needed. 

Guests share their own experiences and strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. They remind us that sometimes support from outside can be an essential element in getting through difficult times. These discussions offer listeners practical advice on how to prioritize their mental and physical well-being.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Support is Sexy podcast also focuses on the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in various aspects of life. The host invites personalities who share their views on how these values ​​can be integrated into leadership, entrepreneurship and personal relationships. 

They discuss creating inclusive spaces, democratizing technology, and promoting diversity in professional communities. These conversations encourage listeners to adopt an open mindset and promote equity and inclusion in their own lives and communities.

Some recent episodes

To get an idea of ​​the quality of the debates on “Support is sexy”, here are some recent episodes that are published on Apple Podcasts: 

« How to Create Your Signature Talk as a Thought Leader with Fearless Communicators Founder Eduardo Placer »

This episode features Eduardo Placer, founder and CEO of Fearless Communicators, a diverse and inclusive public communications coaching company. Eduardo shares tips on creating a signature keynote address as a thought leader. 

It relies in particular on the pillars of a powerful speech, communicating with authentic power and connecting with your audience through their story.

« The Future of Work, the Great Resignation and What DEI Looks Like Today with Global DEI Strategist Nzinga Shaw »

The guest for this edition of the podcast is Nzinga Shaw. She is a specialist in DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) strategy. With the host, she discusses what DEI looks like now, the truth about the “Great Resignation” and its future. 

She shares her expertise gained from 20 years of experience in this field and her perspectives on how companies can promote a more inclusive and equitable culture.

« How to Build A Brand That’s Strong Enough to Last and Flexible Enough to Evolve with Social Media Expert Altimese Nicole »

This episode is all about tips from Altimese Nicole, a social media and brand building expert. 

She covers topics like managing social media stress, determining the right platform, and building a strong, scalable brand. His tips help listeners make the most of social media in a smart and effective way.

In summary

The Support is Sexy podcast is a show dedicated to women leaders sharing their experiences and advice on overcoming challenges in entrepreneurship. The podcast episodes address interesting topics for any woman seeking emancipation in today’s society.

Videos : Elayne Fluker

Images​ : Elayne Fluker


Presentation : Elayne Fluker


Presentation of the facilitator

Elayne Fluker is a media entrepreneur, host of the “Support is Sexy” podcast for female entrepreneurs and CEO of Chic Rebellion Media. She is also an executive coach, speaker, and leadership development consultant for Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, and fast-growing startups seeking to attract and retain accomplished women. 

She is the author of the book “Get Over ‘I Got It’” and has appeared as a guest on numerous television programs, such as the Today Show and Nightline. She is known for her advice and strategies to help women overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Above Elayne Fluker

Social Network : Elayne Fluker

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