Short Description : Wamcast

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Need an SEO podcast? Discover Wamcast, the podcast offered by the SEO agency Wam.

Long Description : Wamcast

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The Wamcast is a monthly podcast that explores various aspects of natural referencing (SEO) and sometimes paid referencing (SEA). It is a particularly relevant show for large companies, web marketers and anyone interested in digital marketing. Each episode is an opportunity to discover concrete customer acquisition strategies.

The podcast is appreciated by listeners for the relevance of the subjects proposed, but also for the quality of the people invited (project managers, strategy managers, etc.).

Presentation of the Facilitator

The Wamcast podcast is produced by the Wam SEO agency, founded and directed by David Eichholtzer. The team is also made up of several other talents, including Kévin Pinto, the main host of the podcast.

He is a content marketing professional and brand content specialist. An expertise that explains his ease in discussing with his guests the nuances of digital marketing and SEO in particular. Kévin Pinto also contributes to other podcast projects for clients such as Fedcast.

He is active on several professional platforms where he shares insights on SEO and digital marketing. These are interesting publications which strengthen its profile as a key player in the field of digital marketing and content production.

Frequency and format

A new episode of Wamscast is published every month. This monthly frequency allows the Wam team to prepare relevant and well-developed content that responds to new SEO trends.

The length of Wamcast episodes generally varies. For simple themes, sessions can last around twenty minutes, but for more complex concepts, they can last more than an hour. This flexibility allows the team to adapt the length of each episode to the subject matter.

Accessibility and subscription

Wamcast can be listened to on several podcast streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Deezer And Spotify. These are convenient platforms that provide better accessibility. The podcast is also available on the agency website and in video format on the channel YouTube.

What are the themes covered?

On Wamcast, here are the main points that are often covered:

SEO ecommerce

In terms of ecommerce SEO, this show mainly deals with the main issues. For example, one of them is adapting to Google’s frequent algorithmic changes. These updates can seriously affect the ranking of e-commerce sites on the SERPs.

The modifications made by Google to prioritize user experience (page loading speed, mobile friendliness, etc.) force e-commerce sites to continually optimize their technical performance and design.

Hence the importance of setting up constant monitoring and having the ability to quickly adjust SEO strategies.

SEO Trends

One of the major trends observed recently in the SEO world is the emphasis placed on user experience (UX). Google continues to update its algorithm to favor sites offering a quality user experience.

Through Core Web Vitals metrics, the search engine measures factors such as loading speed, interactivity and visual stability of pages on each indexed site. These criteria encourage optimization not only of the content, but also of the technical aspects of a website to improve its overall performance.

Furthermore, we have artificial intelligence and machine learning which are also becoming important themes in SEO. These technologies make it possible to better understand user intentions and optimize content to effectively meet their needs.

Today, there are more and more AI tools capable of analyzing impressive amounts of data to identify SEO opportunities that humans might not perceive.

Synergy between SEO and SEA

SEO mainly focuses on content optimization, site architecture and backlinks to improve the organic ranking of a site. This approach takes time to see results, but it is sustainable and generally costs less in the long run.

On the other hand, SEA involves the purchase of paid advertisements that appear in the first position in search results. This allows for immediate visibility and can be adjusted quickly based on campaign performance.

When SEO and SEA are used in conjunction, they can boost brand visibility and capture both immediate traffic through ads and long-term traffic through organic results.

For example, using SEA keyword data can be useful during SEO optimization of content to target more effective terms. Conversely, SEO insights into content performance can help optimize SEA ads to be more relevant and effective.

Some recent episodes

On Wamcast, here are the episodes that have been published:

“What links between CSR and natural visibility? »

The episode highlights specific strategies by which businesses can integrate CSR into their online content to improve their SEO. This includes using sustainability-related keywords in their content, creating informative content about their CSR initiatives, and highlighting their green and social certifications on their digital platforms.

The show’s participants also highlight the importance of transparency and authenticity in communicating CSR efforts. They explain that today’s consumers are increasingly informed and sensitive to sustainability issues, making it essential for companies to be honest about their CSR actions.

“AI, Search, SEO synergies: state of play of SEA in 2024”

In this episode, the guests took a look at recent developments and future trends in the field of Search Engine Advertising (SEA) with a particular focus on the year 2024.

These include the ability of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform SEA strategies. Indeed, today there are solutions to create more personalized ads, automate auctions or optimize advertising campaigns for search engines.

In summary

With discussions on various themes, the Wamcast positions itself as an essential guide to understanding and exploiting the dynamics of digital marketing. The expertise of the guests and host enriches each episode, making the content both accessible and informative.

More than just a podcast, this program is a real continuing education tool for anyone who wants to stay at the forefront of digital marketing.

Videos : Wamcast

Images​ : Wamcast

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Presentation : Wamcast

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Presentation of the facilitator

Produced by the Wam SEO agency (directed by David Eichholtzer), the Wamcast podcast benefits from the contribution of many talents, notably that of Kévin Pinto, the main host. An expert in content marketing and specialized in brand content, Kévin Pinto excels in the art of conversation with his guests, tackling with finesse the subtleties of digital marketing and SEO.

His expertise is also used for other clients, such as Fedcast, where he brings his podcast know-how.

Active on several professional platforms, Kévin regularly shares analyzes and advice on SEO and digital marketing. These contributions enrich his profile and confirm his essential role in the digital marketing and content creation sector.


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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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